Cascade Headphone by Campfire Audio
Sep 18, 2019 at 10:36 AM Post #1,711 of 2,747
@Wes S
Just lower your expectation. Especially in planars I´ve heard bass which is more precise and reaches lower. For a portable dynamic closed back it`s a very good bass. The midbass is emphasized, maybe similar to the atticus. This strong emphasis gives the overall sound signature a more euphonic "warmer" characteristic. The highs are rolled off, for me they never get fatiguing.
Sep 18, 2019 at 10:43 AM Post #1,712 of 2,747
@Wes S
Just lower your expectation. Especially in planars I´ve heard bass which is more precise and reaches lower. For a portable dynamic closed back it`s a very good bass. The midbass is emphasized, maybe similar to the atticus. This strong emphasis gives the overall sound signature a more euphonic "warmer" characteristic. The highs are rolled off, for me they never get fatiguing.

I agree with @Kopf the bass is pretty good for portable but there are presumably better options out there. Like Kopf says however, they aren't fatiguing at all. They do many things right in my book but from a purist perspective, there's always better I guess so it depends on the expectations!

@Kopf If you remove the white filter, you get less rolled off highs apparently. I wouldn't do it myself but figured I'd throw it out there :)
Sep 18, 2019 at 11:38 AM Post #1,713 of 2,747
Yes, I´ve tried every filter. My favourite setup is with cloth pads without filters. I`ve read this post (#1682) of you and obvious you are interested in buying the cloth pads. Just check my post #1676. You can buy them as well in germany,, before brexit is coming :triportsad:.
I bought them from the Headphone Company myself (along with a pair of Empire Ears Bravados). Excellent service, and excellent cans - I also favour the cloth pads without filters. Very satisfying.
Sep 18, 2019 at 12:01 PM Post #1,714 of 2,747
@Wes S
Just lower your expectation. Especially in planars I´ve heard bass which is more precise and reaches lower. For a portable dynamic closed back it`s a very good bass. The midbass is emphasized, maybe similar to the atticus. This strong emphasis gives the overall sound signature a more euphonic "warmer" characteristic. The highs are rolled off, for me they never get fatiguing.
I am sure, they are going to be just want I am looking for, and can't wait. I think my expectations, are right where they should be, for what I am looking for, in a portable over ear headphone, as in a compliment to my Campfire Lyra II, under $1000. I get that there is better everything, in other headphones. Thanks!
Sep 18, 2019 at 9:23 PM Post #1,715 of 2,747
Cascade + 4T + Cloth pad is my "stuck in an Island alone headphone". To me it has the perfect Bass and mids. The treble is not as sparkly as what I hear from detail monsters like KSE1500 but still very clear and non-fatiguing. I can listen to this can for hours.
What sets cascade apart is the sense of body, space and realism that no iems regardless of price can match. Airy and spacious enough unlike any other closed-back headphones I have tried. Plus this is a portable headphone and easy to drive.
Sep 19, 2019 at 6:06 AM Post #1,716 of 2,747
Cascade + 4T + Cloth pad is my "stuck in an Island alone headphone". To me it has the perfect Bass and mids. The treble is not as sparkly as what I hear from detail monsters like KSE1500 but still very clear and non-fatiguing. I can listen to this can for hours.
What sets cascade apart is the sense of body, space and realism that no iems regardless of price can match. Airy and spacious enough unlike any other closed-back headphones I have tried. Plus this is a portable headphone and easy to drive.

Seeing as how cloth takes a bit of the oomph and slam of the bass away (cleans it up a bit and opens up a bit more I guess), isn't the T4 overly bright? I may have to try that!

In the meanwhile, I figured I'd share a tweak to my Cascade worth doing for all that suffer from the headband and don't want to mess with bending the steel headband.

Sep 19, 2019 at 3:45 PM Post #1,718 of 2,747
by the way nice cable, this should be a 8 strands silver cable with eidolic plugs, right? Do you hear a difference to the stock cable?
I am curious, about that cable as well? What brand is it, if you don't mind me asking? The fit and finish of the strain reliefs looks stellar.
Sep 19, 2019 at 6:06 PM Post #1,720 of 2,747
by the way nice cable, this should be a 8 strands silver cable with eidolic plugs, right? Do you hear a difference to the stock cable?

It's the alo 8 ref upgrade cable for cascade. I really like the cable and from what I recall, opened soundstage a bit and made it more airy. However I don't have a stock cable anymore as I accidentally broke it by slamming a door into the plug :frowning2: Therefore can't offer a real comparison anymore. Perhaps @Jackpot77 has this cable and could provide some insight.
My best description is the light effect of leather to cloth pads.

The cable really feels like good quality though! No complaints!
Sep 24, 2019 at 6:05 PM Post #1,722 of 2,747
I finally tried the XL Ear Pads and glad I bought them. They were more comfortable and also seemed to clean up the bass. More so than the cloth pads.
Sep 25, 2019 at 3:25 AM Post #1,724 of 2,747
I finally tried the XL Ear Pads and glad I bought them. They were more comfortable and also seemed to clean up the bass. More so than the cloth pads.
Hi, would you mind expanding on the contrast between the XL pads and the cloth? I've read mixed things. I love the sound of the cloth, but the comfort is not as plush as the leather pads. If the XL leather pads tame the bass and give more space, then they sound ideal. Feedback on this would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Sep 25, 2019 at 3:42 AM Post #1,725 of 2,747
Seeing as how cloth takes a bit of the oomph and slam of the bass away (cleans it up a bit and opens up a bit more I guess), isn't the T4 overly bright? I may have to try that!

I don't find it overly bright. Actually, the bass oomph is still there which what makes Cascade unique but just make it less overpowering. I don't find the treble harsh or bright.

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