Best Sub $300 IEM's
Mar 19, 2020 at 1:57 AM Post #17 of 20
Mar 19, 2020 at 3:20 AM Post #18 of 20
Mar 19, 2020 at 5:13 AM Post #19 of 20
How does ISN H40 compare to your endgame Sony M7?

They are pretty much different, the M7 is more towards studio / stage monitoring, does everything correct, but dont overboost some range of frequencies, and they are still more mature, more smooth. Depth and layering also 1 of the best in IEM world. While H40 is more to fun IEM, they do nothing wrong also, details still better in M7 but not by far margin. So I love both, M7 still better but at 1/3 of the M7 price, H40 is solid deal

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