Bought a Head Direct RE0. Almost wish I didn't...
Dec 30, 2009 at 11:35 AM Post #16 of 53
Electropop, thanks for your comment. It's always interesting to hear people's opinions, especially when they're so different from mine. I don't find them engaging at all. Quite the contrary, I find them rather thin and spineless. I guess we are both right.
There's a lot to like about these phones. I just wish they had more body. And with body I don't mean bass. I am not a basshead. I mean I wish they had a thicker, more meaty flavour. Is that correct? I am a vegetarian.

Orange1, I think the Cyclone come close to my Fischer Audio IEM. It seems they share the same qualities. It's just that by buying the RE0 I was hoping to get into a higher level of detail without sacrificing too much on the warmth. I was wrong though and it seems that now it's either one quality or the other. Apparently, having both warmth AND clarity seems to be more expensive than I thought.
Dec 30, 2009 at 12:00 PM Post #17 of 53

Originally Posted by Negakinu /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Apparently, having both warmth AND clarity seems to be more expensive than I thought.

x2, to be precise: $335 = Ortofon e-Q7.
Dec 30, 2009 at 2:03 PM Post #19 of 53
Mark2410, thanks for that totally random video. What has been seen can not be unseen.

Furthermore, I read everywhere that the IE8 are a basshead's IEM. The music I listen would benefit most from warm clarity I suppose. Then again, what music wouldn't right?
Dec 30, 2009 at 2:37 PM Post #20 of 53
Now you learn that 'regardless how positive the headphone review can be, you need to fulfill your taste (need) first', you audio quest can truly begins.
Dec 30, 2009 at 4:15 PM Post #22 of 53

Originally Posted by Negakinu /img/forum/go_quote.gif

jpzer0, I read that ripping the filters will make them even harsher. I guess this will also lower the resell value considerably. Did you try it yourself?

It comes with replaceable filters so it's no big deal really.
(They're on the nondescript strip of paper)

I personally have them off. The filters veil the sound IMO, especially the case if they get clogged with ear wax, sweat or any moisture.

It might not be best long-term but it's a good idea just to be sure that you listen to what the RE0's are capable of.
Dec 30, 2009 at 4:25 PM Post #23 of 53
I run my RE0 from a RockBoxed Fuze, and with +1 db bass, I can't think of a way to improve them. Different strokes for different folks- look into something "fun", like the IE8 or the SE530.
Dec 30, 2009 at 4:27 PM Post #24 of 53
thanks for this thread...i was also looking at re0 however i typically like fun sounding music. i guess ill be looking around more!
Dec 30, 2009 at 4:43 PM Post #25 of 53
Normally I don't recommend impedance adapters, those things sometimes change sound significantly. But you sounded like you want to like it, it worths a try. On second though, better off move on to what you really want than learn to like it.
Dec 30, 2009 at 4:58 PM Post #26 of 53
I guess I'm not really surprised by your analysis of the RE0. Reading through the RE0 thread on here it's pretty clear that they're accurate, analytical, and lacking in bass and excitement. That's why for my purposes I immediately put them on the "do not want" list.

Were there reviews that made you think they would sound a different way? Sometimes it's tough to get through all of the cheerleading for a specific set of cans on here and get to the brass tacks of how they actually perform.
Dec 30, 2009 at 5:25 PM Post #27 of 53
For me, RE0 bass improves depending on tips used + burn in time + amp + quality of recording. But of course, there's only so much you can change. All of this just changes it in a minor way.

Some people get excited with detail. Some people get excited with warmth + bass. I do find the bass a bit lacking sometimes, but I can get lost in the details easily.
Dec 30, 2009 at 5:35 PM Post #29 of 53
Just because a pair of phones are good, even the best in their class, it doesn't mean that the phones are good for you.

I love my RE0s, especially amped. I love my IE8s. But on average, what one pair does well, the other does indifferently. The RE0s are shockingly accurate for their price, but "packs a wallop" is not the phrase you would use to describe them.
Dec 30, 2009 at 5:50 PM Post #30 of 53
I feel that the RE0 is best for classical music. For me their soundstage is the biggest I've heard in an iem. Because of that, music with an actual soundstage sounds fantastic. Highly compressed music sounds bad with the RE0, though.

I feel that the RE0 doesn't benefit much from amplification. That's their strength though.

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