Caffeine addicts anonymous
Jan 19, 2017 at 5:48 AM Post #1,667 of 3,173
I think daily intake of cinnamon in cappuccino is risky for the internal organs if that is your staple choice.
Jan 19, 2017 at 6:01 AM Post #1,668 of 3,173
13 Proven Health Benefits of Cinnamon
  1. High Source of Antioxidants.
  2. Contains Anti-inflammatory Properties.
  3. Protects Heart Health.
  4. Fights Diabetes.
  5. Helps Defend Against Cognitive Decline & Protects Brain Function.
  6. May Help Lower Cancer Risk.
  7. Fights Infections & Viruses.
  8. Protects Dental Health & Freshens Breath Naturally.

What is the recommended dosage?

Ground cinnamon is generally given at dosages of 1 to 1.5 g/day in studies of diabetes without reported adverse reactions.

How safe is it?

Contraindicated in people with known hypersensitivity to cinnamon or Peru Balsam. Other contraindications have not yet been identified.
Data are insufficient for adequate risk to benefit analysis. Generally recognized as safe when used as food.
None well documented.
Side Effects
Heavy exposure may cause skin irritation and allergic reactions.
Information is lacking.
If it was nutmeg, it would be a different story.....
Jan 19, 2017 at 6:11 AM Post #1,669 of 3,173
Yes, like 'coffee good/bad for health' there is a balance of both sides if you google 'the word' 'plus 'dangers'.
Jan 19, 2017 at 6:17 AM Post #1,670 of 3,173
Now, why would you want to do that, when ignorance is such wonderful bliss.......  

Jan 19, 2017 at 9:04 PM Post #1,672 of 3,173
My Barista is a microprocessor.

Same. If only it was a little more consistent. I've had cups that were absolutely spectacular and some that were not great.
But then again, not the greatest coffee maker in the world. Maybe I should start working on my coffee setup now that my headphone setup is done for now. Hi-fi coffee coffee filters, silver power cables, where should I start? :D
Jan 19, 2017 at 10:04 PM Post #1,673 of 3,173
Same. If only it was a little more consistent. I've had cups that were absolutely spectacular and some that were not great.
But then again, not the greatest coffee maker in the world. Maybe I should start working on my coffee setup now that my headphone setup is done for now. Hi-fi coffee coffee filters, silver power cables, where should I start?

Go B.A.L.A.N.C.E.D. end-to-end.
Jan 19, 2017 at 10:16 PM Post #1,674 of 3,173
Go B.A.L.A.N.C.E.D. end-to-end.

Do you think I should go for solid state or tubes? Open or closed cups? So many options! 

I was actually thinking about it, and maybe I should look to up my coffee game. My biggest problem is that I am in a dorm so I would need something all-in-one that Doesn't take up much desk space, so the keurig seemed like a logical choice. But lately I've been wondering if there was something that was similar in function but better in terms of quality. Something to look up I suppose.
Jan 19, 2017 at 10:19 PM Post #1,675 of 3,173
  Do you think I should go for solid state or tubes? Open or closed cups? So many options! 

I was actually thinking about it, and maybe I should look to up my coffee game. My biggest problem is that I am in a dorm so I would need something all-in-one that Doesn't take up much desk space, so the keurig seemed like a logical choice. But lately I've been wondering if there was something that was similar in function but better in terms of quality. Something to look up I suppose.

Put Sorbothene damping material inside, but not too much, or the 3rd coffee note will roll-off/shelf and it will reduce instrument separation/air.
Jan 20, 2017 at 12:24 AM Post #1,676 of 3,173
  My Barista is a microprocessor.

Same. If only it was a little more consistent. I've had cups that were absolutely spectacular and some that were not great.
But then again, not the greatest coffee maker in the world. Maybe I should start working on my coffee setup now that my headphone setup is done for now. Hi-fi coffee coffee filters, silver power cables, where should I start?

More wattage, can never have enough power. And to carry that power you will need one of those $1K power cords and a power conditioner to eliminate line noise which affects the crema.
And don't forget to update the software, you don't want any bugs in your coffee, do you?
Jan 20, 2017 at 2:44 AM Post #1,677 of 3,173
  Do you think I should go for solid state or tubes? Open or closed cups? So many options! 

I was actually thinking about it, and maybe I should look to up my coffee game. My biggest problem is that I am in a dorm so I would need something all-in-one that Doesn't take up much desk space, so the keurig seemed like a logical choice. But lately I've been wondering if there was something that was similar in function but better in terms of quality. Something to look up I suppose.

Though I don't personally own one, I'm positive that you can get a machine that fits your needs and makes a hella good cup of joe. I have a buddy of mine that basically bought what Starbucks uses to make there espresso but for personal use. Said it cost him around $1,200 but damn does it taste good :) A little research could definitely lead you to what you are looking for. Good luck with your search. 
Jan 20, 2017 at 7:41 AM Post #1,678 of 3,173
  Though I don't personally own one, I'm positive that you can get a machine that fits your needs and makes a hella good cup of joe. I have a buddy of mine that basically bought what Starbucks uses to make there espresso but for personal use. Said it cost him around $1,200 but damn does it taste good :) A little research could definitely lead you to what you are looking for. Good luck with your search. 

I know a lot of professional espresso machines you see at shops are like $20k+. Mine is pretty simplistic but it was kind of fun learning how much the grind, tamping, etc can effect a brew.
@PL4Y3R 0N3 French press dude! Pre ground coffee is right around the perfect consistency and all you need is some hot water. *plot twist* use the Keurig as a kettle
Jan 20, 2017 at 7:53 AM Post #1,679 of 3,173
@PL4Y3R 0N3
 French press dude! Pre ground coffee is right around the perfect consistency and all you need is some hot water. *plot twist* use the Keurig as a kettle

I can't believe I never considered that. I'll have to start looking for a really small French press now, and then I'll use the keurig as a kettle on days where I have to lime to actually make coffee. Genius!
Jan 20, 2017 at 8:42 AM Post #1,680 of 3,173
I can't believe I never considered that. I'll have to start looking for a really small French press now, and then I'll use the keurig as a kettle on days where I have to lime to actually make coffee. Genius!

French press is great. Theyre small, cheap, easy to use/clean, and it only takes a few minutes start to finish

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