Caffeine addicts anonymous
Feb 26, 2017 at 10:49 PM Post #1,981 of 3,173
See, see the old sky
Marvel at its big charrteuse depths.
Tell me, music alchemist do you
Wonder why the toad ignores you?
Why its foobly stare
makes you feel bleeah.
I can tell you, it is
Worried by your allamagoosa facial growth
That looks like
A broccoli
What's more, it knows
Your flubberdubber potting shed
Smells of fungus.
Everything under the big old sky
Asks why, why do I even bother?
You only charm limburger cheese.

See, see the fat sky
Marvel at its big blank depths.
Tell me, StanD do you
Wonder why the warthog ignores you?
Why its foobly stare
makes you feel yucky.
I can tell you, it is
Worried by your coffeesestric facial growth
That looks like
A gooblies
What's more, it knows
Your latte-istic potting shed
Smells of limp grass.
Everything under the big fat sky
Asks why, why do I even bother?
You only charm old socks.

Feb 26, 2017 at 11:11 PM Post #1,982 of 3,173
I think wink is going through caffeine withdrawal. Quick, a triple shot of espresso or all is lost.
Feb 26, 2017 at 11:27 PM Post #1,985 of 3,173
Fron the net.
It's too easy and time consuming to do better......
An Ode to Coffee
By Byron Gordon
The fragrant scent of roasted beans
Fills the air and floods the nose
The promise of caffeine means
A final waking from morning doze.
A little cream, no sugar please
I’m already sweet enough
A little more cream, don’t tease
Drinking it straight’s a little tough.
Perfect color, coconut tan.
I pause before the first sip,
To savor the growing elan,
Then the first bitter taste, just a nip.
First sip of warming delight spreads
Now sharpening synapses
A better high than any meds
That gives a boost to all the senses.
Ode to Coffee
O! coffee, where art thou
When I need thee now?
In thy many flavoured blends
A hot cup would be godsend.
I cannot keep awake
Without a short coffee-break.
With thy life-giving aroma
Save me from going into a coma.
Java, Colombian or French Roast
Thy every flavour, I will toast.
To the end thy loyal slave
Three cups a day I will always crave.
(source: Ranjit Nair)
Ode to Coffee ……
Alarm clock goes off,
Is it morning; not night?
I drag to the kitchen
Then turn on the light.
With tired red eyeballs
And fingers that shake
I need stimulation
To keep me awake.
Ahhhh! Here’s the coffee,
Elixir of life!
Such blessed refreshment,
The ender of strife.
The freshly ground beans
The sound of each drop
You can’t feel this blissful
At some coffee shop.
It’s steamy and fragrant,
A joy to the nose.
No morning’s complete
Without two cup o’ Joes.
A home-brewed confection
Delight to the tongue
A pure taste of heaven
Hosannas are sung!
My eyes are now open!
My heart’s pitter-patter!
The caffeine’s now surging
Into my grey matter!
“Hey World, I’m ready!”
I shout to the day.
I hit the steps running;
Get out of my way!
(source: via Bella Bunny)
One Mom’s Spontaneous Ode to Coffee
I love the way you jack me up,
You hot, black velvet in my cup
And gird my mood for battle fair
with toys and poopy underwear.
My busy day I’m dearth to face
Until sweet coffee’s had it’s place
Upon my breakfast table where
I move the laundry piles with care.
I gently nudge the bills away,
Refuse to let work have the sway
To mar the blissful waking mood
that rich elixir doth exude.
Come sing with me of college years
Grey all-nighters, hangover tears
And all the foibles forced to flee
By coffee’s steadfast loyalty.
Ah, yes, dark friend! We owe to you
So much in life we’re wont to do
Careers, achievements, breeding too –
Without you…we’d just sleep right through!
To you, sweet beans, we give attention
To whining kids we shall not mention
The truth that’s proved each day anew…
The one I love the best is YOU!
(source Music Savvy Mom.)
Coffee is an inexplicable elixir in times of woe and strife. A companionable constant in this all-too-steady event and information flow. A source of quiet, packing its own special noise. We drink coffee to warm the soul and mind, to bestow instantaneous ignition, and against all odds, to catch a clue. (more by Karl Saliter)
Feb 27, 2017 at 12:50 AM Post #1,987 of 3,173
I love to have a coffee,
It tastes so good to me,
I really want another one
Or, better, make it three.
The coffee in it's richness,
It's heaven to my tongue
The smell just fills my nostrils,
It's a caress inside the lung.
The liquid in the stomach,
enhances gastric juice.
And when you're constipated,
It makes the bowels loose.
The caffeine jolts the senses,
And stimulates the brain.
It floats your grounded mental boat,
And re-rails your mental train.
From just a mere single cup,
Joy gladden every heart.
How much you drink is up to you,
But first, you have to start......         

Feb 27, 2017 at 9:41 PM Post #1,992 of 3,173
  I had 8 shots of espresso today. That should be enough, although........

Do you go head-to-head with high frequency trading software in your day job ? :wink:
Feb 28, 2017 at 6:07 AM Post #1,995 of 3,173
  I had 8 shots of espresso today. That should be enough, although........

Do you go head-to-head with high frequency trading software in your day job ? :wink:

In fact amongst the things I do is middleware architecture for trading for one of the too big to fails.

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