Better deals than 963SA?
Nov 20, 2003 at 4:28 PM Post #16 of 24

...the Bel Canto DAC2 is a digital-to-analog converter, meant to work with pure CD transports or to improve the sound of existing CD players by bypassing their own DAC and instead receiving their digital signal through their SPDIF (coaxial) or Toslink (optical) output and convert it to analog.


Now the Philips' built-in DAC is so good that I probably wouldn't have felt the need for an extra DAC. The Bel Canto pronounces the frequency extremes slightly more than the Philips, especially its bass is a bit fuller, and dynamics seem minimally increased, but when it comes to the midrange and transparency, the Philips seems to be slightly better to my ears.

After reading your description I think the Corda HA-2 suits your preferences perfectly. Note that it will need some time (~300 hours) to sound at its best.

Nov 20, 2003 at 5:05 PM Post #17 of 24
I just searched ebay and there are two refurbished payers for $319.99 ($323 buynow)

Personally I would go for the full warranty one on Amazon as the refurbished has only 90 days warranty and the deference is not big in price. I just might pick one up for the holidays

Jazz - good to hear that its a good match for the HA-2, hopefully it will be for the Headmaster as well...
Nov 20, 2003 at 5:10 PM Post #18 of 24

Originally posted by JaZZ
My source is the DVD 963SA, and I'm extremely happy with its sound (not quite so with its audio handling convenience).

Are you referring to the switching between stereo and surround versions of the SACD? I read a bunch on this player about a year ago but its a bit blurry now. If I get one it would not be anywhere close to a TV so only on screan (TV) menu options will not be very convenient.
Nov 20, 2003 at 6:08 PM Post #19 of 24
dariusf..., the switching between CD, SACD stereo and SACD multichannel is easy, either on the player or the RC, the only thing that needs a TV screen is switching between upsampling frequencies, whereas upsampling on and off is accessible on the RC as well (actually once you know the switching scheme, you can change the upsampling frequencies also without a screen).

My complaint about the audio handling convenience is adressed to some other features. Fast forward is a pain, you have to press the switch for a second or more, and finally it moves a bit, but not really fast, but if you press again, it moves a bit faster, but still not really fast, and the sound is disappeared in this mode, and to stop forwarding and to continue playing you have to press «play». It's impossible to reach an aimed position precisely within a reasonable time, not least also because the movement happens in relatively coarse steps, and the less so if it's in the middle of a long track. Generally the reaction to commands is rather slow.

Well, actually the fast-forward issue is the only one that really bothers me, but I also don't like the bug with the pause function (only with CD, not with SACD): you can't keep a song paused at its beginning. The display shows «--.--» constantly, but if you press «play», you'll notice that the song has already started to play silently in the background long ago... A minor bug is the following: the only way to prevent the start of a CD after insertion is to press «stop» instead of «close» or «play», e.g. in order to start with shuffle play. If you disable upsampling now, before pressing «shuffle» or «play», after the start of the first song the display shows «upsampling 96 kHz» (or «192 kHz») anyway and the corresponding LED is lit, but in fact it's disabled.

Some really likeable
little quirks of an otherwise great player...

Nov 20, 2003 at 6:25 PM Post #20 of 24
Thank you JaZZ for this great info. I guess I could live with the few quirks as long as the sound is great. I'm very seriously considering upgrading my NAD521+MSB link III (with upsampling upgrade). If only to get the SACD playback. I guess I might keep the MSB if only to use it as external DAC for the Audiotron... got some thinking to do
Nov 21, 2003 at 12:50 AM Post #21 of 24
Thanks for the information, Jazz...

I think I am going to get:
Phillips 963SA => Corda HA-2 or Gilmore V2 => Etymotic ER-4S

If I was to add in Meier Audio's crossfeed, where would I connect it?
Also, what kinds of interconnects and such would I have to buy to set up the source to amp (to maybe crossfeed) to headphones?
Sorry, the interconnect business with hooking up source has been slightly vague, and I have never put together a home system before, so some guidance would mean the world to me...

I was thinking Monster interconnects with either the Corda HA-2/Gimore V2 and Meier Audio crossfeed.

Nov 21, 2003 at 9:37 AM Post #22 of 24

...if you want Crossfeed, why consider the Gilmore at all? I don't know it, but from the reviews I've read the HA-2 seems to be the superior amp, and it has Crossfeed built in. Moreover I can't imagine that the Gilmore/Cross-1 combination is cheaper.

Well, many people like the Gilmore, and I don't want to disqualify it. But without a hint that for whatever reason the Gimore would be a better match for your system/preferences I think the Crossfeed factor speaks for the Corda.

Sorry, I have no experience with buyable interconnects, so I can't recommend any.

Nov 21, 2003 at 12:40 PM Post #23 of 24
JaZZ --

Yeah, after looking through a couple reviews, I guess again it looks like the Corda HA-2... The only reason I considered the Gilmore is because there were some "raving" reviews that I did not look at objectively... Silly me

What are the real differences between the HA-2 and the Prehead?
There has to be a difference in sound because there is a difference in componentry.

Also, what other amplifiers are equal to the HA-2? Meaning, are there any other amplifiers from other manufacturers that stand toe-to-toe with the CORDA HA-2? I am just wondering because I want to have a method for comparison, and maybe I have heard some of the amplifiers you name to get a feel for the HA-2's quality...

Nov 21, 2003 at 5:21 PM Post #24 of 24

What are the real differences between the HA-2 and the Prehead?
There has to be a difference in sound because there is a difference in componentry.

...well, the PreHead is also a pre-amp, it has more output power than the HA-2, 4 inputs instead of one as well as 3 Crossfeed settings instead of two with the HA-2. I haven't heard the PreHead, so I have to rely on others' reviews when it comes to the sound.


Also, what other amplifiers are equal to the HA-2? Meaning, are there any other amplifiers from other manufacturers that stand toe-to-toe with the CORDA HA-2?

There are certainly some amps with equal sound quality (the EMP is one of those) and some with even better sound quality (whereby «better» is subjective, as always). All I can say is that the HA-2 is the best amp for dynamic headphones I have heard. But I haven't heard too many. However, it's good to know that one of the most experienced Head-Fi reviewers, Tuberoller, rates the PreHead as the best solid-state headphone amp, with the HA-2 close behind.


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