CanJam Chicago 2023 Impressions Thread (June 24-25, 2023)
Jun 26, 2023 at 5:28 PM Post #91 of 269
Congrats, indeed!

I hear you on the Chicago being underwhelming thing. Not nearly as many vendors as NY or SoCal but after two years attending, I’m starting to think that’s its charm, as a nice counterbalance to the energy and chaos of its larger location siblings. If the venders/gear you’re interested in are there, it’s so nice to get that extended listening time without much worry about waiting in line. And the slower, chill vibe also helps with catching up with peeps, so I kinda hope it stays this way. I’m happy to save the madness for SoCal.
Agreed! I feel Chicago having a calmer event plays well in comparison to the other canjams. Side note that this canjam was smaller than it was last year with physical limitations bc Hyatt is a smaller place than last years Marriot Marquis, which felt real spacious in comparison. If i were to want nuts, id go socal or maybe dallas will be nuts this year
Jun 26, 2023 at 5:32 PM Post #92 of 269
Congrats, indeed!

I hear you on the Chicago being underwhelming thing. Not nearly as many vendors as NY or SoCal but after two years attending, I’m starting to think that’s its charm, as a nice counterbalance to the energy and chaos of its larger location siblings. If the venders/gear you’re interested in are there, it’s so nice to get that extended listening time without much worry about waiting in line. And the slower, chill vibe also helps with catching up with peeps, so I kinda hope it stays this way. I’m happy to save the madness for SoCal.
Totally agree with this take. Initially I was a touch underwhelmed having attended NYC earlier this year, but as the weekend progressed I came to value the space/relaxed nature of the show. In NYC, I felt odd taking more than 5 minutes with an IEM, Chicago allowed for much more listening time without holding up a crowd. That plus a Lou Malanati's? More than worth the flight over from NYC!

TBH, the only thing I'd change is the addition of Musicteck/the brands that only they represent.
Jun 26, 2023 at 5:48 PM Post #93 of 269
This post will echo some of what I said in my post in the Atticus and Eikon thread last night, but on Saturday I went to my first CanJam and wanted to give some impressions. I've been interested in headphones for several years but have only even owned the Hifiman HE400i and HE5XX, and then a couple years ago I got HD 6XXs and stopped paying much attention to the hobby once I had my setup of those being driven by a Modi Multibit and Vali 2+ with a 1950s RCA 6SN7GTB short bottle. Recently I got the Modi Multibit 2 and also switched to a Magni Piety to simplify transporting the amp, and also to avoid diving into the tube rabbit hole for now. I had also been looking for closed backs around $1000, so I decided to go to CanJam to try some out.

I remember after getting the HD 6XXs years ago I felt that the ZMF Aeolus would probably be the ultimate upgrade for me some day, and that seemed to be somewhat true, as I left CanJam with the Atticus. I got to try all the ZMF closed backs on my amp and DAC, and I found the Atticus and VC were my favorites. I maybe marginally preferred the VC (although it was hard to tell with the quick comparisons), but the Atticus was such a good value proposition for me as a budget-constrained grad student, so that's what I felt comfortable buying. After getting home and putting on the suede Ori pads, I'm even more thrilled with my decision!

Meeting Zach and Bevin was a joy, and needless to say they were extremely kind. Also shoutout to Katharine for helping me quite a bit with finding the headphones I wanted to try, sharing my love of the Atticus, and even setting aside the pair that I came back later in the day to buy. Since I was focused on comparing closed backs and also since the room was somewhat loud and packed, I didn't even try any of the ZMF open backs while I was there. However, based on everything I've read I imagine that the Caldera would be the perfect headphone to complement my Atticus, and I think that would be my ideal collection of two headphones. Hopefully in two or three years when I finish my grad program I can get a stabilized set as a present for myself. Although who knows what else ZMF will have come out with by then!

There were many booths I didn't get a chance to visit, but I did get to try the DCA Aeon 2 Noire and Stealth, as well as the Audeze LCD-2 Closed. The DCAs were super comfy and clearly sounded good, but I wasn't able to try them on my amp and DAC and ultimately just didn't feel the same connection that I did with the Atticus. Since I wasn't able to direct A/B the ZMFs with the DCAs and Audezes, I did find it somewhat difficult to keep their differences in mind. Honestly I think my listening memory is just bad, and there was also a lot to take in. What ended up standing out to me from Audeze was not the LCD-2 Closed, but rather the MM-100. One of the employees and I were talking about our shared love of the HD 6XX series, and he recommended I try the MM-100. I was very impressed with them, and my friend who I brought to the show (who isn't at all part of this hobby) actually had her favorite listening experience of the day with the MM-100! I did hear many of the similarities with the HD 6XX since they have a very natural timbre and are similarly tuned. Of course being planars they had wayyyy better sub-bass as well as imaging and soundstage. The vocals were maybe just a bit less intimate than on the HD 6XX. In almost all ways I found them to be an improvement though, and for the $400 price they'll be released at I don't think someone could go wrong with these. I'd say my ears are on the larger side so when I saw their rather small looking cups I was a bit worried, but I found them very lightweight and comfortable and didn't have any issues with the pads pushing against my ears.

My friend and I also got to try the HE-1, and my impressions are largely similar to @tvrboy - I couldn't think of any real weaknesses of the headphones and they sounded ridiculously natural, but for me it wasn't the moment of enlightenment that many seem to experience. I listened to Jigsaw Falling Into Place by Radiohead and Wild is the Wild by Nina Simone. I've never heard the guitars on Jigsaw sound so life-like, and the same goes for Nina Simone's vocals and piano. So while the reproduction of the music seemed pretty flawless, I did feel there were quite clear diminishing returns and I can see some people (maybe myself included) preferring a slightly more colored representation of the songs.

It's also fun connecting usernames from this thread to some of the people I saw at CanJam. My friend and I had our HE-1 listening session with @DeweyCH who let me try the Lithium Alkali headphones he made. It was really nice meeting you and briefly chatting during the listening session. I don't believe I gave any impressions in person since I did my listening while you were listening to the HE-1, so I just wanted to include some of my noob-ish impressions here from the few minutes I had with the Alkali. The TLDR is that I thought they sounded excellent and after getting home and checking them out on the Lithium Headphones website, I was shocked that they were $600 and not $1000+. I only heard a few minutes of Us and Them on them, but they struck me as very natural sounding with a satisfying amount of openness and air. Also, I was listening to these right after listening to the HE-1, and I still thoroughly enjoyed those few minutes with them! The tuning also seemed a good fit for my preferences. I'm pretty sensitive to upper mids and lower treble and didn't experience any sort of fatiguing qualities. If I were in the market for an open back dynamic under $1000, I would feel confident picking these just from that short experience. I hope these get the attention I think they deserve, and it seems like there's been a lot of positive feedback from those who tried them at the show, so that's promising!
Man, thank you so much for the kind words. I appreciate your giving it a listen in the first place, especially after that Senn powerhouse. That HE-1 is something else.
Jun 26, 2023 at 5:53 PM Post #94 of 269
Canjam chicago 2023 was literally the best weekend in a really long time. Being a healthcare professional, I don't get a lot of time off on the weekends. Not only I got to meet two of my heroes, @zach915m and @BooUrns and the entire zmf team, I also got to see first hand just how insanely cool this hobby can be. For the first time since I got into this hobby 6 years ago, I felt like I belong in that room where I was not being judged/ridiculed for spending so much money on gears. In fact, I was encouraged to try out different types of headphones and amp/dac that I had never heard of.

However, my biggest achievement from canjam chicago was a somewhat personal one. I went to canjam for the headphones, but I came back with a fiancé.
Congratulations !!!
Jun 26, 2023 at 6:03 PM Post #95 of 269
Agreed! I feel Chicago having a calmer event plays well in comparison to the other canjams. Side note that this canjam was smaller than it was last year with physical limitations bc Hyatt is a smaller place than last years Marriot Marquis, which felt real spacious in comparison. If i were to want nuts, id go socal or maybe dallas will be nuts this year

I think this year's Chicago event was significantly better than last years. Of course, it helped that it wasn't on Father's Day Weekend, parking was free and it wasn't just post-Covid.

I do wonder if some manufacturers were waiting to feel this one out and make sure it fared better than last year (which it did). I hope that it's a bit bigger of an event next year, although it'll still likely be much smaller than New York or SoCal.
Jun 26, 2023 at 6:30 PM Post #96 of 269
I think youre the guy i met right before my he-1 listen. I hope your endeavor acquiring an he-1 goes well, you my friend are a hell of an interesting person!
Thanks man! Yep, I think I might be that guy. Was wonderful meeting you! :) The HE-1 sounded superb, and I love the collectability of it. Hoping to spend a little more time with it in the near future before getting an order in. I also really loved the combination of the Headamp Grand Cayman with the Hifiman Shangri-La Sr. I'm frankly shocked I do not see more Shang Sr around for how good they are even if they are fairly costly.
Jun 26, 2023 at 6:32 PM Post #97 of 269
This was my first canjam. It was pretty underwhelming. I expected many more vendors. So much gear that was not represented. Being from nowhere Illinois, I really thought it would be my chance to audition a lot of gear.
Being local, ZMF was there in a big way. Kudos to Zach and the team. While the room could/should have been larger, they did a great job with the available space.
About 7 months ago I purchased my first pair of ZMF headphones. The Verite Closed (VC). I was so flipping excited to get them! Unfortunately, they just didn't work out for me. I didn't care for the sound at all. Figuring all ZMFs have a "house tuning", I pretty much wrote them off. As the rest of the show was just so-so, I decided to go in and give them another listen. The new, yet to be named portables, were interesting. Still some tuning work to be done I think. Not bad given the $1000 price point.
Next I listened to the new Atrium Closed (AC). All I can say is WOW! Just amazing. Not at all like the VC, which for me was a pleasant surprise. Over the course of the day Saturday, I probably went back in the room five or six times. I went home with a pair of AC and a Cayin HA-3A amplifier. I had wanted to try that amp for some time but didn't like the idea of shipping it back if I didn't care for it. Zac had a few at the shop and brought one back for me Sunday morning! While I will probably not go back to canjam Chicago, I am indeed a very satisfied ZMF customer.
Congrats on the AC! Their ZMF room was very fun indeed and it's REALLY beneficial to have all of the amps there. Kudos to the whole crew for all the hard work to get them in and out for the show. You're exactly right that the VC and AC are different animals for different tastes. After hearing the AC I went back to my Universe Suede pads on my VC to bring some more clarity back (seems like I always end up going back to those) and it's like an entire new pair of headphones again. If you get a chance, try some pad rolling. It's remarkable how much of a difference it makes!
Jun 26, 2023 at 6:36 PM Post #98 of 269
Thanks man! Yep, I think I might be that guy. Was wonderful meeting you! :) The HE-1 sounded superb, and I love the collectability of it. Hoping to spend a little more time with it in the near future before getting an order in. I also really loved the combination of the Headamp Grand Cayman with the Hifiman Shangri-La Sr. I'm frankly shocked I do not see more Shang Sr around for how good they are even if they are fairly costly.

I don't push the Sr. on to people, but do often mention to people that have 2-3+ $3-$5k headphones that they may want to consider consolidating and trading up. Although they're expensive, they are within the realm of reasonable given the cost of some people's collections. I'm glad you got to try them, good luck when your pair arrives!
Jun 26, 2023 at 6:40 PM Post #99 of 269
Canjam chicago 2023 was literally the best weekend in a really long time. Being a healthcare professional, I don't get a lot of time off on the weekends. Not only I got to meet two of my heroes, @zach915m and @BooUrns and the entire zmf team, I also got to see first hand just how insanely cool this hobby can be. For the first time since I got into this hobby 6 years ago, I felt like I belong in that room where I was not being judged/ridiculed for spending so much money on gears. In fact, I was encouraged to try out different types of headphones and amp/dac that I had never heard of.

However, my biggest achievement from canjam chicago was a somewhat personal one. I went to canjam for the headphones, but I came back with a fiancé.
Wow congratulations! May you have a wonderful lifetime together!
Jun 26, 2023 at 6:50 PM Post #100 of 269
First Canjam for me here. I too was a bit disappointed with the lack of variety, but I am still more than happy to have had this opportunity and I am thankful to the organizers and vendors that made this happen!

A few quick impressions I had.
The Corina was a little shy up top for my liking, but it is probably the most percussive electrostatic I have heard yet, especially on the Blue Hawaii amp. I was not a fan of it on the Z10e. Felt too smooth up top and lacked engagement. Might've just been background noise differences in the main hall vs the side room.

The Expanse was good! I was surprised by how much isolation the design provides. I liked it better on the RME than the Schiit Ragnorak. The RME sounded more forward which helped the damped qualities of the DCA headphone. Not for me, due to an aversion to overly damped headphones, but it is clearly an amazing product.

The X9000 is still my favorite headphone that I wish I could buy. It does everything I want - the crispness in articulation and an accurate timbre while having a holographic soundstage. From my memory of hearing it previously on the Blue Hawaii, I think the Grand Cayman was a noticeable step up in both resolution and especially dynamics.

LCD-5 are still my favorite non-electrostatic headphone. Very percussive both down low and up top. I tried them on the Holo stack and the dCS stack, and I found the Holo stack much more aggressive and percussive while the dCS sounded smooth. I noticed that the fazor array on the 5 and the MM500 was smooth and not pointy. I must've either not noticed this on previous listenings or this was a change I missed.

This is the first time I heard the Susvara and it was great! Hard to tell exactly how good it is in a noisy listening environment, but to my preferences, I liked it more than the Focal Utopias, but perhaps it was not as engaging as the LCD-5 is. I don't think I'd consider owning one.

Solitaire headphone was too laid back for my tastes.

Meze Elite is too laid back for my tastes but had good dynamics.

ZMF - Loved the neutral line (Auteur and Atrium) which has great dynamics. TBH my favorite part of the whole show was trying the Atrium on the different amps. My favorite was the custom black tube build directly left of the Feliks Envy. Very saturated but with superb dynamics. I also realized how much I like impedance adjustment options on my amps like on the Cayin amps and the Envy.

This show solidified to me that as far as headphones go, I don't feel like anything is an upgrade from an EQ'd HD800 for my values until the LCD-5. I do have a desire to get several amps though. The SPL Phonitor, Ampsandsound, and Cayin have earned my respect in the ~2-3k amps. Kicking myself for not listening to the Ferum Oor.

Also had a great time talking with Andy from DCA. He was a fantastic person and we (including my girlfriend) had a great time talking about the music industry life and New Jersey.
Jun 26, 2023 at 6:52 PM Post #101 of 269
Wow congratulations! May you have a wonderful lifetime together!
Thank you boss 🙏🙏🙏. I sincerely appreciate all the support and well wishes. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking how lucky I am to be part of this small community of giant hearted human beings. Not only do we all share the same neverending passion for music, but we also share a human bond. I m sure most of the folks here have never met me or know anything about me, and yet here you guys are, just blindly wishing me good luck and prosperity out of the kindness of your hearts. And honestly, this weekend, canjam made me realize exactly that. Everyone at each of the booth were so kind and extremely eager to help and answer questions. Certain peeps at the show even borrowed headphones from other booths just because I wanted to give that specific combination a try. This is service that is backed by genuine passion for the hobby. We all want to share our specific type of happiness that we came across in this hobby with the human next to us. Love and support is what I felt from canjam this weekend. Friends and life partners are what I brought home from canjam chicago 2023
Jun 26, 2023 at 8:21 PM Post #102 of 269
I'm a first timer here as well, i enjoyed the show and really wished that linsoul came. I'm not very big into headphones, and my pockets arent very deep. I'd like to see more iems. HE1 was perfection, loved every second of it. bloom audio's section was probably my favorite. those campfire trifectas are a well tuned set. i wish i had more time. i just wanted a feel of how canjams usually go and next time I'll bring some friends along.
Jun 26, 2023 at 8:38 PM Post #103 of 269
However, my biggest achievement from canjam chicago was a somewhat personal one. I went to canjam for the headphones, but I came back with a fiancé.
You thought headphones are pricey? Wait until you have kids...... :laughing:
Jun 26, 2023 at 8:43 PM Post #104 of 269
Canjam chicago 2023 was literally the best weekend in a really long time. Being a healthcare professional, I don't get a lot of time off on the weekends. Not only I got to meet two of my heroes, @zach915m and @BooUrns and the entire zmf team, I also got to see first hand just how insanely cool this hobby can be. For the first time since I got into this hobby 6 years ago, I felt like I belong in that room where I was not being judged/ridiculed for spending so much money on gears. In fact, I was encouraged to try out different types of headphones and amp/dac that I had never heard of.

However, my biggest achievement from canjam chicago was a somewhat personal one. I went to canjam for the headphones, but I came back with a fiancé.
What hp did she buy for you?! 😁
Jun 26, 2023 at 8:49 PM Post #105 of 269
I went to canjam for the headphones, but I came back with a fiancé.
Congrats! That's going to be one impressive wedding registry. It's not possible to have too much audio gear, right?

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