Beyerdynamic T1 3rd Gen out now
Nov 24, 2020 at 11:05 AM Post #871 of 1,833
Why are you copying and pasting from another site onto here? Why don't you actually get a set of the headphones, listen to them and post YOUR OWN thoughts on them? Or are you just intent on trolling and bashing?

Because kyotousa seemed to be interested in hearing impressions from more than just one person.

I did try a set. I didn't want to say anything online because I thought the pair I tried was faulty. I will try to get a hold of another pair.

If there is some rule here that says that only positive impressions, sometimes from people who have a commercial interest in selling an item (for example due to connections with distributors in their countries) are allowed, then please tell me where it is?
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Nov 24, 2020 at 11:56 AM Post #872 of 1,833
Because kyotousa seemed to be interested in hearing impressions from more than just one person.

I did try a set. I didn't want to say anything online because I thought the pair I tried was faulty. I will try to get a hold of another pair.

If there is some rule here that says that only positive impressions, sometimes from people who have a commercial interest in selling an item (for example due to connections with distributors in their countries) are allowed, then please tell me where it is?
I'm just dumbfounded by the fact that how statistics has been playing a role in your life. Good job my friend.
Nov 24, 2020 at 12:00 PM Post #873 of 1,833
Why are you copying and pasting from another site onto here? Why don't you actually get a set of the headphones, listen to them and post YOUR OWN thoughts on them? Or are you just intent on trolling and bashing?
I think that @SSL443 posted the same conclusions in this thread. I only look at this forum and when I was reading what Hooster pasted it was familiar to me when I was looking information in this thread.
Nov 24, 2020 at 2:17 PM Post #875 of 1,833
Because kyotousa seemed to be interested in hearing impressions from more than just one person.

I did try a set. I didn't want to say anything online because I thought the pair I tried was faulty. I will try to get a hold of another pair.

If there is some rule here that says that only positive impressions, sometimes from people who have a commercial interest in selling an item (for example due to connections with distributors in their countries) are allowed, then please tell me where it is?

I wouldn’t be afraid to post your impressions here. If you think they’re faulty, just make a disclaimer at the beginning you think the pair may possibly be faulty. These have a love/hate sound signature and I’m not surprised many dislike them, I’ve seen a lot of YouTube reviewers not liking them and numerous that do like them. And I’ve read a lot of mixed reviews. I personally love them but I understand why many won’t like how they sound.
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Nov 24, 2020 at 5:41 PM Post #876 of 1,833
I did try a set. I didn't want to say anything online because I thought the pair I tried was faulty. I will try to get a hold of another pair.
Yeah sure.

If there is some rule here that says that only positive impressions, sometimes from people who have a commercial interest in selling an item (for example due to connections with distributors in their countries) are allowed, then please tell me where it is?
You seem to have an personal interest in constantly trashing something you don't know. Which serves no meaningful purpose for the collective.

But if you do buy a pair and get to spend some proper time with them and you end up not liking them and wish to post a negative review, by all means go ahead.
Nov 26, 2020 at 2:51 PM Post #877 of 1,833
  • Overall character is similar to the gen 2 (very colored/warm, "U/M" shaped response), but with less treble (4-5kHz up). Slightly punchier bass for some reason.
  • Seems pretty clear the foam over the driver is a treble absorber.
  • Balance is now borderline dark, though not smooth.

I do not agree with balance is borderline dark - it is clearly darker sounding signature. Nor is it anywhere near Gen 2 to my ears.

  • Treble above 10-12kHz rolls off sharply, then again after 14-16kHz. Air is lacking.

By "air" do you mean treble? Because it cannot be resolution and instrument seperation which is where T1.3 really excel if you ask me.

  • Presence region is still laid-back/recessed/lacking clarity.

I agree that midrange should be more forward. That is also what I prefer. Heck, I like Grado's and SR325 was one of my favourites. But that problem was only in the beginning. I didn't perceive that after spending longer time with T1.3. I think that is a matter of adjusting to the signature.

  • DT1770 Pro has a better tuning.
  • HD 650 **** on them hard, though not a fair comparison due to chain synergy. HD 650 FR will always be vastly superior regardless of upstream, though.
Honestly, the gen 3 just sounds worse to me than the gen 2 did, from memory. While the gen 2 had problems, I remember actually kind of liking it with some music, and spending quite a bit of time listening before I returned it. This iteration just seems sad regardless of what I throw at it. Maybe my standards have gone up in the intervening time.

I don't see these being of any interest to members here. The treble absorber foam thing feels like a band-aid solution at best. The problems of the gen 2 remain, just papered over."

I like DT1770 as well, but "better" tuning and "vastly superior FR" is highly debatable and is a matter of taste. Also, the HD650 which is so highly praised, use several ways to absorb treble with foam here and there and can also be removed - which I liked to do with the "apuresound mod".

I don't see why the T1.3 is NOT of interest to members here? It is a truly high end headphone, but its problem is that many experienced head-fi'ers will only spend a short time with them at a meet or in a shop and that is not enough to adjust to a signature which is so different than the majority of headphones. Technically it is among the best I have listened to.
Nov 26, 2020 at 3:07 PM Post #878 of 1,833
I do not agree with balance is borderline dark - it is clearly darker sounding signature. Nor is it anywhere near Gen 2 to my ears.

By "air" do you mean treble? Because it cannot be resolution and instrument seperation which is where T1.3 really excel if you ask me.

I agree that midrange should be more forward. That is also what I prefer. Heck, I like Grado's and SR325 was one of my favourites. But that problem was only in the beginning. I didn't perceive that after spending longer time with T1.3. I think that is a matter of adjusting to the signature.

I like DT1770 as well, but "better" tuning and "vastly superior FR" is highly debatable and is a matter of taste. Also, the HD650 which is so highly praised, use several ways to absorb treble with foam here and there and can also be removed - which I liked to do with the "apuresound mod".

I don't see why the T1.3 is NOT of interest to members here? It is a truly high end headphone, but its problem is that many experienced head-fi'ers will only spend a short time with them at a meet or in a shop and that is not enough to adjust to a signature which is so different than the majority of headphones. Technically it is among the best I have listened to.

Honestly I'm not sure why it isn't either, once you spend a decent amount of time with it, it's great. I loved it from the get go honestly, but I guess because it's so different many people automatically assume it's incorrect sounding. The thing is both the T1.3 and the older T1.2 are headphones that need time to fully appreciate. They are one of the few headphones I find get better the longer you own and listen to them. And to me that is a true test of how good a headphone is, does it sound better the longer you listen to them or do they start grating on you with long use. It's with long-term use you start noticing the real issues with headphones, the T1.3 actually has very few real flaws and that's what I love about the headphone. FR response can be altered, but fundamental flaws are much harder if not impossible to address.
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Nov 26, 2020 at 5:34 PM Post #879 of 1,833
You guys do realize you are commenting on irrelevant comments that were imported and pasted from that other site?
Nov 27, 2020 at 1:24 AM Post #880 of 1,833
You guys do realize you are commenting on irrelevant comments that were imported and pasted from that other site?

I know. I just thought they should't be left there as a statement without being debated.
Nov 28, 2020 at 10:45 PM Post #882 of 1,833
Anyone so far had a chance to try the T1.3 without the foam inserts against the T1.1 and T1.2 ?
Nov 29, 2020 at 7:50 PM Post #883 of 1,833
Anyone so far had a chance to try the T1.3 without the foam inserts against the T1.1 and T1.2 ?

I felt Rasmushorn's review and comments on listening w/o foam aligned very well with my impressions. Unfortunately, A/B'ing proved to be difficult with my setup due to the varied impedance, but I haven't touched the 1.2 (my previous daily driver) since pulling the foam from the 1.3.

T1.3 with the pads was good, but not my cup of tea. Rasmushorn recommended putting the foam back since that's how it was intended- I personally do not plan on ever putting them back. Felt like more treble in the 1.3 w/o foam vs. the 1.2. Imaging felt more precise. I do wish there were some frequency measurements w/o foam to confirm.
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Nov 29, 2020 at 8:48 PM Post #884 of 1,833
I felt Rasmushorn's review and comments on listening w/o foam aligned very well with my impressions. Unfortunately, A/B'ing proved to be difficult with my setup due to the varied impedance, but I haven't touched the 1.2 (my previous daily driver) since pulling the foam from the 1.3.

T1.3 with the pads was good, but not my cup of tea. Rasmushorn recommended putting the foam back since that's how it was intended- I personally do not plan on ever putting them back. Felt like more treble in the 1.3 w/o foam vs. the 1.2. Imaging felt more precise. I do wish there were some frequency measurements w/o foam to confirm.

Thanks for your input. Reason I was asking is that I still have a pair of T1.1 (13K serial) which are still my favorite ones but they are physically getting "tired". I also have a pair of T90 and AK T1P. I really like the T90 brightness and neutral tone but compared to the T1.1 the soundstage is narrrower, less bass and lethal on bad recordings. The AK T1P which is 32ohm like the T1.3 retains most of the soundstage of the T1.1 but is bassier and quite chopped off in the higher spectrum. It doesn't have foam inserts so I can't go brighter with them. Even with a Violectric V100, Gustard A18 (AK4499) and Nordost Valhalla XLR the AK T1P is too dark sounding for my preference. I'm afraid the T1.3 without foams is pretty much the same as the AK T1P. Rather difficult these days to find a nice pair of high serial T1.1, I would probably have to buy a new pair of T1.2 while they are still available, I owned these for a while but sold them after I got my hands on the T1.1. Or I may try a T1.3 for a while and return them if I not my cup of tea.

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