Buzzing In My Ears
Sep 20, 2008 at 12:47 AM Post #46 of 74
Well, I've been dealing with this issue for a week now. It is starting to affect my work, my sleep, and my health in general, as I am now dealing with headaches. And this is not due to any loud exposure to noise, just high treble response at moderate volume. This truly sucks ass. I am going to follow the doctor's advice and go without earplugs but I am suffering big time.
Sep 20, 2008 at 3:12 AM Post #47 of 74
Probably permanent tinnitus from repeated exposures over many years. See an Ear Nose Throat doctor to be sure it isn't anything else more serious. You didn't start taking aspirin regularly did you? This is a possible cause, among others. If it cannot be fixed, buy an inexpensive white noise generator to mask the noise of the tinnitus. Good luck!

Tinnitus: Treatments and drugs -
Sep 20, 2008 at 3:29 AM Post #48 of 74
Man I really feel for you. White noise is your friend. Ditch the ear plugs!!!!!!! Ear plugs just block out external noise and amplify the noise in your brain. The noise you hear is not in your ear it is in your brain. This sucks right now for you but I can promise you it will get better. The quicker you accept it and learn to live with it the faster you will adapt. Until you get use to it, have some kind of background noise on all the time. Don't try to keep everything quiet. That will make you sensitive to all noise and it will annoy you more. Sound is not the enemy. Headphones are not the enemy. Loud sound is the enemy. Go to an ent and get your ears cleaned. Don't use qtips. As jvlgato said don't take asprin. Advil should be fine. I had to start taking Xanax to calm my nerves. Xanax is a great medication for Tinnitus sufferers. You will still hear it but you won't care. I no longer take Xanax. Again, it will get better. It may suck for awhile. Also, I had alot of friends and family praying for me. That helped. I will pray for you. Good luck.
Sep 20, 2008 at 3:41 AM Post #49 of 74
As far as I know, the earplugs are the source of the problem! I say this because the buzzing has gradually increased over the course of a few weeks, which coincides not only with the mp3 player use, but also with constant use of earplugs. I guess the doctor is right. Stay away. They are making my ears 10X more sensitive.

btw, I've always had some sort of 'noise' in the ears, as many others here have reported. It's just that I've never had anything annoying for more than two or three weeks. Again, that was due to some definite exposure to loud noise, whether it was tools, freeway noise, loud amplified music or whatnot. I really do believe this will go away, but over the course of several weeks not a few days.

I may wear earplugs when I sleep, otherwise, no more. My only concern is my commute which is always on the highway. That can get pretty noisy. What about in traffic. Do you that it's ok then?
Sep 20, 2008 at 3:44 AM Post #50 of 74
Sorry for asking noob-ish question.

I know I have some sort of infection inside my right ear for years. I went to ENT several times, but they're not able to find anything specific. It usually doesn't bother me though, it's painful to remove ear wax. And it hurt when it outbreaks. Ear, jaw, and even eye, half my face gets hot.

Question is... I sometimes hear high pitched tone from my left ear, which is infection free. It is like 15KHz mono tone, not too loud, ringing inside my head. To my strange, why is it left ear rather than right ear? And Is it can be tinnitus too?
Sep 20, 2008 at 4:30 AM Post #51 of 74
Tinnitus is defined as a ringing or noise in the ears. For some of us it never goes away. Every most likely has had Tinnitus at one time or another from a concert or other loud event. For most people the ringing never goes away. If you are in a loud environment I would wear hearing protection. I would not wear them at home or at night when I sleep. It just amplifies the noise more. I only wear plugs when I need to protect my ears from loud noises. Nuphones it is good to see your attitude is positive about this. Attitude is everything. Why would you wear the plugs when you sleep?
Sep 20, 2008 at 5:15 AM Post #52 of 74
Why the 'constant use of earplugs'? Unless you're in an extremely noisy environment that requires it, there's no need for the earplugs. The ringing won't go away just by using earplugs. I'd agree that it is making it worse. Last thing you need is a more sensitive ear.
Sep 20, 2008 at 5:42 AM Post #53 of 74
Well, I am certainly trying to be optimistic. My cause for optimism is that I've dealt with this before, for a few seconds at a time, a few days at a time, and sometimes for a few weeks at a time.

Second, I know that the onset of buzzing this time has to do with a self created sensitivity by wearing earplugs all the time. It's not a good idea. I took them out once, and the sound of shuffling paper from halfway across the room could be heard extremely loudly and distinctly.

I think researchers have even found that neural pathways from the ear to the brain form in fetuses not even born, as a prep for birth. Fetuses can hear without any need or even access to sound from the external world. So the brain is seeking out noise and will create it if need be.
Sep 20, 2008 at 5:43 AM Post #54 of 74
I believe since the onset took about six weeks, I think it will gradually subside over that same time period as my ears are retrained to hear normal sounds as normal sounds rather than as over-amplified sounds.
Sep 20, 2008 at 12:52 PM Post #55 of 74

I'm gonna tell you all the god's honest truth. I got down on my knees and prayed. THREE TIMES. I gave my soul over to god. I put my complete trust in him. I had 100% faith (which did waver at times) that this would go away. And it did.
Sep 22, 2008 at 9:48 PM Post #58 of 74
Ah, I spoke too soon. The buzzing tends to disappear after a night's sleep, then returns during the course of the day. I still have a lot of sensitivity to noise. I'm hoping this goes away on it's own.
Sep 23, 2008 at 8:12 PM Post #59 of 74
Boy, it looks like I spoke too soon. The lord gave me back perfect silence for one morning (Sat.), but now I am dealing with it again. Although, I could have retreated into complete silence that day, I would have had to re-emerge into the world at some point right? So I braved the world and was re-introduced to buzzing. I just don't get it. Perfectly silent and crystal clear hearing, then a few hours later, I'm buzzing again. Sheesh.
Sep 27, 2008 at 6:50 AM Post #60 of 74
The pattern I'm experiencing right now is that the buzzing goes away, essentially to zero or near zero after a night's sleep. Then, it starts up again, with the normal noise of traffic outside in the morning. So, silence, noise, silence. I really wish the buzzing would just go away, period. One good thing is that the extreme noise sensitivity I had before is going away. And, I am getting repeated periods of complete or near complete absence of the buzzing altogether.

Has anyone had similar experiences?

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