Brainwavz S5 IEM Headphones Review
Jul 14, 2014 at 8:47 AM Post #241 of 728
What graph are you talking about? Tomscy2000 has posted his eq but I've seen no graph. Why are you so defensive of differing opinions? I clearly stated a V signature without seeing some mysterious graph.
Jul 14, 2014 at 8:57 AM Post #242 of 728
  Any chance you can jot down the actual dB changes by frequency?

You should play around with the settings yourself, since you and I likely don't insert to the same depth, nor will we have the exact same canal resonances, especially in the treble. After I finished, I checked Tyll's S1 FR readings, and it looks somewhat similar to this one, except this one keeps a steep U-curve applied at the very ends. Most differences are in the treble. Even though I went all out and pushed it +15 dB in the treble, I felt the transducer sort of just runs out of juice. Treble extension isn't really convincing, but it's a little better than before. It's possible I wasn't all that careful, as well. Take this with a grain of salt.
There is coloration in this EQ --- it's pushed a bit mid-forward for better vocal presence, and preserves that "subwoofer" feel. At times, on bass heavy tracks, it'll still be a little distracting.
The entire curve is dropped -6.5 dB to prevent clipping (except >10 kHz):

**Note: High Shelf EQ setting
EQ Settings -- S5, Ver. 3
Frequency (Hz)
1/Q (BW)
Jul 14, 2014 at 11:22 AM Post #243 of 728
My review of the S5. Feel free to ask anything in particular if you'd like.
I thought I'd do my comparison's here. I'll quickly compare the S5 sound with three other phones I have on hand at the moment.
The S5 vs. a non-bassy MH1C. I know there are reported to be quite bassy versions but this one is fairly well controlled. A bit more mid-bass than the S5, not as good on the treble extension or clarity. The S5 is bigger sounding. The S5 shows more detail. The S5 is more enjoyable to me because it is bigger, has more sparkle and clarity, and I like the S5 immediacy more than the smooth, laid back Sony. The MH1C is well tuned to be smooth and non-fatiguing yet still be a fun listen but it has the same problem vs. the HPM-78 and the S5. To my ears, it lacks the size and depth, treble extension and detail.
The S5 vs. the Beyer DX 160ie. Bigger, airier, and more capable than the MH1C including imaging and detail, the Beyer is pretty close to the S5 sound. Still very polite and less fun and enjoyment than the S5, MH1C, or Tenore I have here. The S5 is still brighter on the top end and it gives the impression of more clarity, extension, and detail The forward nature makes the detail easier to here though similar to the Beyer. EQ or a bright player are needed to wake up the Beyer and add some energy and vividness to it. Similar in price, accessories, ability and also possessing a flat cable yet the S5 is the one that grabs the ear time as more enjoyable.
The S5 vs. a so-called "reference" Tenore. Tenore has more air and distance. They are more hard to compare. One up close and then one more far away sounding right after. I hear the Tenore as taller and the S5 wider. Extension is close but slightly goes to the S5 down low and quite even up high. S5 is more colored and not as transparent. Tenore is the smooth one and the S5 can be more sparkly on the high end. Detail is easier to hear on the S5 esp. in the vocals as the presentation of them is much closer. They do different things and the Zero Audio would be the more accurate phone. The Tenore and S5 out do each other in different things but the S5 is still a more enjoyable mix to me. Good to have both as complements perhaps, a smooth laid back accurate phone and an upfront more punchy and aggressive one but may also be very cut and dry as to a preference between them. Depends on personal preference and need. Tenore hype and rep is big as a near giant killer and the S5 is right there with them which attest to their performance.
Have to say that the S5 is my favorite listen out of the four. The good vocals, fun bass, and forward treble with enough sparkle just is an exciting mix. Not quite armature sounding as someone mentioned but crisp of note and clear in the right places. Maybe slightly hybrid sounding as the S5 can be thicker warmer and not exactly as clear down low as in the mids and treble. of course not perfect but a fun mix though, flaws are kept minimized, and the things that are done well are in the right areas to be ear pleasing. Many people will enjoy the S5.
Jul 14, 2014 at 11:53 AM Post #244 of 728
  Wow, take an afternoon off and see what happens here 

Great to see all of the folks who got a set in(there seems to be an awful lot, you go Brainwavz!) reporting here, the more the merrier!\
As for that V shape, unless your using something to make a graph everyone can see, as above, I don't believe anyone on this thread "heard" a V shaped signature---until said graph appeared.....sorry, but somebody had to say it. Nowhere on this entire thread, nowhere, is a V shaped sig even hinted at. Just my own observations on head-fi on how much what you hear is not really related to what you see. And I'm also sorry if that pissed a few folks off, but I live in reality, and say it like it is. 

I can certainly see how this would pass as a borderline v-shaped signature.  There is a dip in the 2 kHz range on these IEMs.  It certainly passes for a v-shape. 
Jul 14, 2014 at 3:27 PM Post #245 of 728
Definitely agree with the V-shape statement...  I found the S1 to have a slight, ever-so-slight, V-shape to it.  These do push treble more than the S1 did...  With that said...  Bass > mids (in quanitty) and the upper treble > mids (in quantity), lower treble = mids (in quantity) => v-shaped signature.  Note, V-shapes aren't a bad signature, they are very popular and work for a number of things.  Some of the best IEMs are V-shaped in signature as well.  Just look at the Phonak PFE232. 
Measurably speaking, there is a dip at the 2 kHz range which is indicative of the classic "balanced" signature. 
Jul 14, 2014 at 3:58 PM Post #246 of 728
My review pair of S5 turned up today...

Have to say that the presentation (packaging) is very, VERY good for a $100 IEM, some other brands could certainly take a leaf out of Brainwavz book, something, in my mind as simple as the iridescent seals help convey a 'care' of, and pride in the product!

Will refuse to make comment on SQ for a few days / multiple hours of burn in, however - I have dug out my Colorfly C3 after earlier opinions in this thread and put it on charge...

Happy to be picked by Brainwavz to be one of the demo unit reviewers :)
Jul 14, 2014 at 7:54 PM Post #247 of 728
I have posted my review of the S5,
I have not posted a ton of pictures because I feel that Brooko has done an admirable job of this already, instead I have stuck to a written review that just covers off the basics of the IEM. It's relatively short but to the point.
I want to thank Brainwavz for being allowed to review their latest IEM and congratulate them on their best dynamic based IEM to date in my opinion. They have created a solid offering that deserves to have a following.
Jul 14, 2014 at 8:11 PM Post #248 of 728
I've had my pair breaking I'm for 48 hours straight now and I just took another quick listen and there is still about 3-6dB too much bass. I still much prefer the sound of my Vsonic GR01. They just sound quicker and cleaner and with just the right amount of bass. I'm losing faith in the burn in and beginning to think that I'll just never really like these. It's a shame because the fit and comfort are awesome, same for the build quality.

Many people will surely like the signature of these, as they are a bassy popular sounding signature, but they just aren't my cup of tea. I will still break them in for another couple days and then I will write an actual thorough review.
Jul 14, 2014 at 9:42 PM Post #249 of 728
I've had my pair breaking I'm for 48 hours straight now and I just took another quick listen and there is still about 3-6dB too much bass. I still much prefer the sound of my Vsonic GR01. They just sound quicker and cleaner and with just the right amount of bass. I'm losing faith in the burn in and beginning to think that I'll just never really like these. It's a shame because the fit and comfort are awesome, same for the build quality.

Many people will surely like the signature of these, as they are a bassy popular sounding signature, but they just aren't my cup of tea. I will still break them in for another couple days and then I will write an actual thorough review.

FWIW mine didn't really settle down bass-wise until they were north of 150 hours. Still a lot of bass but I had just about given up. Now they are a lot better and despite the definite presence of plenty of low end they really do compare favorably or better my best IEM's. What is your burn in protocol? Type of music/sound?
Jul 15, 2014 at 9:15 AM Post #251 of 728
I have a theory regarding why some people have an excess of bass, and some don't...

I think, or should that be, theorise that the tube that goes into your ear is too angled...

Try this, with the S5 in your ear, put your fingers behind them, and push forward (not inward, don't want these going any further in your ear than what you normally have!)- see if you get more, or less bass (to be fair, in my case, the whole sound changes - but, that is a digression for much later on when I post SQ impressions)...

Might be just me, however - that might explain different results for different people...
Jul 15, 2014 at 9:21 AM Post #252 of 728
I have a theory regarding why some people have an excess of bass, and some don't...

I think, or should that be, theorise that the tube that goes into your ear is too angled...

Try this, with the S5 in your ear, put your fingers behind them, and push forward (not inward, don't want these going any further in your ear than what you normally have!)- see if you get more, or less bass (to be fair, in my case, the whole sound changes - but, that is a digression for much later on when I post SQ impressions)...

Might be just me, however - that might explain different results for different people...

That's why it's also a good idea to change out the tips that come with the S5's(or any other IEM your reviewing), it can dramatically change the way an IEM sounds. If it's too bass-y for you, change the tip, it can make a huge difference, it certainly did for me.
Jul 15, 2014 at 9:26 AM Post #253 of 728
FWIW mine didn't really settle down bass-wise until they were north of 150 hours. Still a lot of bass but I had just about given up. Now they are a lot better and despite the definite presence of plenty of low end they really do compare favorably or better my best IEM's. What is your burn in protocol? Type of music/sound?

Agreed, please, folks, don't judge these completely until a full burn in is done. I've said this several times already, and will continue to do so, burn in on the S5's is a long one, north of 100 hours MINIMUM, to achieve it's best, leveled off sound.This has been proven/said on this thread more than a few times already. Please have a bit of patience before putting out a full review here, it benefits all who are reading this thread for opinions on how the S5's truly sound. Thanks!
Jul 15, 2014 at 9:43 AM Post #254 of 728
I can certainly see how this would pass as a borderline v-shaped signature.  There is a dip in the 2 kHz range on these IEMs.  It certainly passes for a v-shape. 

But, and please be honest about this,until a chart appeared and one person, after 16 pages and several reviews with not ONE statement of the S5's being "V" shaped, DID you honestly HEAR a "V" shaped signature? It appears no one did until then, and that's my point, and I'm sticking to it. Charts are nice and all, but I go with what I hear, every time. The S5's may well indeed show on a chart that they might have a light "V" shape to them, but in reality, you'd be hard pressed to hear it unless your sources/ears are more than above average. And that's the truth. 
Jul 15, 2014 at 9:48 AM Post #255 of 728
That's why it's also a good idea to change out the tips that come with the S5's(or any other IEM your reviewing), it can dramatically change the way an IEM sounds. If it's too bass-y for you, change the tip, it can make a huge difference, it certainly did for me.
...but, for some people, the steep angling (with my theory) just won't be combinable with their ear shape, regardless of which tip is used, at least not without boosting / cutting the SQ (or, bass - as is case in point)...

I'm saying too much though, considering I'm on a self imposed embargo until I've got 100hrs of burn-in on these (Friday at midnight, so - Saturday morning will be my initial impressions - albeit not shared on the forums)...

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