Casino Royale voted best remake ever
Apr 10, 2009 at 5:49 PM Post #16 of 46
I aren't surprised to hear that. The original Casino Royale (starring Peter Sellers (Pink Panthers)) was pretty lousy. OTOH, I don't like the newer bond films at all either. In general I don't like remakes.
Sabrina is the only good one that comes to mind.
Apr 10, 2009 at 8:11 PM Post #17 of 46
On a similar subject, why is hollywood still making terrible remakes of asian horror (most recently A tale of two sisters comes to mind).
What really irks me about this is that they turned a well executed piece of horror into absolute mediocrity, and used the title of another, unrelated film.
Im guessing the $ is all that matters to the makers, but it would be nice if they showed some pride instead of butchering great movies.
Apr 10, 2009 at 9:25 PM Post #18 of 46

Originally Posted by Suntory_Times /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Just wondering MCC if you've read any of the books by Fleming. You'll be hard pressed to note any large difference between Craigs bond and Fleming's bond. I'm happy where finally getting back to the roots of bond (after a divergence from it beginning with Goldfinger).

This was my feeling exactly having read a good amount of the bond novels. The movies are good, and nothing compares to Dr. No and Goldfinger but after those I didn't care for the "I'm gonna kill a guy and make a witty reference to how" thing that happened too much. Craig plays a great Bond, as was originally intended by Fleming. They kept very close to the Casino Royale book which I was also very happy about, and they changed it where they needed to because who the hell knows how to play baccarat, honestly. Casino Royale and Craig nailed the whole point of Casino Royale, it was Bond really turning that corner from retiring and becoming that cold, calculating killer.

-And if you want to get technical it isn't a remake because the original Casino Royale was not a Bond movie.
Apr 10, 2009 at 10:15 PM Post #19 of 46
the new bond movie is dreadful wrt to the bond movies, I could care less if its "true to the books", the movies are their own beast, and should've been left as their own beast, even if that makes the purists cry about "this", "that", and "the other thing" being amiss

King Kong was torture, and I could not finish it in one sitting

Ocean's Eleven was nothing like the original, it lacked the flash and panache of the first movie (c'mon, you don't have the ratpack, you get George Clooney and MAAAAATTT DAAAAMONNNN instead), it was more of a "high tech" heist movie, instead of a "vegas heist" movie (and the spawned sequels are just painful on the whole)

one remake I'm glad didn't make it onto the list is the modern rendition of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" (again, could care less about "Truth to the book", that movie was just cold and evil, the musical was/is great, and the book is very good as well, but somewhat different)
Apr 10, 2009 at 11:27 PM Post #20 of 46

Originally Posted by Rassilon /img/forum/go_quote.gif
So what you're saying is that the bond in the books is a **** with no class or charm?

Im basing my opinion off the movies. I havent read the books. if what you say is accurate, than every previous bond movie missed the books significantly.

For the most part the movies have missed what bond is like from the books, with the exception of Lazzenby film 'her majesty's secret service' and to a lesser extent Dr.No and From Russia with Love. Bond is a cold killer who has class and charm, but not in the same way as shown in the 'old' bond films (and a lot less so in the Casino Royale novel as well).

I personally find having a character you can emote with and thus care about more interesting then the contant 'witty' lines etc as you kill someone whilst getting the girl. Whilst this worked in a couple films, it was time for a fresh change. Thankfuklly Craig's bond and the direction has changed significantly. I also hop Craig's bond get's his own character arc and completed story.
Apr 11, 2009 at 12:51 AM Post #21 of 46
a complete character arc and completed story would be AOK in my book, I just don't like where the series is right now (its too incomplete, so unless they give it a proper story arc, its just gonna dangle around forever)

mostly because I'm tired of seeing "emo" versions of characters (we've got an emo hulk, an emo bond, an emo kirk, emo x-men, emo terminator, and so on, yeah, characters should have emotions, but angst and agony aren't the only thing people are able to feel, yes I realize hollywood is incapable of anything but reboots and trying to reach modern teenagers (which means emo is the new action hero) but c'mon....)
Apr 11, 2009 at 1:56 AM Post #22 of 46

Originally Posted by obobskivich /img/forum/go_quote.gif
a complete character arc and completed story would be AOK in my book, I just don't like where the series is right now (its too incomplete, so unless they give it a proper story arc, its just gonna dangle around forever)

mostly because I'm tired of seeing "emo" versions of characters (we've got an emo hulk, an emo bond, an emo kirk, emo x-men, emo terminator, and so on, yeah, characters should have emotions, but angst and agony aren't the only thing people are able to feel, yes I realize hollywood is incapable of anything but reboots and trying to reach modern teenagers (which means emo is the new action hero) but c'mon....)

It's a very good point about emo characters. Largely, I don't care about the details of the character's motivation. In my opinion, the last 30 minutes of Casino Royale could have been cut; otherwise, I enjoyed it.

Quantum of Solace on the other hand was an OK action film, but it had way too much detail about 'water rights' and other such nonsense. Bring back the larger than life villains with laser beams orbiting the Earth (and sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads!). If we want to see corporate villains we can simply read the newspaper.

Let's hope the next Bond villain isn't involved in some sort of stock market shenanigans that requires a government bailout.
Apr 11, 2009 at 2:29 AM Post #23 of 46

Originally Posted by fordgtlover /img/forum/go_quote.gif
In my opinion, the last 30 minutes of Casino Royale could have been cut; otherwise, I enjoyed it.

The movie doesn't give a lot of context to this part of the movie, but Casino Royale is the first Bond novel, and so Bond just got his 00 status. The end is supposed to make you feel that he can't hack it, and he almost quits. The greatest part of the end is when the girl dies, (the ending is different in the book) Bond shuts off that last little section of emotion and he becomes the killer spy that we know. I know a lot of people say they don't give a crap about how close they are to the books, but the best Bond movies follow the books the closest. Goldfinger and Dr. No are probably the top two and they follow the books very closely.
Apr 11, 2009 at 2:47 AM Post #24 of 46

Originally Posted by smrtby123 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The movie doesn't give a lot of context to this part of the movie, but Casino Royale is the first Bond novel, and so Bond just got his 00 status. The end is supposed to make you feel that he can't hack it, and he almost quits. The greatest part of the end is when the girl dies, (the ending is different in the book) Bond shuts off that last little section of emotion and he becomes the killer spy that we know. I know a lot of people say they don't give a crap about how close they are to the books, but the best Bond movies follow the books the closest. Goldfinger and Dr. No are probably the top two and they follow the books very closely.

I didn't have a particular problem with the intention to expose the reason for his inner turmoil etc. I thought it took way too long to tell that part of the story. I'd have to watch the film again to make any further comment, I pretty much switched off (mentally) in the last 30 minutes.
Apr 11, 2009 at 8:47 AM Post #26 of 46
I have to agree that both casino royale and quantum of solace did not please me as much as previous bond films. They didn't have that authentic bond film feel and I had a hard time following the plot progression..especially in Quantum of Solace. Plus, they blew up the DBS wayyy too early in Casino Royale. It only had like 3 minutes of screentime.
Apr 11, 2009 at 10:12 AM Post #27 of 46
I didnt like Casino Royale at all, it was just too generic action flick.

But... am I the only one who liked Quantum Of Solace? IMO its MUCH less action oriented. 3 minutes of screentime? Nonsense, I just watched it yesterday. Those few action scenes were very crappy though, too chaotic and restless, hard to follow, but atleast they end quick (thank god, if there is anything I hate is stretched action sequence with two guys changing blows unnecessarily long). But what was behind those scenes was a very good story with interesting characters, it actually felt like an agent movie. Not bond movie, (I guess the end has come to old bond movies) but still solid agent movie. Casino Royale almost butchered all hopes for good bond movies with agent spirit, but QoS revived my interest. Cant wait how the Spectre organisation unfolds in next movies.
Apr 11, 2009 at 11:42 AM Post #28 of 46

Originally Posted by obobskivich /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm tired of seeing "emo" versions of characters (we've got an emo hulk, an emo bond, an emo kirk, emo x-men, emo terminator, and so on, yeah, characters should have emotions, but angst and agony aren't the only thing people are able to feel, yes I realize hollywood is incapable of anything but reboots and trying to reach modern teenagers (which means emo is the new action hero) but c'mon....)

The new Bond and Incredible Hulk are emo (I shall not comment on the new Terminator as I haven't seen it, and I doubt you have either)? In what way are they emo? (aren't those people who hate life and have those funky haircuts like peter had in Spider-Man 3 [which was painfull to watch]).
Apr 11, 2009 at 11:46 AM Post #29 of 46

Originally Posted by MaZa /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Cant wait how the Spectre organisation unfolds in next movies.

I don't think this organisatin is the Spectre company as it is revealed to be called 'quantum' at then end of quantum of solace.
Apr 11, 2009 at 11:49 AM Post #30 of 46

Originally Posted by Suntory_Times /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I don't think this organisatin is the Spectre company as it is revealed to be called 'quantum' at then end of quantum of solace.

Hmmm... I didnt realise that the Quantum meant the organisation, I thought it was something else. Spectre was just obvious choice as that was the company bond was fighting in the first bond movies, and Casino Royale and QoS are prequels to those, sort of. Its a shame if Spectre doesnt make an appearance in this new bond serie.

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