Caffeine addicts anonymous
Jan 20, 2017 at 12:10 PM Post #1,681 of 3,173
French press is great. (snip)

Only if you can read French.....   

Jan 21, 2017 at 8:53 AM Post #1,682 of 3,173
I can't believe I never considered that. I'll have to start looking for a really small French press now, and then I'll use the keurig as a kettle on days where I have to lime to actually make coffee. Genius!

I recommended that long ago. I believe it was to you, but you whinged about it not being convenient for dorm use. If it wasn't you, I have an excuse for not remembering, I haven't had by first cup of the day, yet. My stash of Stumptown beans is running low, I need to plan on replenishing them.
Jan 21, 2017 at 9:41 AM Post #1,683 of 3,173
I recommended that long ago. I believe it was to you, but you whinged about it not being convenient for dorm use. If it wasn't you, I have an excuse for not remembering, I haven't had by first cup of the day, yet. My stash of Stumptown beans is running low, I need to plan on replenishing them.

I remember you reccomendu a French press, but until pureangus62 reccomended using the keurig as a kettle it didn't seem like something I would want to do in a dorm.
Thinking about ordering some coffee online. Any pre-ground that you reccomend? Starbucks is decent, but I just really want to try something new right now.
Jan 21, 2017 at 1:07 PM Post #1,684 of 3,173
Went out and actually bought a French press. Wow, what a difference. I definitely need to do some fine tuning and find some better coffee to use (used veranda roast for my trial run) but the results were very positive. Nice strong cup with a smooth taste that isn't more bitter than normal. Next I just need to find some good while bean coffee and find a nice small grinder and I'm sure I'll be set for now.
Jan 21, 2017 at 2:18 PM Post #1,685 of 3,173
Gee, what a month.
Dunno if I mentioned it here, but I was supposed to receive an inheritance awhile ago. Finally got most of it!
I could have bought nearly any headphone on the planet, but I want to reinvest the money instead of blowing it. So I exercised restraint and only bought a Sennheiser HD 800, AudioQuest NightHawk, JVC HA-SZ2000 (ultimate basshead headphone), and JVC HA-MR77X (just for its pads to get the hardest-hitting bass impact for the SZ2K). I'm very picky with headphones, though, even after equalizing them in every imaginable way. I returned the NH and am about to return the HD 800 to try the Focal Elear next.
I was supposed to get two headphones with a Walmart gift card a few weeks ago, but both deals went awry. Instead of the JVC HA-MR60X, Walmart (who was the seller in this instance) sent me cheap earbuds instead. On chat they told me that since the item was out of stock, they sent me something if that is an acceptable business practice anywhere!? And there was an inventory glitch for the Sony MDR-SA3000. It was never in stock in the first place. Needless to say, I got the balance returned to the gift card, and am now just spending it on groceries. (Tried a Skullcandy Crusher too, but it was mediocre, even for basshead purposes.)
As for caffeine, I've been using a big box of these lately. It has nitrous oxide in it! Despite this, the experience is less intense than you may think. It makes me feel floaty and blissful.

I didn't realize until recently that Walmart sells Rockstar energy drinks for 98 cents each! (It's $1.75 for the same thing at other stores.) Stocked up on those as well as some NOS. And I got various coffee smoothies.
Jan 21, 2017 at 3:49 PM Post #1,686 of 3,173
You only bought more headphones in a month than I've ever owned Music Alchemist!
Which headphones are you returning? I know the HD800 and the Night Hawks, but are those the only two?
That's a lot of caffeine! When was the last time you slept? :p
Jan 21, 2017 at 4:00 PM Post #1,687 of 3,173
You only bought more headphones in a month than I've ever owned @Music Alchemist!
Which headphones are you returning? I know the HD800 and the Night Hawks, but are those the only two?
That's a lot of caffeine! When was the last time you slept?

Well, I also implied that I returned the Skullcandy Crusher (and cheap earbuds they somehow sent me) to Walmart.
What is this "slept" you speak of?

Actually, yesterday, I broke my rule of eating twice before caffeine. Only ate once, then had an energy drink...which wrecked my body for the day. Made me really sleepy too after it wore off. Hopefully I won't make that mistake again.
Jan 21, 2017 at 7:08 PM Post #1,688 of 3,173
I remember you reccomendu a French press, but until @pureangus62 reccomended using the keurig as a kettle it didn't seem like something I would want to do in a dorm.
Thinking about ordering some coffee online. Any pre-ground that you reccomend? Starbucks is decent, but I just really want to try something new right now.

Went out and actually bought a French press. Wow, what a difference. I definitely need to do some fine tuning and find some better coffee to use (used veranda roast for my trial run) but the results were very positive. Nice strong cup with a smooth taste that isn't more bitter than normal. Next I just need to find some good while bean coffee and find a nice small grinder and I'm sure I'll be set for now.

You can heat water in a microwave oven. Every dorm has a microwave or two. I think I mentioned that as well. And for now you just upgraded your coffee experience, so enjoy. Remember that French Press does not like a fine grind, so be coarse. Don't buy too much pre-ground coffee as in large bags, as once ground it starts to go to $h1t, once you open the bag and air gets to it, things start to go downhill. see if you can get some Starbucks Café Verona, but you will have to find what appeals to your tastes. You might experiment at Starbucks and see what different coffee tastes like.
Stumptown Hair Bender is the bomb, but I doubt that they sell pre-ground. I've got to order more or walk over to the café on the way to work.
Jan 21, 2017 at 7:22 PM Post #1,689 of 3,173
You can heat water in a microwave oven. Every dorm has a microwave or two. I think I mentioned that as well. And for now you just upgraded your coffee experience, so enjoy. Remember that French Press does not like a fine grind, so be coarse. Don't buy too much pre-ground coffee as in large bags, as once ground it starts to go to $h1t, once you open the bag and air gets to it, things start to go downhill. see if you can get some Starbucks Café Verona, but you will have to find what appeals to your tastes. You might experiment at Starbucks and see what different coffee tastes like.

Stumptown Hair Bender is the bomb, but I doubt that they sell pre-ground. I've got to order more or walk over to the café on the way to work.

Yeah the pre-ground seemed to be pretty inconsistent in grind, I was let's with some pretty gritty coffee in the bottom of my cup. I saw something about adding a paper filter to the plunger, gonna try that tomorrow morning.
I think Starbucks sells whole bean as well, but I could be remembering somewhere else. I'll have to find a grinder, almost got one with my French press but I want to look at some reviews and finds something that makes a consistently coarse grind. Maybe that small hand grinder you reccomended me.
Jan 21, 2017 at 7:55 PM Post #1,690 of 3,173
I bought a French press a couple weeks ago and have been doing a lot of trial and error with different cofffees. So far my favorite brand of store bought is magnum exotics. The Jamaican blue mountain is flavorful and just right. The kona, if brewed too high of a temp it will pull out too much smoke flavor I like it about 197 degrees. Tonight I went and bought some of their rain forest blend. My second favorite to the Jamaican, it's a medium body with drip coffee like taste but richer, smoother and much more refined. I also like the gevalia single origin Guatemalan blend and plan to try the other coarse ground single origin next as it sounds like it might be similar to the Jamaican.
Jan 22, 2017 at 11:26 AM Post #1,691 of 3,173
3 bags of Stumptown Hairbender are on the way. Should be here on Tuesday, Until then, I'll have to suffer with Starbucks beans.
Jan 23, 2017 at 8:17 AM Post #1,692 of 3,173
@StanD is getting me tempted to try some Stumptown...
I still havent perfected my home roast yet. Its like I can dial it in for espresso or French press but not both. If the batches weren't on the smaller side I'd just have a light and dark both on hand (read: too lazy)
Jan 23, 2017 at 9:35 AM Post #1,694 of 3,173
StanDor anyone else who's a coffee connoisseur, is there a certain way of brewing that is known in the coffee community as the best way to brew? I like how the French press draws out the flavors and have got use to the extra body for the most part depending on the bean but my wife doesn't like it. I also don't like how much coffee you need to use lol $$$$$$$$!
Jan 23, 2017 at 9:45 AM Post #1,695 of 3,173
@StanDor anyone else who's a coffee connoisseur, is there a certain way of brewing that is known in the coffee community as the best way to brew? I like how the French press draws out the flavors and have got use to the extra body for the most part depending on the bean but my wife doesn't like it. I also don't like how much coffee you need to use lol $$$$$$$$!

Technically speaking, espresso gives you maximum flavor and the best representation of the coffee itself. The strength of the brew and equipment/technique required to pull a good shot can be off-putting to some though. I couldn't tell you exactly how much coffee I use for my French press but its a lot lol. Half the reason I'm learning home roasting is because of how fast I can go through beans doing only double shots and FP

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