Beyerdynamic T1 3rd Gen out now
Jun 9, 2023 at 3:55 AM Post #1,726 of 1,857
Has anyone auditioned both T1.3 and Sennheiser HD800/S? I wonder how good is T1.3 soundstage when compared with the Sennheiser model?

I had both, T1.3 has nothing special in term of soundstage, HD800s sound huge.

T1.3 is a dark headphone but I could live with this, biggest problem is that bass blend way too much into the mids, like you are listening behind a curtain.

To be honest I didn’t like tuning of both T1.3 and HD800s: see my signature.
Jun 11, 2023 at 3:39 AM Post #1,727 of 1,857
I had both, T1.3 has nothing special in term of soundstage, HD800s sound huge.

T1.3 is a dark headphone but I could live with this, biggest problem is that bass blend way too much into the mids, like you are listening behind a curtain.

To be honest I didn’t like tuning of both T1.3 and HD800s: see my signature.
You ARE listening behind a curtain.
It's a little chunk of felt disc between your ear and the driver. Pluck it out and things clear up a bit.
Jun 11, 2023 at 4:24 AM Post #1,728 of 1,857
I think its funny how one Beyerdynamic fanboy dismissed my request for a balanced cable by proclaiming it's snakeoil. But then another one pops in and says 'yeah, and snake oil cables cost WAY more if they come from the factory, so they can't just give them to you for free!
Y'all are hilarious. I bought my T 1.3 a while ago, I've been living with them, making up my mind about a few things.
I think they are structurally designed really well. I'm super impressed. I've taken apart every headphone I could get my hands on for the past 10 years and I didn't find anything inside the cups I wanted to fix.
But ... there are a few things it could do better. I mean, there's a reason why this isn't the most beloved headphone. The reviews were tepid and mediocre.
I think the implementation was a little off, it confused people. It's a bit of an oddball.
But damn.... if you want an efficient, versatile, durable, comfortable, and audiophile quality sound..... what else is there?
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Jun 11, 2023 at 5:14 AM Post #1,729 of 1,857
You ARE listening behind a curtain.
It's a little chunk of felt disc between your ear and the driver. Pluck it out and things clear up a bit.
The foam disc actually has two purposes, one is tuning. The other is vibration damping. On the Gen 2 the plastic ring to hold the driver in the ear cup has a rubber ring/washer in it to help with vibration damping. I personally wouldn’t take out the foam without having a different form of vibration damping in place such as the T1.2’s plastic rings or putting a rubber ring in the T1.3’s pad mounting ring.

The DT 1770/1990/Amiron Home and DT 700/900 Pro X have a small rubber ring on the back of the driver connected to the earcup for vibration damping. The angled driver of the T1/T5 necessitates a different form of it. The Gen 2 and Gen 3 are mostly identical inside in terms of internal damping, main difference was the Gen 2 had a metal mesh behind the grill and the Gen 3 has foam. That and the grills themselves are a bit different of course. This makes the earcups physically more open on the Gen 3, though most don’t notice it due to the foam disc.
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Jun 11, 2023 at 5:55 AM Post #1,730 of 1,857
You ARE listening behind a curtain.
It's a little chunk of felt disc between your ear and the driver. Pluck it out and things clear up a bit.

In my opinion the dampening cover over the drivers should stay. I also removed it myself in the beginning while adapting my ears to the darker sound of the T1.3 and I thought it helped and it gave more treble and opened up the sound. But after using them without the cover for some time it suddenly sounded wrong and I put them back in place. Because the T1.3 is so different from the much brighter headphones I was used to, I did not appreciate the sound of T1.3 in the beginning. The T1.3 were tuned with the dampening cover and that is how they are designed to sound from Beyerdynamic. But for adjusting how they sound it is an easy and quick way to change the sound and you can go back again to experiment with a different signature.
Jun 11, 2023 at 5:57 AM Post #1,731 of 1,857
I think its funny how one Beyerdynamic fanboy dismissed my request for a balanced cable by proclaiming it's snakeoil. But then another one pops in and says 'yeah, and snake oil cables cost WAY more if they come from the factory, so they can't just give them to you for free!
Y'all are hilarious. I bought my T 1.3 a while ago, I've been living with them, making up my mind about a few things.
I think they are structurally designed really well. I'm super impressed. I've taken apart every headphone I could get my hands on for the past 10 years and I didn't find anything inside the cups I wanted to fix.
But ... there are a few things it could do better. I mean, there's a reason why this isn't the most beloved headphone. The reviews were tepid and mediocre.
I think the implementation was a little off, it confused people. It's a bit of an oddball.
But damn.... if you want an efficient, versatile, durable, comfortable, and audiophile quality sound..... what else is there?
That sounds like you consider those who don't share your opinion to be fanboys. Your other post sounded like you considered moving about on your boat a standard mobile use case that everyone should care about.
I share neither of these views, as I already laid out.

If you're happy with removing the dampers (which do have their purpose, but never mind) and a balanced cable, then why not just do so and be happy? Why try to convince others who obviously don't share your opinion? Doing something that's right for you, doesn't make it right for somebody else. If you believe a balanced cable serves your desires better, please get one. Just don't claim that this has any basis in balanced being better -- it is not by design better, and there are both balanced and unbalanced implementations that sound excellent. And sometimes the variants offered within one amp are simply not executed equally well, so one may end up sounding better *in that specific amp*.

Yes, many audiophiles were not that happy with the 3. gen models. According to their product manager that was not the target audience though, and they are very happy with feedback from what they defined as their target audience. As the old saying goes, designing a good product is not about saying yes, but saying no to almost everything. To keep it focused. Obviously they also wanted to keep the price below 1k, which I applaud. Not including a cable that costs quite some money, but is useless to their intended buyers (and me, and others as well) was a decision that served these targets.
Jun 11, 2023 at 5:07 PM Post #1,732 of 1,857
There's a lot to unpack here.... unfortunately I only interact with headfi on my phone, so writing out detailed, cogent responses is arduous. So having said that I'll try my best to address a few points.
1) I reject the concept that there are 2 ways to use a headphone, either you sit chained to an amp stack, or you are out on a scooter. "Mobile" can just mean not stuck in one spot. Of course most people don't live on a boat, the point is most people don't just have only one place in the whole world that they use their headphones. Sometimes you're in the kitchen cooking, sometimes you're out on the balcony etc. The fact that the T1.3 has 32ohm drivers means is meant to be used with mobile devices... which means it's MEANT to be at least somewhat mobile. And the cable it comes with SUCKS for that.
Jun 11, 2023 at 5:35 PM Post #1,733 of 1,857
2) I think anyone that blindly defends a Product based off of manufacturer's choices is a fanboy.
"Its sold with a 9ft 3.5mm cable, the most correct of all cables is therefore a 9ft. 3.5mm cable."
I guess y'all never read Candide, by Voltaire?
It is demonstrable," said he, "that things cannot be otherwise than as they are; for as all things have been created for some end, they must necessarily be created for the best end. Observe, for instance, the nose is formed for spectacles, therefore we wear spectacles.
Jun 11, 2023 at 5:53 PM Post #1,734 of 1,857
3) I can't get an included balanced Cable because it's so expensive to make them that it would drive the price up above that $1000 mark and in their benevolence and kindness the product planners at Beyer really wanted to keep it under that $1000 threshold.
1) it's listed as $1,300 on the website. And then on sale for $900.Whoops. it's Almost as if the prices are made up and flexible.
2) the balanced and unbalanced cables are the same, just terminated differently. I have that cable in front of me right now, it's not a $150 cable. Sorry, it's just not. It's good...I mean mine is having connectivity issues on the left cup, but it's made fairly well.
Id love for someone to show me how this is Cable is too precious to not be included. It's just not.
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Jun 11, 2023 at 5:54 PM Post #1,735 of 1,857
In my opinion the dampening cover over the drivers should stay. I also removed it myself in the beginning while adapting my ears to the darker sound of the T1.3 and I thought it helped and it gave more treble and opened up the sound. But after using them without the cover for some time it suddenly sounded wrong and I put them back in place. Because the T1.3 is so different from the much brighter headphones I was used to, I did not appreciate the sound of T1.3 in the beginning. The T1.3 were tuned with the dampening cover and that is how they are designed to sound from Beyerdynamic. But for adjusting how they sound it is an easy and quick way to change the sound and you can go back again to experiment with a different signature.
I love the sound of T1.3, but my opinion is biased, as I haven't tested other high end headphones. I have had the Sennheiser HD 280 Pro, Sennheiser SR 175, Sennheiser GSP 500, Philips SHP 9500, and they don't even come close to the quality of my T1.3 to my ears.

The thing I love the most about the T1.3 is that it has that "comfy" sound, it's not harsh, I can listen musics for hours and hours without getting tired, and the sound is so transparent (clear?), everything seems literally in "high definition". I'm a happy T1.3 owner as you all can see :gs1000smile:
Jun 11, 2023 at 6:08 PM Post #1,736 of 1,857
4) damping/tuning.
Whew, this is really personal, right?
How it sounds to me might be very different to you.
So... either you like it with the felt pulled or you don't.
But, I do want to get deeeeep into the weeds for a second.
OK there's different types of damping, right, There's mechanical damping, acoustic damping,etc. I think the filter provides plenty of acoustic damping. ( too much for my taste.)
I don't think it provides as much mechanical damping as people think it does though. If you remove the filter, just install the pads over the round plastic retainer and reinstall. I think the amount of mechanical damping the layer of felt provided was infinitesimal.
Jun 11, 2023 at 6:53 PM Post #1,737 of 1,857
4) damping/tuning.
Whew, this is really personal, right?
How it sounds to me might be very different to you.
So... either you like it with the felt pulled or you don't.
But, I do want to get deeeeep into the weeds for a second.
OK there's different types of damping, right, There's mechanical damping, acoustic damping,etc. I think the filter provides plenty of acoustic damping. ( too much for my taste.)
I don't think it provides as much mechanical damping as people think it does though. If you remove the filter, just install the pads over the round plastic retainer and reinstall. I think the amount of mechanical damping the layer of felt provided was infinitesimal.
I know it is personal, but I had the T1.2 and the T1.3 at the same time, this allowed me to do more in-depth testing of the changes from the Gen 2 to the Gen 3. The mechanical damping of the felt isn't a small change imho, it's not quite as much as the rubber ring of the T1.2 ring added but still quite noticeable imho. I did a lot of testing with the different rings, the rubber washers, the different pads, etc. The T1.2 ring and the T1.3 ring changed things as well due to the pads being positioned differently. They likely put the DT 1770/1990/Amiron Home mounting ring on the T1.3 due to the decreased ear space caused by the felt. I'm familiar with modding, my personal pride and joy of my modding journey is my DT 480 - 25 Ohm.
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Jun 11, 2023 at 7:25 PM Post #1,738 of 1,857
I know it is personal, but I had the T1.2 and the T1.3 at the same time, this allowed me to do more in-depth testing of the changes from the Gen 2 to the Gen 3. The mechanical damping of the felt isn't a small change imho, it's not quite as much as the rubber ring of the T1.2 ring added but still quite noticeable imho. I did a lot of testing with the different rings, the rubber washers, the different pads, etc. The T1.2 ring and the T1.3 ring changed things as well due to the pads being positioned differently. They likely put the DT 1770/1990/Amiron Home mounting ring on the T1.3 due to the decreased ear space caused by the felt. I'm familiar with modding, my personal pride and joy of my modding journey is my DT 480 - 25 Ohm.
Thanks for the input, but it seems like my point stands: the felt pads is more about filtering noise than controlling vibrations in the cup.
I did try to put a gasket in place, it was a lot of tinkering for zero effect.
The reality is the cups/interior structure of the T1.3 are really stable. One of my main obsessions when modding headphones has been minimizing extraneous vibrations within the cups... but the T1.3 is solid in that regard.
Jun 11, 2023 at 7:27 PM Post #1,739 of 1,857
Thanks for the input, but it seems like my point stands: the felt pads is more about filtering noise than controlling vibrations in the cup.
I did try to put a gasket in place, it was a lot of tinkering for zero effect.
The reality is the cups/interior structure of the T1.3 are really stable. One of my main obsessions when modding headphones has been minimizing extraneous vibrations within the cups... but the T1.3 is solid in that regard.
I found there was some give in my pair without the felt or gaskets, so my pair actually needs it. And that may explain why it made a noticeable difference in my pair.
Jun 11, 2023 at 7:33 PM Post #1,740 of 1,857
I found there was some give in my pair without the felt or gaskets, so my pair actually needs it. And that may explain why it made a noticeable difference in my pair.
That's fair. Any time you take a headphone apart, it might not go back together as tight.
Mine is a little looser, in terms of, the earpads can be rotated without having to remove them altogether. But it's not loose enough to allow vibration.

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