CanJam 08: Team Florida Invites All Their Friends...
May 8, 2008 at 7:50 PM Post #406 of 664

Originally Posted by boomana /img/forum/go_quote.gif
~~~ Snip ~~~

Purk had sent a box that we somehow missed at the opening of the meet. Mike brought it out mid-day on Sunday. We thought it was L3000s (which I don't recall seeing elsewhere), and didn't even open it because we were fried
It turns out that he'd sent nikongod's modded D5000s, my one gear request, and I missed it. The box went back unopened.

~~~ Snip ~~~

Not so fast, woman! Purks box with the modded Denon D5000s did get opened and used, and here's the story.

At one point in Sunday's proceedings, Jack Wu asked if there were a pair of Leatherheads in the house as he had never heard them, and would love to do so from his amps. I set about searching for a pair, asked you if you had seen any, at which point you pointed me to Purk's box with a "Purk sent his down, the box is over there."

I snagged the box, took it over to Jack, and said "Here you go, man, your wish is our command." I then went on to other things, feeling quite smug in pulling that off so easily. About two hours later, I checked back with Jack to see if the L3000s were all that. Only at that point did I learn that brother Purk had sent us the lovely nikongod modded D5000s. I apologized to Jack for being misinformed, blamed the whole mess on you, and sheepishly walked away.

Oh, how were the modded D5000s? Excellent from the new Wu two box 6. Far better than I remember my stock pair being ... bass more controlled and proportional to other freqs, sweet, sweet mids, and no loss of sparkle up top. I still have issues with build quality, but handled gently, they can make many happy.
May 8, 2008 at 8:14 PM Post #407 of 664

Originally Posted by immtbiker /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I vote for keeping meet impression pictures full size (800 X 600 maximum)...I don't really like this new trend of thumbnails that need to be opened one by one to see what they are.
I would rather scroll through dozens of pics that I can glance at, than see a bunch of teeny tiny mystery pics that the photograper took a lot of time and effort to shoot.

Ok mister, I went and updated all my thumbnails to 150% original size at 240x180, hope that makes you a little happier.
May 8, 2008 at 8:47 PM Post #408 of 664

Originally Posted by agile_one /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Not so fast, woman! Purks box with the modded Denon D5000s did get opened and used, and here's the story.

At one point in Sunday's proceedings, Jack Wu asked if there were a pair of Leatherheads in the house as he had never heard them, and would love to do so from his amps. I set about searching for a pair, asked you if you had seen any, at which point you pointed me to Purk's box with a "Purk sent his down, the box is over there."

I snagged the box, took it over to Jack, and said "Here you go, man, your wish is our command." I then went on to other things, feeling quite smug in pulling that off so easily. About two hours later, I checked back with Jack to see if the L3000s were all that. Only at that point did I learn that brother Purk had sent us the lovely nikongod modded D5000s. I apologized to Jack for being misinformed, blamed the whole mess on you, and sheepishly walked away.

Oh, how were the modded D5000s? Excellent from the new Wu two box 6. Far better than I remember my stock pair being ... bass more controlled and proportional to other freqs, sweet, sweet mids, and no loss of sparkle up top. I still have issues with build quality, but handled gently, they can make many happy.

Well...why would I sent the L3000 when you have them Gene? Anyway, I hope you guy get a chance to spend more time with the Nikongod D5000. Beside the recessed midrange and abeit cold presentation, I think it is a better headphone than the stock D5000. Is it as good as the R10, nope. Hope you guy didn't ship it back as of yet, b/c I want you guys to spend more time with it.
May 8, 2008 at 9:21 PM Post #409 of 664

Originally Posted by grawk /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I don't know how many people attended, but I enjoyed the people that did, and it seemed like it worked out pretty well. Could it have been bigger? Of course. The big meets in NY and Cali right before didn't help attendance, I'd guess.


Originally Posted by immtbiker /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I've heard this before and I just don't get the equation.

First of all, this year, approx 80% of the NYC meet was noobs and first timers (honestly, I can show you the attendee list...the Manhattanites didn't even come). The NY contingent was quite scarce being that Easter fell out the 3rd week in March which took everyone by surprise.

Second of all, I don't know about the Cali folks, but anyone that is dedicated enough and can afford an airline ticket, would not, in my opinion, allow a local meet to dissuade them from coming to what is known as "the most funnest time that an audio lover could ever have".

Third of all, for the past 6 years, NYC has always had a local meet in late March early April.

The reason why I dated the first National Meet the weekend of April 18/19th 2006, was so that everyone could receive their tax money back and I gave everyone 9 months notice so they could save up and there couldn't be any legitimate excuses to not come.

If someone is going to go, they are going to go.


I agree with grawk more than immtbiker on this one, but do not agree that the California meet at my house had a detrimental impact on CanJam. My MOA meet was on Feb. 1 -- 90 days before CJ -- for that very reason. We also said that vendors were not part of the meet, per se, and invited them to come as Head-Fi members with a single, personal rig. Craig Uthus is the only one who came and he spent most of the time listening to other member rigs, and did not "sell" his gear at that meet. Also, 11 or 12 people from that meet went to CJ, including all of the members who traveled to be at MOA. Lastly, when some people suggested they would have to choose between MOA and CJ, I unequivocally told them they had to pick CJ. Not being defensive here, I just thought a lot about this issue in planning that meet.

As for the New York meet, I respectfully disagree with Aaron because I think both the 2nd and 3rd national meets were affected to an extent by New York meets in close proximity. I know Aaron went earlier this year to make more room for CJ, but it was still close enough to have an impact. Maybe lots of noobs went to the meet, but certainly some of them and a number of others would have been more likely to make the trip without having the opportunity to see many vendors and members right before. People will not likely state such a choice up front but I think it is a fact of life that a local/regional meet option close in time to a national that requires travel will have the effect of making people less inclined to go to the extra effort for traveling to the national.

This is not a personal attack on anyone or an attempt to blame anyone. I think we had great 2nd and 3rd national meets but I want to make the next ones even better. One consequence of setting the 1st national meet at the same time as the NYC spring meet of years before might mean that NYC should consider reseting its schedule. On the other hand, at least two of the [crazy] individuals thinking about picking up the torch for 2009 are thinking about trying an early summer date to include more of the university/school age folks. We might as well see if some/all of the people who complain about finals being the reason they cannot make it will actually attend without that excuse!
May 8, 2008 at 9:24 PM Post #410 of 664
Hi All,

CanJam was a great event and I had a great time in Florida. Thanks to all who put it together. Your efforts made all of the difference - the show went smoothly and it was obvious to me that a good time was had by all.

Thanks to all of you who came by our room and said hi. Tats from Yamas Enterprises (Stax USA) was a great roommate for the show.

The Head-Fi community once again has shown itself to be a great place to meet people and a bunch of great people to hang out with. It was a pleasure to participate and to see all of you there. I can't wait until next year.

May 8, 2008 at 11:08 PM Post #412 of 664

Originally Posted by blem /img/forum/go_quote.gif
From the pics, it does not look like it was very crowded. How many attended ?

It's a huge room, and not only that, there were several other rooms as well. You don't attend many trade shows, do you? I've attended quite a few with lines out the room for auditioning and demos. I really don't want to see that happen at Head-Fi International Meets.

And if you want to see crowded, the after parties is where crowded and the real craziness happens.

May 8, 2008 at 11:55 PM Post #413 of 664

Originally Posted by boomana /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Craig said that it will be available in August, so start planning folks. It comes with one balanced input, (optional), three unbalanced inputs. It has transformer balanced outs via four pin, or two three pin XLRs; and unbalanced output with standard 1/4" phone jack. Other details:

Tube compliment two 300B, or 45 tubes, one 6SL7.
Power out into Grado RS-1's, 2 watts.
Frequency response +.5dB at 10Hz, -.5dB at 40kHz.
Source out 5 ohms.

i am definitely looking forward to this. i am itching for balanced tube amp. if the B52 were cheaper, i'm pretty sure i would already own one.
May 8, 2008 at 11:57 PM Post #414 of 664

Originally Posted by Edwood /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It's a huge room, and not only that, there were several other rooms as well. You don't attend many trade shows, do you? I've attended quite a few with lines out the room for auditioning and demos. I really don't want to see that happen at Head-Fi International Meets.

And if you want to see crowded, the after parties is where crowded and the real craziness happens.


Sorry to get everyone worked up with my question - I did not mean to imply it was either good or bad to have many people....

Glad to know you had a wild and crazy time after hours.
May 9, 2008 at 12:38 AM Post #415 of 664

Originally Posted by Edwood /img/forum/go_quote.gif
And if you want to see crowded, the after parties is where crowded and the real craziness happens.

65 lunatic Head-Fiers in room 5XX at the same time (including the terrace and the bathtub)...can you say "Moo"! or...Bah-ah"!


Originally Posted by Asr /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Ok mister, I went and updated all my thumbnails to 150% original size at 240x180, hope that makes you a little happier.

Thanks Steve, that was a lot of work. I wouldn't want your hard earned efforts to go unnoticed by viewers using the "Evelyn Wood Speed Reading Technique", browsing through the thumbnails

On the other topic of possible discontent
- I could be easily convinced that my opinion of the meet attendance situation is wrong (I have been wrong once before in my life, but I was 6) if one member openly said that they didn't come because they attended a local meet within 90 days of the National.
In this instance, this year, most of us Tri-State folk that were at the NYC Meet were in attendance at the National, and we only had 3 Vendors attend in March this year and that would be Head-Direct, Woo Audio and S 2 Audio (Scott). Mikhail, Tyll, Ray, and Justin did not attend, so no one got their ya-yas out, already seeing and trying any of their new products.

I am am one who truly believes in reaching concensus in matters like these. I want as many people as possible to be accommodated. It's all for fun and info sharing. I have no problem holding the meet in the Jan/Feb timeframe, or even skipping it all together. But I seriously doubt that it would add more than 10 people to the attendee list.
I would like to be a part of organizing the next one, and I'm all for the previous year's hosts playing an integral part of being on the team with the new host. If that includes realizing that local meets would be conflicting, then, problem solved.
May 9, 2008 at 12:59 AM Post #417 of 664

Originally Posted by bhd812 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Speaking of party rooms who was MR. or MRs. butter fingers with the glass?


It was...not a head-fi member.
May 9, 2008 at 2:40 AM Post #418 of 664
this was discussed in the room at the time and it was agreed that no one knew who it was. It was a accident and person, whoever it was, im sure is very sorry.
May 9, 2008 at 2:56 AM Post #419 of 664
Wow, those are some amazing shots Peter... wasn't able to view them at work, but I'm home now. Too bad you didn't catch my new source in one. Oh well, there is always the next meet.
May 9, 2008 at 2:56 AM Post #420 of 664
As far as the whole "big meet before the national meet thing" goes, in my case, it is partially what got me to Can Jam. I had such a great time with the whole Florida crew at MOA that I decided it would be worth the trip to Ft. Lauderdale. Prior to that meet, I really wasn't much thinking of going. It turned out to be what I would have wanted and more, a real blast!

So much thanks to Tyrion and the whole Florida contingent for making Can Jam the most fun I've ever had at a Head-Fi event. From the instant that we got in the car with Johnny Flowers at the airport, the excitement never let up. This had the feeling of a true Head-Fi all-star game, as the core membership really came out to have a great time. Shoot, just between Edwood, lan, and myself, we had over 32,000 posts in one hotel room (better known as the AV processing center

The band Saturday night was great fun, and I think live music should be a permanent staple of future national meets (heck, even large regional ones, if it fits). Major kudos for pulling it off, and in the hotel to boot! Thanks to Voltron and agile_one for keeping party central up and running, and Tyll for providing refuge from the fuzz that night in the Head-room (perfectly outfitted for a party with a nice speaker rig).

Between shooting photos, helping wmcmanus set up his new camera rig, and drinking, I kept pretty busy most of the time. I never found the time I would have liked to seriously listen to the speakers from Let There Be Sound, nor Nate’s “menace” super DIY tube amp, or the UE11 demo before the UE guys blew out of town. Among others, but such is how these large meets tend to be; there are so many things to do that one can never do them all, no matter how little you sleep

Speaking of not sleeping, it was great getting to know a whole posse of new head-fiers (at least new to me). Philodox and GlendaleViper were a blast to hang out with; too bad the latter had to leave so soon. Though disappointed not to see sugarfried from Shure, I had a good time with his minions. Ray Kimber was also very nice to talk to, and apparently quite convincing, as I walked away with his IsoMike recordings.

As for the actual gear, I didn't spend that much time listening, as I've generally learned the game by now, which isn't to say I didn't have some fun with the gear. I learned that the HE90 is just not my flavor, even as good as it sounds (and looks) with the Aristaeus. I also found the new TTVJ/Millet 307A to be one heck of an awesome sounding amp, with both the RS1 and K1000. I doubt there is a dynamic headphone that this amp can't manhandle, and wisely paired up with the monster Meridian 808.2, it did just that to everything I plugged into it. The flavor of each headphone came through strong and clear, without a hint of harshness, and quite low coloration, especially for a tube amp.

I did spend some time listening to IEM's, just because there were so many I'd not yet heard. The Klipsch Image is startlingly small and fits very nicely, though it doesn't isolate as well as I would have imagined, for as deep as it goes. The sound overall was okay, nothing particularly wrong with it or fantastic, with a fairly even overall balance. Not surprisingly, the bass didn't quite have the depth or punch of the multi-driver units I am used to like the E500 or Triple-Fi. The Custom 3 on the other hand, didn't fit terribly comfortably, and I couldn't get one side to seal, no matter what, without holding the earpiece in place. They had a bit too much bass, which wasn't as well-defined as the Image's, so I didn't spend too much time listening to them.

The Sennheiser IE7 was a major disappointment. The rather stiff cables combined with a somewhat hard and angular body made fitting them rather uncomfortable. Isolation was among the lowest I've experienced from an IEM. And unfortunately, the sound was nothing to salvage it, as the bass was both shallow and somewhat boomy, the mid-midrange on up suffered from numerous peaks and valleys in frequency response. Hopefully the IE8 does a bit better, or this might be a rather embarrassing entry into the high-end IEM world for Sennheiser.

The IEM's which stood out to me are the Sleek SA6. They have better bass extension and impact than any single-armature IEM I can recall hearing. The midrange and high end were smooth and fatigue free, and the ability to tweak the sound by changing parts is somewhat revolutionary. They also did better in the fit and isolation department than any of the other new IEM's I tried at Can Jam. I'll have a more in-depth review of these coming up later.

I really loved the time I spent with the OIIMkII and Headamp Blue Hawaii SE prototype, and I can see why several members have already shelled out for it. I certainly would have, if it were at all practical for me. I’ve always preferred the OII (driven properly) to the HE90 and the BHSE just takes the OII to the greatest heights I’ve heard from it yet. I just wonder how nice it might have sounded with an APL player, Meridian 808, or Lavry Gold DAC behind it (not slamming the SCD1, it’s an incredibly nice CDP, just not the crème de la crème). BTW what was up with Lavry’s presence this year being a box and a sign? I was disappointed for the other members, as it really was a pleasure to talk with Dan Lavry and sample his ultimate DAC at last year’s Head-Fest.

Philodox really has a rig to be proud of, and certainly with all that he’s gone through to put it together, he should be. I’ve not, without a doubt, heard the K340 sound any better than it did from his massive (pun intended) amp. I did not heard it with the dying E5 on Saturday, but once he had the Moon Audio modded Original CDP hooked up on Sunday, he had a rig blasting out great tunes from the K340 and balanced RS1. This is a very nice one-two punch for classical/ambient music and rock/amplified music. I’ve rarely heard the RS1 sound as smooth as it did here. The K340 had a very precise soundstage, but after listening to the OII rig immediately prior, it sounded a bit small (no fault of its’ own).

The dueling balanced B22’s of Voltron and ASR certainly showed my why it is my favorite dynamic headphone amp. Plugging in a myriad of headphones from the W5000, AD2000, RS1, HP2, HD650, and R10, it was very nice to have an instant view into the specific flavors that make each one their own. The Bel Canto CDP that ASR had driving both at the time did a very nice job and is extremely well built, a la their DAC3 model.

I can’t really say anything much that hasn’t already been said about the Smyth surround technology. It’s just as cool and awesome as everyone else has already said it is, and it will be extremely nice to have WHEN (not if) it replaces the relative garbage that is Dolby headphone.

I can’t go on without mentioning the Headroom audiophile desktop, whose amps have come along in production nicely since I last experienced this setup last summer in LA. I enjoyed it quite a bit more this time, due to the larger model of Amphion Ion speakers Tyll had brought along. They had a much fuller, more satisfying sound than the smaller models he’d shown in the past. Those had a gee-which level of precise imaging, but were not as full or natural sounding, even with the subwoofer he hauled around for those smaller Ions.

That’s all I can scratch up at the moment. Thanks again to everyone that made Can Jam the very best it could be. I would have posted earlier, but I figure people would be more interested in the pics than what I had to say anyway, so I spent my first free time post-CanJam on post-processing.

For those that wanted to know, I used a Nikon D200 w/ SB800 flash, 35mm F2, 180mm F2.8, and Sigma 10-20mm lenses. It should generally be obvious from the angle of view which lens took which shots, if you don't have an exif viewer. The first three were taken with a Nikon 17-55 F2.8 I was checking out which belonged to another member.

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