Sep 29, 2011 at 5:50 PM Post #271 of 1,452
i hope he will be ok. i really love him. she said his kidney level was only 3 points out of the normal range. she said it can go fast or not. she also said it is not anything to worry about today. she said it may even be back in normal range on the next test but if it goes up more than things are not good. she said the kidney level he has now would not cause him pain that would make him fight. however he may have other pain due to his age. she prescribed a mild sedative. they have not fought in three days. i am hoping after that the one starting the fight got scratched he figured maybe it is not worth fighting. i hope he is here for some time i love him to bits. she did tell me they can live with 20% of one kidney for many years and he is still almost normal. i am praying.

i don't know if i ever told the story where i was told a cat had horrible cancer. in the next 3 days i was charged thousands to help her. then i was told there was no hope and he had to put her down. then my sister informed me there was a cat that looked just like her for sale in the paper. i bought her. then they checked for a micro chip. it was my cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i consulted a lawyer but he said i could not prove it. i still have her. she was 11 when this happened she is 14 now.

i trust the current vet. that is not what i was saying. i just felt like telling that story not in relation to the possible current issue.
Oct 1, 2011 at 12:10 AM Post #272 of 1,452
One more picture of my all-gray cat. (And also taken to test my new 50mm F/1.4 


Oct 1, 2011 at 1:59 PM Post #273 of 1,452
Anybody teaching your cats tricks?
Although I also realize my cats have me trained (think about it, I am sure they have you trained as well)
One of my two Burmese guys is pretty smart.
He does up on command
Gives head buds 
plays dead ( I shot him with an imaginary gun and he falls to the ground)
He will bring me whatever toy he wants to play with
My other cat is even smarter.  He has me trained
At night when its cold he taps me on the shoulder to let him under the covers. The deeper the sleep the harder he taps
He wants a fresh cup of water when I go to sleep.  He would usually steel mine but I got a container with a lid.  If I forget he sits in the spot waiting and waiting. If I do not notice him he meows until he gets his water
If I need some privacy I close the bedroom door.  He opens it by hanging on the knob and swinging his body.
If I leave the treats in a cabinet, he gets them.  I have to store them in a canister with a clasp. He knows they are in there and I often find the canister on the floor.
When he wants to be brushed, he opens the drawer and starts swatting at the brush.  If only he had thumbs
If his food bowl is empty, he'll flip it around until it is refilled
If I stop petting him whilst he is in full purr mode,  he will frantically position his head under my hand to get it going again
Resistance is futile 

Oct 1, 2011 at 9:28 PM Post #274 of 1,452
No training, really, but there's some limited communication with the new one.

Birdie has particular vocalizations (chirps, squeaks and squeals, which are pretty amusing by themselves) for when she wants food, water, attention, and let outside. It's nice to have a cat that asks for what she wants. She also knows her name and comes when called.

And Mai Tai is just Mai Tai. She knows her name, but you don't need to call her since she's rarely more than a few feet away. She plays fetch and constantly rolls over - usually looking for a bellyrub. She is also vocal about being fed.
Oct 1, 2011 at 11:21 PM Post #275 of 1,452
Funny as a fan of gangster rap, I wanted to name my guys after rap stars but my wife would have no part of it. I threw some names out and she picked  Marshal and Curtis.  After a few weeks I Brooke the news to her, these are the first names of Eminem and 50 cent   

Gets some weird looks at the vet when we check in next to Mr. puss puss....
Oct 2, 2011 at 6:04 PM Post #276 of 1,452
my neighbor has dogs named biggie and tupac lol. the really funny thing is they do not get along too well. well actually that's not very funny but kinda sorta.

i think all animals are smarter than most people would think. i know this. the cat that was terribly abused took 3 years to warm up and has come out of her shell gradually in one month. i guess she is sure it is safe now. she had to be good and sure. now she is a sweetheart.

i have another that grabs my hand with his two front paws rolls over and puts my hand on his tummy for a belly rub. i had one that used and flushed the human toilet. i am not kidding as hard as that is to believe.

if you want to talk about smart though talk(literally) to my cockatoo's. that is no surprise though i suppose. probably what is a surprise is there many species on my farm that are natural enemies in the wild and best friends here.
Oct 2, 2011 at 6:43 PM Post #277 of 1,452

my neighbor has dogs named biggie and tupac lol. the really funny thing is they do not get along too well. well actually that's not very funny but kinda sorta.
i think all animals are smarter than most people would think. i know this. the cat that was terribly abused took 3 years to warm up and has come out of her shell gradually in one month. i guess she is sure it is safe now. she had to be good and sure. now she is a sweetheart.
i have another that grabs my hand with his two front paws rolls over and puts my hand on his tummy for a belly rub. i had one that used and flushed the human toilet. i am not kidding as hard as that is to believe.
if you want to talk about smart though talk(literally) to my cockatoo's. that is no surprise though i suppose. probably what is a surprise is there many species on my farm that are natural enemies in the wild and best friends here.

I mostly lurk around here.  After a few years of reading, I am able to form pretty accurate opinions on people.  Lets just say the forum and your animals are lucky to have someone like you.... 
Oct 2, 2011 at 11:38 PM Post #278 of 1,452
thank you. that makes me happy. all our animals are rescued from bad situations. i only work so i can use the money to help the animals. the farm is my true calling. i wish i could help every abused animal in the world. i am a vegan too. they are all that really matters to me.

on another note, the fighting cats have all but stopped, i am pretty sure the older one is ok. at least i pray so. i do not know if it was the medicine or the fact that i started petting them while the other was not nearby. i just love them all so much.
Oct 3, 2011 at 4:28 AM Post #279 of 1,452
Good for you on the rescues.

Every cat I've had has either been from a shelter or just showed up.

Birdie continues to unwind. I thought she was a little high-strung, but it might have just been nervousness. She started sleeping more while inside and is also lounging on her back for long periods.

It's still hot down here, so she rolls onto her back on the lineoleum where the AC hits.
Oct 4, 2011 at 1:22 AM Post #281 of 1,452
I will be getting a 2 month old Persian cat at the end of the month. Does anyone know the minimum recommended vaccinations for such a cat (core versus non-core)? I've talked to two or three different vets and get conflicting advice as to what is required and what is optional. There seems to be a lot of controversy regarding this. What is your experience? Thanks.
Oct 4, 2011 at 3:48 AM Post #282 of 1,452
I know nothing about medicine or veterinary science.

But I dump the full load of stuff on each beast.

Anecdotally, it seems to work. I give them good food and they all seem to hold on for 15-18 years. Two my parents have are 16 (they're sisters) and are sill active, healthy and take a lot of interest in eating.

Mai Tai got shot up with one of everything about a year ago while getting fixed. She wasn't particularly happy about it, but is doing great. I'll have to dig out the photos of her in the Elizabethan collar. Not a popular fashion accessory.
Oct 4, 2011 at 5:04 AM Post #284 of 1,452
They can handle it. Cats are tough and there's that nine lives thing.

The way I see it, a vaccination is cheaper than sending one back to the factory for repair. :D

All of them are groggy for a day or two after, but they recover quickly and are back to themselves in short order.
Oct 4, 2011 at 5:47 AM Post #285 of 1,452
Never vaccinated a cat but then ours wasn´t caught in the wild. The only thing you have to do is to give them medicine for worms at times since they eat rats, birds and what not. They are a total nightmare about it though. Blending the medicine in the food they don´t even have to taste the food realizing it´s there. You can have them hungerstrike for days. They can be so persistent. Sure they do eat some but they are not fun to have around demanding better food getting infront of your legs and what not. You would wish they where children you could tell them it´s for their own good.
Method B trying to get it down their throat manually is not that easy. Even if you bend their jars open they just play with the tongue to get it out. Using needles not much more success. They don´t seem to be upset about the whole process though everything is fine when you let them go they just don´t want to take the medicine lol.
When they have a tick they have endless patience with you grooming them to remove it.

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