Cayin RU6: R-2R USB Dongle DAC with Head-Amp
Oct 5, 2022 at 6:07 PM Post #2,851 of 3,688
Those who have clippings when playing from an iPhone, I have the solution for you: I purchased ddhifi adapter TC28I PRO that allows to power RU6 instead of the iPhone doing it. The result is very positive. I have no clipping anymore even with full size headphone. Combined with TC09S cable from ddhifi, the sound and build quality are excellent. I had Oeaudio cable in the past that broke after 3 months as I was expecting. This one seems to be much more solid

Oct 5, 2022 at 11:19 PM Post #2,853 of 3,688
Maybe it was my initial bias but I just can't hear a difference between OS and NOS modes anymore. Does anyone know a song where the difference is apparent? Not sure what to listen for at this point. When I first got the ru6 I thought I could hear a difference but now I can't. I assume it's more apparent on tracks that are 44.1khz compared to higher sampling rates. Thoughts?
Oct 7, 2022 at 1:50 AM Post #2,854 of 3,688
The newest dongle DAC in my collection, the Tempotec Sonata E44 has replaced RU6 in my pocket for a few days. It sounds noticeably more detailed that Cayin R2R dongle and almost as musical. Those Cirrus Logic DAC chips sound way more natural than ESS and AKM in my opinion. Imaging was also very good on the Tempotec. Now, I'm back to my usual ladder DAC goodness. The sound is less impressive but still very pleasant.
Oct 7, 2022 at 8:44 AM Post #2,856 of 3,688
Maybe it was my initial bias but I just can't hear a difference between OS and NOS modes anymore. Does anyone know a song where the difference is apparent? Not sure what to listen for at this point. When I first got the ru6 I thought I could hear a difference but now I can't. I assume it's more apparent on tracks that are 44.1khz compared to higher sampling rates. Thoughts?
What IEM or hp are you pairing with ru6?
Oct 7, 2022 at 10:12 AM Post #2,859 of 3,688
I don't think it is useful to me... any way to disable it?? thanks
Andy has explained it many times throughout this thread. I think you may get a better grasp and appreciation for why, by reading the first page, under "High Precision Resistor Array Volume Control"
Our main hesitation with resistor array volume control is not about technical difficulties or budget consideration. The Resistor Array volume control involves switching relays when you hop from one segment to another. The relay will produce very mild pop sound with speakers and is inaudible when you are 2 or 3 meters away from the speaker. Unfortunately the pop noise will become very annoying to sensitive IEM users. For this reason, we need to mute the output for a short moment when a relay kicks in. This will introduce a small delay (around 40ms) in volume adjustment, definitely a set back from user experience point of view. For dedicated audiophiles who put audio performance, this is a small price to pay in order to implement R-2R resistor ladder network in a dongle DAC. but we can understand some users might consider this as a deal breaker, that's why we explained this in detail up front.
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Oct 9, 2022 at 3:37 PM Post #2,862 of 3,688
Yes normal. Got once every 10 press vol button
I get it more often. It sounds like clipping tbh.

I also hate the fact that my OS can't increase the volume over "15%". I can increase the %, but the volume won't increase! Only way to increase/decrease volume is on the amp itself. Why the hell? This is annoying. Fiio KA3 works properly with my OS and it comes without hardware buttons. The Cayin is my first amp/dac where OS volume control isn't fully supported...
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