CD or HD?

Aug 11, 2009 at 7:45 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 53


1000+ Head-Fier
May 7, 2009
Just curious to know how technology seduces headfiles, in hifi many are still resistant of digital streams...

If you vote, could you please also write for what reason

I sold my last CD player 2.5 years ago and never looked back
Aug 11, 2009 at 8:52 PM Post #3 of 53
I moved from CDs to PC-based audio years ago.
It is more convenient, and besides I lost the stereo system in the divorce

I no longer miss the stereo system or the ex

I still have a PCDP should I wish to spin a CD.
Aug 11, 2009 at 11:06 PM Post #4 of 53

Originally Posted by NiceCans /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I moved from CDs to PC-based audio years ago.
It is more convenient, and besides I lost the stereo system in the divorce

I no longer miss the stereo system or the ex

I still have a PCDP should I wish to spin a CD.

She took your stereo? Thats evil
. Over my dead body if was in your situation.... you should take it back! I know some very good lawyers
Aug 11, 2009 at 11:23 PM Post #6 of 53

Originally Posted by GuyDebord /img/forum/go_quote.gif
She took your stereo? Thats evil
. Over my dead body if was in your situation.... you should take it back! I know some very good lawyers


Lawyers could cost more than audio equipment

Besides he* can have the stereo, I got the PC and my freedom

[size=xx-small]* see lower right corner of signature[/size]
Aug 11, 2009 at 11:36 PM Post #7 of 53

Originally Posted by NiceCans /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Lawyers could cost more than audio equipment

Some of us are willing to work for audio gear in trade.

And what is a HD stream? Is that a feed off the computer through a DAC?

I'm not opposed to new digital forms, but I just keep finding happiness with a CD player, FM tuner and a turntable. They make me happy, so why change? Why spend more money on something else?
Aug 12, 2009 at 12:01 AM Post #9 of 53

Originally Posted by Uncle Erik /img/forum/go_quote.gif
And what is a HD stream? Is that a feed off the computer through a DAC?

Its a Hard Drive digital stream, normally fed via spidf, usb, firewire to a DAC or via ethernet or wifi to a network streamer that could also act as a dac or transmit to an external dac
Aug 12, 2009 at 12:07 AM Post #11 of 53
HDD absolutely, if I really wanted to get up and swap out a circular object every time I wanted to listen to a different artist, I'd at least do it right and get a proper vinyl rig.

Plus, ~13 tracks on a disc vs as many tracks as I want on a disk (or 2 or 3), plus the ability to stream FLAC anywhere in the house with a $200 piece of hardware, I really don't see the competition at all.
Aug 12, 2009 at 12:16 AM Post #12 of 53
Well I have a CDP that acts as a DAC anyway, but to be honest I play from my PC more so I'll vote for that. I like CDs because they're original copies that can be played and act as a back up, but as far as playing goes a PC is fine for me.
Aug 12, 2009 at 12:21 AM Post #13 of 53

Originally Posted by Uncle Erik /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Some of us are willing to work for audio gear in trade.

And what is a HD stream? Is that a feed off the computer through a DAC?

I'm not opposed to new digital forms, but I just keep finding happiness with a CD player, FM tuner and a turntable. They make me happy, so why change? Why spend more money on something else?

I take it you didn't vote, "I only listen to analogue" is still at 0
Aug 12, 2009 at 1:49 AM Post #15 of 53

Originally Posted by rayk /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Having your collection in flac easily available beats the hell out of digging out a cd from a whole stack of them.

Yay for HD!

I have ~100 CDs alphabetized in a spindle on my 'bedside' rig (CDP/speakers) and my main deal is wear... scratches, etc. It's not all that much of a hassle to choose a CD, but changing CDs and adjusting volume, along with bulk-to-practicality ratio is a dealbreaker.

EDIT: If I lived in my house and had a nice speaker setup, and for some reason didn't have a vinyl rig by that point, I could definitely see using a CDP as a transport for my room.

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