Bowers and Wilkins PX8 Wireless Discussion
Oct 9, 2022 at 9:28 PM Post #451 of 5,212
Wonderful write up with a lot of details @mainguy , thank you.
One question: a few on the Bathys thread have indicated their preference for various EQ settings applied in the Focal/Naim app, have you applied any EQ on the Bathys during your testing and does that change your opinion at all if yes?
Thanks for the great writeup, @mainguy I also second that question about EQ.
Oct 10, 2022 at 5:46 AM Post #452 of 5,212
Wonderful write up with a lot of details @mainguy , thank you.
One question: a few on the Bathys thread have indicated their preference for various EQ settings applied in the Focal/Naim app, have you applied any EQ on the Bathys during your testing and does that change your opinion at all if yes?
Yes I read that too, I didn't bother to EQ Bathys. One reason is the app requires wifi to setup, and I only have mobile data at the moment.
The other thing is, would the EQ stay across all devices I'm paired to? Would it work in wired mode? I doubt the last one would. I think of all the headphones I wouldn't want to EQ it's my ANC ones because I'll be using them with loads of devices and wiring them up where possible. I can imagine for others the EQ might be more valid.
Oct 10, 2022 at 5:58 AM Post #453 of 5,212
Yes I read that too, I didn't bother to EQ Bathys. One reason is the app requires wifi to setup, and I only have mobile data at the moment.
The other thing is, would the EQ stay across all devices I'm paired to? Would it work in wired mode? I doubt the last one would. I think of all the headphones I wouldn't want to EQ it's my ANC ones because I'll be using them with loads of devices and wiring them up where possible. I can imagine for others the EQ might be more valid.
Thanks for the review. Do you think the Bathys would be better suited to classical or jazz music, especially orchestral music? It sounds like the usual "fun" versus "analytical" dichotomy. Those of us that love e.g. the HD800 when chained to a desk, might then go for the Bathys instead of PX8.
Oct 10, 2022 at 6:25 AM Post #454 of 5,212
Here you go guys, rundown of my thoughts so far. It's pretty much all in the conclusion, but the song by song breakdown will give some justification for my conclusions, hopefully :)

PX8 vs Bathys (iOS Bluetooth exclusively)

Overall a very different listen. I’ve had 2 solid days with each now and have listened them all day, and also had my gf compare them for you guys for fun. It’s been interesting, I also sat down each day to do in depth comparisons track by track, genre by genre, listening to 30s-1minute of a track side by side, taking notes, and re-examining key details across four sessions over the weekend. All my other gear has gathered dust for four days now!


Formidable Cool - wolf alice

The bass in the intro of this song has a lot more energy, and drive in it on the PX8 than on the Bathys. I much prefer the bass here on the PX8, it’s a lot more fun, detailed and bodied. It doesn’t impeach on the vocals either, which sound more present on the PX8 throughout the track, they sound a little thin on the Bathys at times, whereas on the PX8 they are fuller and feel closer.

There are passages on the Bathys that feel a bit empty compared to PX8. Example, 2min, a strong bassline supports soft vocals.

On the Bathys the Bassline is fainter and lacks energy, while the vocal remains clear. This passage on the PX8 has a lot more drive, grunt and fun in it, where the Bathys trades the body of bassnotes for more spaciousness. But it doesn’t really add to the song here.

The Bathys presents all the instruments with clarity, and images better than the PX8 and sounds less congested. But the way the bass region is presented on the PX8 is just so much more…fun and alive, there is serious energy there.

Very solid win for PX8 in my book.

Giant Peach - Wolf Alice

Bathys sounds more holographic and wider, instruments are spread out more and placement feels more accomplished. PX8 has more grunt on the guitar and thickness, there is a real crunch and body in the guitar that grabs you.

Details are clearer and more distinct on the Bathys for sure, e.g. the two guitars are really clearly outlined in space and can be picked out.

But PX8 has a greater sense of punch and guitars are more present and have more bite. The highlight of the song, the opening riff, has a huge sense of impact and momentum on the PX8.

Winner - PX8

Failure - Another Space Song

Details jump out on the Bathys in a really cool way, it's immersive.

Guitar riff is meatier on the PX8 and more pleasant again. But I really like Bathys imaging here.

Greater sense of clarity on Bathys. I could listen to either and would have a preference depending on my mood.


My Name is Dark - Grimes

Around 3.20, a droning (distorted guitar?) plays behind the vocal.

The bathys images the sound beautifully, it is very well separated and clear from the vocal. The PX8 doesnt quite image it in the same way, with the same clarity. There are several moments where the bathys renders details really nicely.

E.g. where second ambient vocals appear, they come across the image much more elegantly than PX8 and these secondary details are more present and easily discerned on Bathys.

Meanwhile the basslines and bass remains more energetic and engaging on PX8.

A solid win for Bathys, really liked the presentation

Flesh without Blood -Grimes

The Bathys ability to render sounds holographically here is just incredible for an ANC headphone. Effects pop out from every direction and its immensely engaging, the PX8 simply can’t do that, not even close.

Instead on the PX8 the sound sounds a lot more contained in one region, and the whole thing is driven by the bass and the vocal. The bass has more authority but is also dialled up, vocals sound similar on both, the guitar is more full bodied and enjoyable on the PX8.

This is a really tough call, the Bathys does awesome stuff with electronic music. Stuff no ANC headphone I’ve heard can do, which I associate more with Clear/Stellia in terms of imaging.

I think this could simply go either way, my preference is for PX8 though because it has more ‘soul’ on this track, for lack of a better word.

Winner PX8 (just)

Eve of Destruction - Chemical Bros

This track is full of effects and interesting instruments

Vocals sound more intimate and lush - PX8
Great imaging and placement of effects - Bathys
More spacious sound - Bathys
Better quality of drums/instrumentals - PX8


Galvanise Chemical Brothers

If you’re familiar with this song, or even not, the first 30s shows a stark difference in presentation. That opening effect is clearer and more detailed on Bathys.

The opening periodic instrumental is much more forceful and convincing on PX8, and the bass that kicks in at 0.18 is a lot more authoritative and deep on PX8, but also far more potent. The bass on Bathys is vastly dialled back in comparison, much lighter and more polite, but also not very impactful.

Huge win for PX8 for my tastes, I found the song lacking the usual drive and energy it does on speakers or live for that matter (saw em two months back, lucky me). It was just a bit meh on the Focals relatively, but I should add, some people like the more polite presentation, I think, it’s a matter of taste. And without the PX8 onhand, who knows, I might've been perfectly happy.

PX8 by a big margin


Skyfall - Adele

Really strong difference on the vocal here. The PX8 sounds a lot more nuanced and fuller again, the Bathys vocal is flatter and has a less going on. In simple terms, I hear more emotion in Adele’s voice with the PX8

This was a very clear win for PX8 to me, it was a much more emotive and forceful listen. There were parts I listened to both on twice headphones to get a really clear idea of what’s going on as it was hard to focus on instrumentals and vocals simultaneously.
Winner - PX8, by a good margin

Blue Jeans - Lana Del Rey

Lots of interesting instrumental parts, ambient sections in this song, and they are more clearly recognisable on the bathys ever so slightly. some small details are harder to discern or on the PX8, or jump out less. Lana’s vocal feels a bit shimmery on Bathys, it’s hard to describe, it just sounds less like a human is singing? I had this problem with Elegia somewhat too. On PX8 there is a sweeter, warmer tone to voice which feels like an added detail.

Both headphones get slightly harsh with the vocal at one point, so out of interest I whipped out the Stellia…No harshness, which was interesting.

Once again I give the nod to PX8 for the vocal rendition. It’s more natural.

Innocents - Aurora

There is a transition at 40sish that sounds a lot more energetic and powerful on the PX8, drums kick in and another instrumental line.

On Bathys vs PX8 it sounds a little feeble, its a combination of the more present bass and fuller vocals on the PX8 which renders that transition with a lot more oomph. It sounds pretty spectacular on PX8.

After the transition the vocal continues with the new instrumental, on the Bathys the Vocal is pushes back in the mix and the instrumental is the most forward, present component.

On the PX8 the Vocal is front and centre, and I think this is more appropriate and sounds better.

Meanwhile the separation of instruments from the vocal is more pronounced on the Bathys. Notes have a sharper edge, everything sounds clearer and more defined in 3d space.

I preferred this on PX8 considerably, I think it has a more natural timbre which is noticeable on vocals.


Moonlight Sonata

Piano tones sound softer and more agreeable to me on PX8. Still great on Bathys, I have a feeling Bathys might do great with an ensemble. But here with a single instrument it really is a test of timbre and I think the PX8 sounds more natural in that regard.

PX8 for timbre


Numb - Jay Z & Linking Park

Same story, the beat is more engaging and the song sounds more ‘colourful’ on the PX8. The Bathys feels like a clear window to the music, when Chester’s vocal kicks in I find it more emotive and involving on PX8 but clear and cripsier on Bathys.

I think this song benefits a lot from the added energy the PX8 adds to the table.

Winner PX8

Girlfriend impressions

My gf picked up the PX8 and Bathys because she liked how they looked. I didn’t tell her what I was upto. She really dug the PX8. I asked her to try the Bathys too and she gave me her opinion, note, I haven’t told her anything about my impressions or conclusions.

Run Boy Run - Woodkid (her choice)

She listented to the PX8 first and loved it. Then she had a go on Bathys and switched between them a few times. Quotes as they were said:

“The voice is further away” - on Bathys
“It is good though.” on Bathys
“it’s a bit..How can I say, sharp? it’s not hitting the nerves in the same way…” - On Bathys

“On the focals everything is on the same level? does that make sense. The instruments are the same volume, which isn’t how it should be, I think. On the Bowers and Wilkins the singer is in the center and the instruments around that part, but not on the same level, it sounds more like a concert. I think these ones (Focal) would be good for the song you showed me (Lorn - Electronic Music). I like the bowers ones a lot more they sound more alive.”

I know eerily similar to what I’m saying, but I did not prompt her or tell her which I preferred overall. She’s not a newbie to this stuff, as a disclaimer, she has an astonishingly good ear musically, used to be a singer & voice actress. Has a musical memory I wish I had as a guitarist…Not saying this makes her opinion more valid, just saying she doesn’t have an untrained ear and can pick out sounds well enough.


(Above is a sample of the tracks, I did quite a lot more spread over 3 sessions but didn’t want this post to become absurdly long)

I think these are two different presentations and sound signatures. Coming from a desktop setup, especially a focal setup like me, I’m almost always on my Stellia, from that perspective the Bathys may be more agreeable, certainly initially. They have a very clear sound, with a holographic presentation that is more spherical and what I’m used to.

The PX8 create a more cohesive soundstage, kind of like listening to speakers or a concert, layering sounds closer together but retaining almost all the detail Bathys present.

They’re different enough that I can see people preferring either. But given the use case I think generally the PX8 might be better suited for on the fly. Personally I have a pretty big leaning toward PX8 at this point, which is a huge surprise for me as I expected the Bathys to trounce the PX8, to be honest, given the Focal driver onboard and how good i know their closed backs can be.

The PX8 just has a brilliant sense of energy and life. once you put away the analysts glasses and just enjoy, it is supremely fun and emotive. The quality of the bass, and the thickness in the midrange renders both guitars and vocals with a delectable quality. It's hard to isolate why it's so enjoyable, some tint of magic got in there. And i think that’s what I’d personally seek from a ANC headphone, others may differ.

Bathys provides those floating details, those nice little surprises you’re used to from desk headphones. That age old trope ‘I can hear new details in my songs’ will bear true hear, Bathys will do fantastic stuff with detail, especially in electronic music. It will demand attention and even wow at points. I think it will impress the inner analyst more, and I think it is excellent for electronic music.

I’m going to spend a few more days with each now. But at this point, about 10 hours or so on each, I’m pretty darn happy with the PX8 as my ANC headphone and probably wouldn't pick up Bathys again if it wasn't to do a bit more testing.

Ps. There has been talk of comparing Airpods max to these. I don’t think they’re close, I shipped mine out last week, but I’ve spent plenty of time with them. These both provide noticeably superior sound quality imo.

The testing crew
Did you try Airpod Max with iOS Device with Spatial turned OFF?
Oct 10, 2022 at 7:04 AM Post #456 of 5,212
Yes I read that too, I didn't bother to EQ Bathys. One reason is the app requires wifi to setup, and I only have mobile data at the moment.
The other thing is, would the EQ stay across all devices I'm paired to? Would it work in wired mode? I doubt the last one would. I think of all the headphones I wouldn't want to EQ it's my ANC ones because I'll be using them with loads of devices and wiring them up where possible. I can imagine for others the EQ might be more valid.

Yes in all modes...and with all devices...stays the setting in the headphone (usb dac mode/3.5mm/BT mode)
(You do not have to redo this every time...only when needed)


PS.and only with EQ /DSP...Bathys can show his strengths😉👍
Because delivery tonality is 😝👎👎
❗️This Headphone makes NO SENSE without the DSP ❗
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Oct 10, 2022 at 7:05 AM Post #457 of 5,212
If you would have told me two weeks ago, that the bowers and Wilkins Px8 would resoundedly be in the same category, if not better than the Focal Bathys i’d have told you that you were smoking crack, so what a world we live in… Pleasantly surprised and I’m glad there’s multiple contenders at the top end now
Oct 10, 2022 at 7:41 AM Post #458 of 5,212
If you would have told me two weeks ago, that the bowers and Wilkins Px8 would resoundedly be in the same category, if not better than the Focal Bathys i’d have told you that you were smoking crack, so what a world we live in… Pleasantly surprised and I’m glad there’s multiple contenders at the top end now
I completely agree, I think I even have posts in the Bathys thread saying I thought PX8 wouldn't be able to compete a few weeks before launch. Could be down to the carbon driver in the PX8 I'm not sure, I haven't seen a headphone use that material before.

Thanks for the review. Do you think the Bathys would be better suited to classical or jazz music, especially orchestral music? It sounds like the usual "fun" versus "analytical" dichotomy. Those of us that love e.g. the HD800 when chained to a desk, might then go for the Bathys instead of PX8.
If you give me some time I'll do some comparisons tonight with classical. I think it could be tight as I enjoyed Bathys on the Cello Suites, but I do prefer the PX8 timbre personally.
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Oct 10, 2022 at 7:46 AM Post #459 of 5,212
I like both for comfort but the PX8 is better for the long sessions. The thin headband on the Bathys gave me mild discomfort, much like the OG PX7 headband. The PX8 headband is wider and distributes weight more evenly, so i'm yet to encounter discomfort with it. Overall clamp is less on PX8 too.

Edit: this should give an idea, not sure why Focal went so thin?

Yes it is painful. I have had head pain for 2 days. No issues with my much heavier Focal Clear MG.

It’s not just the thinness, but lack of cushioning because my previous Sony XM4 were as thin and very comfortable.

Unacceptable for £600 headphones
Oct 10, 2022 at 7:48 AM Post #460 of 5,212
Yes I read that too, I didn't bother to EQ Bathys. One reason is the app requires wifi to setup, and I only have mobile data at the moment.
The other thing is, would the EQ stay across all devices I'm paired to? Would it work in wired mode? I doubt the last one would. I think of all the headphones I wouldn't want to EQ it's my ANC ones because I'll be using them with loads of devices and wiring them up where possible. I can imagine for others the EQ might be more valid.
I don’t think the EQ is applied in wired mode based on my 3 days experience with it.
Which is a shame.
Edit: actually i am incorrect, apologies. EQ does pass into wired connection. Good.
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Oct 10, 2022 at 8:07 AM Post #461 of 5,212
I completely agree, I think I even have posts in the Bathys thread saying I thought PX8 wouldn't be able to compete a few weeks before launch. Could be down to the carbon driver in the PX8 I'm not sure, I haven't seen a headphone use that material before.

If you give me some time I'll do some comparisons tonight with classical. I think it could be tight as I enjoyed Bathys on the Cello Suites, but I do prefer the PX8 timbre personally.
Can I make a request for the session lol??

Can you throw on a heavy orchestra track? Might I suggest the music from the attached picture, as the mix on this particular suite is insanely good. Like. Stupid nasty great lol. Specifically the phantom of the opera suite from this.


  • 20A68372-27D6-434A-83B4-6B53D93D5169.jpeg
    1.4 MB · Views: 0
Oct 10, 2022 at 8:27 AM Post #462 of 5,212
I don’t think the EQ is applied in wired mode based on my 3 days experience with it.
Which is a shame.

So EQ settings and LED LIGHT settings don’t pass on when wired listening. Bad move

Sorry but that is so easy to determine😉
Simply the left side....set in the app to maximum (bass) with me my Bathys is now in Dac Mode and 3.5 mm Mode Woom Woom sounding🤣👎


PS.I like to say it again...the saved DSP setting is preserved in every mode👍
(not only in BT Mode)
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Oct 10, 2022 at 10:57 AM Post #464 of 5,212
Here you go guys, rundown of my thoughts so far. It's pretty much all in the conclusion, but the song by song breakdown will give some justification for my conclusions, hopefully :)

PX8 vs Bathys (iOS Bluetooth exclusively)

Overall a very different listen. I’ve had 2 solid days with each now and have listened them all day, and also had my gf compare them for you guys for fun. It’s been interesting, I also sat down each day to do in depth comparisons track by track, genre by genre, listening to 30s-1minute of a track side by side, taking notes, and re-examining key details across four sessions over the weekend. All my other gear has gathered dust for four days now!


Formidable Cool - wolf alice

The bass in the intro of this song has a lot more energy, and drive in it on the PX8 than on the Bathys. I much prefer the bass here on the PX8, it’s a lot more fun, detailed and bodied. It doesn’t impeach on the vocals either, which sound more present on the PX8 throughout the track, they sound a little thin on the Bathys at times, whereas on the PX8 they are fuller and feel closer.

There are passages on the Bathys that feel a bit empty compared to PX8. Example, 2min, a strong bassline supports soft vocals.

On the Bathys the Bassline is fainter and lacks energy, while the vocal remains clear. This passage on the PX8 has a lot more drive, grunt and fun in it, where the Bathys trades the body of bassnotes for more spaciousness. But it doesn’t really add to the song here.

The Bathys presents all the instruments with clarity, and images better than the PX8 and sounds less congested. But the way the bass region is presented on the PX8 is just so much more…fun and alive, there is serious energy there.

Very solid win for PX8 in my book.

Giant Peach - Wolf Alice

Bathys sounds more holographic and wider, instruments are spread out more and placement feels more accomplished. PX8 has more grunt on the guitar and thickness, there is a real crunch and body in the guitar that grabs you.

Details are clearer and more distinct on the Bathys for sure, e.g. the two guitars are really clearly outlined in space and can be picked out.

But PX8 has a greater sense of punch and guitars are more present and have more bite. The highlight of the song, the opening riff, has a huge sense of impact and momentum on the PX8.

Winner - PX8

Failure - Another Space Song

Details jump out on the Bathys in a really cool way, it's immersive.

Guitar riff is meatier on the PX8 and more pleasant again. But I really like Bathys imaging here.

Greater sense of clarity on Bathys. I could listen to either and would have a preference depending on my mood.


My Name is Dark - Grimes

Around 3.20, a droning (distorted guitar?) plays behind the vocal.

The bathys images the sound beautifully, it is very well separated and clear from the vocal. The PX8 doesnt quite image it in the same way, with the same clarity. There are several moments where the bathys renders details really nicely.

E.g. where second ambient vocals appear, they come across the image much more elegantly than PX8 and these secondary details are more present and easily discerned on Bathys.

Meanwhile the basslines and bass remains more energetic and engaging on PX8.

A solid win for Bathys, really liked the presentation

Flesh without Blood -Grimes

The Bathys ability to render sounds holographically here is just incredible for an ANC headphone. Effects pop out from every direction and its immensely engaging, the PX8 simply can’t do that, not even close.

Instead on the PX8 the sound sounds a lot more contained in one region, and the whole thing is driven by the bass and the vocal. The bass has more authority but is also dialled up, vocals sound similar on both, the guitar is more full bodied and enjoyable on the PX8.

This is a really tough call, the Bathys does awesome stuff with electronic music. Stuff no ANC headphone I’ve heard can do, which I associate more with Clear/Stellia in terms of imaging.

I think this could simply go either way, my preference is for PX8 though because it has more ‘soul’ on this track, for lack of a better word.

Winner PX8 (just)

Eve of Destruction - Chemical Bros

This track is full of effects and interesting instruments

Vocals sound more intimate and lush - PX8
Great imaging and placement of effects - Bathys
More spacious sound - Bathys
Better quality of drums/instrumentals - PX8


Galvanise Chemical Brothers

If you’re familiar with this song, or even not, the first 30s shows a stark difference in presentation. That opening effect is clearer and more detailed on Bathys.

The opening periodic instrumental is much more forceful and convincing on PX8, and the bass that kicks in at 0.18 is a lot more authoritative and deep on PX8, but also far more potent. The bass on Bathys is vastly dialled back in comparison, much lighter and more polite, but also not very impactful.

Huge win for PX8 for my tastes, I found the song lacking the usual drive and energy it does on speakers or live for that matter (saw em two months back, lucky me). It was just a bit meh on the Focals relatively, but I should add, some people like the more polite presentation, I think, it’s a matter of taste. And without the PX8 onhand, who knows, I might've been perfectly happy.

PX8 by a big margin


Skyfall - Adele

Really strong difference on the vocal here. The PX8 sounds a lot more nuanced and fuller again, the Bathys vocal is flatter and has a less going on. In simple terms, I hear more emotion in Adele’s voice with the PX8

This was a very clear win for PX8 to me, it was a much more emotive and forceful listen. There were parts I listened to both on twice headphones to get a really clear idea of what’s going on as it was hard to focus on instrumentals and vocals simultaneously.
Winner - PX8, by a good margin

Blue Jeans - Lana Del Rey

Lots of interesting instrumental parts, ambient sections in this song, and they are more clearly recognisable on the bathys ever so slightly. some small details are harder to discern or on the PX8, or jump out less. Lana’s vocal feels a bit shimmery on Bathys, it’s hard to describe, it just sounds less like a human is singing? I had this problem with Elegia somewhat too. On PX8 there is a sweeter, warmer tone to voice which feels like an added detail.

Both headphones get slightly harsh with the vocal at one point, so out of interest I whipped out the Stellia…No harshness, which was interesting.

Once again I give the nod to PX8 for the vocal rendition. It’s more natural.

Innocents - Aurora

There is a transition at 40sish that sounds a lot more energetic and powerful on the PX8, drums kick in and another instrumental line.

On Bathys vs PX8 it sounds a little feeble, its a combination of the more present bass and fuller vocals on the PX8 which renders that transition with a lot more oomph. It sounds pretty spectacular on PX8.

After the transition the vocal continues with the new instrumental, on the Bathys the Vocal is pushes back in the mix and the instrumental is the most forward, present component.

On the PX8 the Vocal is front and centre, and I think this is more appropriate and sounds better.

Meanwhile the separation of instruments from the vocal is more pronounced on the Bathys. Notes have a sharper edge, everything sounds clearer and more defined in 3d space.

I preferred this on PX8 considerably, I think it has a more natural timbre which is noticeable on vocals.


Moonlight Sonata

Piano tones sound softer and more agreeable to me on PX8. Still great on Bathys, I have a feeling Bathys might do great with an ensemble. But here with a single instrument it really is a test of timbre and I think the PX8 sounds more natural in that regard.

PX8 for timbre


Numb - Jay Z & Linking Park

Same story, the beat is more engaging and the song sounds more ‘colourful’ on the PX8. The Bathys feels like a clear window to the music, when Chester’s vocal kicks in I find it more emotive and involving on PX8 but clear and cripsier on Bathys.

I think this song benefits a lot from the added energy the PX8 adds to the table.

Winner PX8

Girlfriend impressions

My gf picked up the PX8 and Bathys because she liked how they looked. I didn’t tell her what I was upto. She really dug the PX8. I asked her to try the Bathys too and she gave me her opinion, note, I haven’t told her anything about my impressions or conclusions.

Run Boy Run - Woodkid (her choice)

She listented to the PX8 first and loved it. Then she had a go on Bathys and switched between them a few times. Quotes as they were said:

“The voice is further away” - on Bathys
“It is good though.” on Bathys
“it’s a bit..How can I say, sharp? it’s not hitting the nerves in the same way…” - On Bathys

“On the focals everything is on the same level? does that make sense. The instruments are the same volume, which isn’t how it should be, I think. On the Bowers and Wilkins the singer is in the center and the instruments around that part, but not on the same level, it sounds more like a concert. I think these ones (Focal) would be good for the song you showed me (Lorn - Electronic Music). I like the bowers ones a lot more they sound more alive.”

I know eerily similar to what I’m saying, but I did not prompt her or tell her which I preferred overall. She’s not a newbie to this stuff, as a disclaimer, she has an astonishingly good ear musically, used to be a singer & voice actress. Has a musical memory I wish I had as a guitarist…Not saying this makes her opinion more valid, just saying she doesn’t have an untrained ear and can pick out sounds well enough.


(Above is a sample of the tracks, I did quite a lot more spread over 3 sessions but didn’t want this post to become absurdly long)

I think these are two different presentations and sound signatures. Coming from a desktop setup, especially a focal setup like me, I’m almost always on my Stellia, from that perspective the Bathys may be more agreeable, certainly initially. They have a very clear sound, with a holographic presentation that is more spherical and what I’m used to.

The PX8 create a more cohesive soundstage, kind of like listening to speakers or a concert, layering sounds closer together but retaining almost all the detail Bathys present.

They’re different enough that I can see people preferring either. But given the use case I think generally the PX8 might be better suited for on the fly. Personally I have a pretty big leaning toward PX8 at this point, which is a huge surprise for me as I expected the Bathys to trounce the PX8, to be honest, given the Focal driver onboard and how good i know their closed backs can be.

The PX8 just has a brilliant sense of energy and life. once you put away the analysts glasses and just enjoy, it is supremely fun and emotive. The quality of the bass, and the thickness in the midrange renders both guitars and vocals with a delectable quality. It's hard to isolate why it's so enjoyable, some tint of magic got in there. And i think that’s what I’d personally seek from a ANC headphone, others may differ.

Bathys provides those floating details, those nice little surprises you’re used to from desk headphones. That age old trope ‘I can hear new details in my songs’ will bear true hear, Bathys will do fantastic stuff with detail, especially in electronic music. It will demand attention and even wow at points. I think it will impress the inner analyst more, and I think it is excellent for electronic music.

I’m going to spend a few more days with each now. But at this point, about 10 hours or so on each, I’m pretty darn happy with the PX8 as my ANC headphone and probably wouldn't pick up Bathys again if it wasn't to do a bit more testing.

Ps. There has been talk of comparing Airpods max to these. I don’t think they’re close, I shipped mine out last week, but I’ve spent plenty of time with them. These both provide noticeably superior sound quality imo.

The testing crew
Great review @mainguy!!!!
Really appreciate the level of detail you went through, thanks!!!

This was just the trigger I was looking for to upgrade from PX7 S2 (which I am enjoying) to the PX8 which seems closer to my wired setup (Hifiman XS edition+ Mojo).

Now I have a problem 😅, need to sell the PX7 S2, anyone interested PM me.
Oct 10, 2022 at 11:36 AM Post #465 of 5,212
Can I make a request for the session lol??

Can you throw on a heavy orchestra track? Might I suggest the music from the attached picture, as the mix on this particular suite is insanely good. Like. Stupid nasty great lol. Specifically the phantom of the opera suite from this.
Haha i play violin there, funny, didn't think it was that good a sound😅😀

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