Beyerdynamic DT880 *closed-back*
May 27, 2010 at 5:44 AM Post #91 of 331

I haven't tried taping the Jmoney pads but I did try to tape the DT880 pads. Wasn't much change to the sound with those.
May 27, 2010 at 7:27 AM Post #93 of 331
May 27, 2010 at 8:31 AM Post #94 of 331
Yep. I am going to install some XLR outputs to my Buffalo and according to some it can drive headphones pretty effectively so for the sake of modding I installed some balanced connectors. :)
The DT770 pads have arrived (YEAH). Although they look the same as DT880 pads they are nothing like it. The DT880 pads are more fluffly while the DT770 ones are more firm. They also change the sound a lot. The closeback is now listenable and they sound very nice. I am going to listen to it some more but I think I will want the low end a little more pronounced and the upper mids slightly pushed back. Especially the latter.
May 27, 2010 at 1:15 PM Post #95 of 331
Yes the DT770s are stiffer. They have another foam inside, which isolates better. Did you taped them? 

Well then, slightly increase the bass-reflex-hole and change the damping in front of the driver. Maybe it is better to use your felt instead of that sink-towels.
May 27, 2010 at 2:31 PM Post #96 of 331
Well I can already say that I really like my second "Teutonian modded" pair of phones.

I taped the pads and put two extra layers of fleece in front of the drivers. Much better. Perhaps I am going to open the holes just slightly but I have to think that over.

The best part of the mod is that all the weak parts of the DT880s get fixed. The hot treble (and sibilance at times) is gone and the bass is much more present. I also love the mids on these. What I miss on these is how sounds like guitars are presented. You know with open phones guitars can really scream and sing, but with closed phones they sound more subdued. Just different presentation and it's nice to have such a beast next to my Alessandro.
May 27, 2010 at 3:14 PM Post #97 of 331
You've got your MS1K for guitars, this one shines if you want slam and isolation.
May 28, 2010 at 3:34 AM Post #98 of 331
Well I was missing that slam so I opened up the hole a little to I'd say the size of two 3.5mm plugs. Bass is definitely stronger now.

May 28, 2010 at 4:30 AM Post #99 of 331
I think we germans have done worse things to you dutch, haven't we? 

May 28, 2010 at 5:50 AM Post #100 of 331

When there is still too less bass you can make the bass-reflex-hole a bit bigger. But wait for the DT770s. Velour usually have more bass than leather-pads.
Did you taped the backside of the jmoney pads?

Well, Skylab would definitely disagree on the bass part. According to him the velour pads gives the least bass.
In my opinion, sometimes the DT770 velour pads gives more bass than Beyer aviation and manufacture leather pads. Depends on the headphone and especially how good the seal is. Velour can give a better seal because they are smaller.
Taping them gives slightly more bass (and sharper overall sound), but makes them also stiffer than they already are, thus less comfortable.
I'm very curious about these closed DT880....
May 28, 2010 at 6:33 AM Post #101 of 331
It depends on the headphones. With the stock DT880 the Jmoney pads increase the bass and reduces the treble. In his review Skylab went from the stock DT880 pads to Jmoney pads...
But not also the headphones, it also depends on the pads. The DT770 and DT880 pads are both made out of velour though they are nothing alike. The DT770 pads are stronger in the bass.
Winschoten isn't too far from here. You're always welcome to try the CB out. :wink:
May 28, 2010 at 6:41 AM Post #102 of 331

It depends on the headphones. With the stock DT880 the Jmoney pads increase the bass and reduces the treble. In his review Skylab went from the stock DT880 pads to Jmoney pads...
But not also the headphones, it also depends on the pads. The DT770 and DT880 pads are both made out of velour though they are nothing alike. The DT770 pads are stronger in the bass.
Winschoten isn't too far from here. You're always welcome to try the CB out. :wink:

But Skylab also wrote it many times when he compared DT770 velour to various leather pads.
It's not important, just interesting how opinions/ hearing can be different. I like this part of Head-Fi.
Thanks for the invitation :)
Jun 10, 2010 at 5:11 PM Post #104 of 331
Toyed around a little. I opened op the bass-hole a bit and put two extra layers of the thin dampening stuff in front of the drivers. Those two layers proved to suck out the treble completely so I quickly removed them. I was amazed that _just_ two layers changed the sound like it did. I use the same stuff for the MS1000 and it has nowhere near the effect there as it has on the Beyers.
I made the hole quite a bit bigger but I don't notice a huge increase in bass quantity. Rather there is more groundtone to speak in Noxter's terms; the bass, or really low notes in this case, seem to fill up the sound and support the overall image. I like this sound better and it reminds me of listening to high-end speakers.

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