Best price on HD650's?
Feb 15, 2004 at 3:43 AM Post #76 of 115

Originally posted by gsferrari
You are equating AA and Walmart which I think is a gross error on your part.

I never equated AA with Walmart which is a gross error on your part, in fact if you read the thread, I earlier responded to BlessingX that I had gotten good customer service and support from them, although I wouldn't call them and expect them to be knowledgable about headphones.


This forums is supported by Headroom? great...nice of them to do so...
But that doesnt make me holden to them to take everything they say at the prices they offer me?

No one said that, my understanding of what you have said is that you always went with the cheapest prices and didn't care who provided the resources you used to make the decision. Which is fundamentally what the earlier discussion in this thread was about. If you don't support the folks who make the resources availlable, the resources will go away. As Tyll already mentioned, he has to do his part, which is adding enough value to the transaction while keeping his prices low enough that customers will still buy from him. From previous discussions with him, his pain seems to come more from having folks buy from back room resellers that have little overhead, because they're not providing the resources he is. No one in this discussion has ever implied blindly buying because of who the seller is, that seems to be a straw horse you are bringing into this discussion.
Feb 15, 2004 at 3:50 AM Post #77 of 115

Originally posted by hottyson
Hey hey now, I love Wal-Mart. I have five big dogs and I buy my dog food there every couple weeks. My dogs love it too! As for electronics, I have only purchased one DVD player there.

No Comment!


I understand and beleive in "Head-fi loyalty", but I have a deep conviction for individual FREEDOM. Individuals should have the right to purchase anywhere they desire.

I agree, I think most of this discussion centers around ethics not rights. There is a distinction between the two.
Feb 15, 2004 at 3:50 AM Post #78 of 115

Originally posted by hottyson
However, I think that it is a bit odd that some would scrutinize an individual for shopping elsewhere. I understand and beleive in "Head-fi loyalty", but I have a deep conviction for individual FREEDOM. Individuals should have the right to purchase anywhere they desire.

Ditto. When pricing is competitive and sponsors are in the same ball park, then more than glad to purchase form a sponsor. When their pricing is not very competitive, arguing that by not buying from them you are contributing to the problems in X part of the world, gee, that's a real good stretch of speculation and imagination, imho.
Feb 15, 2004 at 4:06 AM Post #79 of 115

Originally posted by gpalmer
(...) my understanding of what you have said is that you always went with the cheapest prices and didn't care who provided the resources you used to make the decision. [/B]

Hi gpalmer,

In rereading the entire thread I searched where «it went wrong».
The reason was quite obvious: it was in the utilisation of the logic of rights where it should have been question of personal ethics. Individuals have the legal right to choose what they want, but if they want to protect their community their choices are not so absolute. The main error consist then in the view of the community as an exterior element of themselves. In conclusion YOU are the community.


P.S. Are you reading in my mind????? I saw your post after writing this one
Feb 15, 2004 at 4:19 AM Post #80 of 115

Originally posted by genetic
The reason was quite obvious: it was in the utilisation of the logic of rights where it should have been question of personal ethics. Individuals have the legal right to choose what they want, but if they want to protect their community their choices are not so absolute. The main error consist then in the view of the community as an exterior element of themselves. In conclusion YOU are the community.

Very true, there are a lot of things that are within your rights that are not ethical. One story about Bill Gates from "Hard Drive." Bill was out on a date with a woman who was a senior official of some company. As part of the dinner conversation, she mentioned how great a deal her company had worked out on an acquisition they were completing the next day. Bill excused himself to go to the bathroom, went off and bought the company and came back and told her. (Bet he didn't get lucky that night). She got fired. This was within his rights, however I don't believe it was an ethical decision.


P.S. Are you reading in my mind????? I saw your post after writing this one

That's Jude!
Feb 15, 2004 at 4:38 AM Post #81 of 115
Ethics eh?

You talk about "giving back" to the community - this is something I have done and so have many others - NO MATTER where they buy their gear from.

Ok tell me - Do you send a check to your high school teacher or your university professor every month? After all - they ave you your education right

No?? Because you paid for it??

But its the ethical thing to do isnt it? You learnt, whatever you now use at work, in school and college and then in university...surely you have to give them something in return!!!

In pretty much the same way - I learn from the forums and I spend my money after the necessary education where I see fit...I came here for information - not to worry about the politics and to get to know the who's who of the forums. You gave me the education...thank you...end of story.

Just do a count and see HOW MANY members actually post on the forums or have made more than 10 posts...i'll wager less than 30% !!!

its the can do all you want to go out and be all entuhsiastic about your passion for a hobby and create a knowledge base - just dont expect anything in return...Nobody asked you to do it for them and you have not contributed to tis forums on your own anyway.

For someone to DEMAND that we stop going elsewhere to buy our stuff borders on restrictive marketing and I cannot believe that this is being condoned on a public forum.

Tyll voiced his opinion, albeit in a rather passionate fashion...understandable.

All my respect, admiration, appreciation, gratitude goes to Tyll, Todd and the rest of em. But my money goes where I think it is spent best

If they think I am unethical for doing this - its unfortunate
Feb 15, 2004 at 4:39 AM Post #82 of 115

Originally posted by gpalmer
I agree, I think most of this discussion centers around ethics not rights. There is a distinction between the two.

I also agree with your statement.
Feb 15, 2004 at 4:41 AM Post #83 of 115

Originally posted by gsferrari
All my respect, admiration, appreciation, gratitude goes to Tyll, Todd and the rest of em. But my money goes where I think it is spent best

It is very ethicle that you be given that freedom.
Feb 15, 2004 at 4:41 AM Post #84 of 115
Speaking of ethics with respect to purchase decisions and free competitive markets...

I go to Barnes and Noble and start browsing their magazines, I start reading one and go through an article with a review of one specific book, they highly recommend that book. So I look for that book, start reading it for let's say 15 minutes, maybe even half an hour, "Hmm, good read indeed" I think, "should probably get it...". Turn it around and see the sticker price, $40... "hmm, maybe not now". Then I leave, and a few days later stop by Books a Million, and I start browsing books, and I see the one I had seen in B&N, and I see it's on sale for $35... I don't even read it, I haven't even seen in BAM the magazine that recommends that book.

So, do you think it is unethical of me to buy it in BAM for $35, just because I got interested in that book thanks to B&N magazine, and thanks to a half hour read in B&N, where they sell it for $40?

Well, that's a matter of opinion as many ethical issues. In my opinion it's not unethical at all to get it from BAM.

So I thought should enlarge my own posting:


Originally posted by rsaavedr
When their pricing is not very competitive, arguing that by not buying from them you are contributing to the problems in X part of the world, gee, that's a real good stretch of speculation and imagination, imho.

When their (sponsors) pricing is not very competitive, arguing that by not buying from them you are contributing to the problems in X part of the world, or that you are being unethical, gee, that's a real good stretch of speculation and imagination, or a good stretch of just an opinion, imho.
Feb 15, 2004 at 4:50 AM Post #85 of 115

Originally posted by rsaavedr
So, do you think it is unethical of me to buy it in BAM for $35, just because I got interested in that book thanks to B&N magazine, and thanks to a half hour read in B&N, where they sell it for $40?

Perhaps, or perhaps not. The situation would become comical if the customers started pointing fingers at you at started telling you about how inappropriate your behavior was.
Feb 15, 2004 at 5:03 AM Post #86 of 115

Originally posted by hottyson
Perhaps, or perhaps not. The situation would become comical if the customers started pointing fingers at you at started telling you about how inappropriate your behavior was.

But he'd be in a different store, he would have to go back to BN!
Feb 15, 2004 at 5:10 AM Post #87 of 115

Originally posted by gsferrari

Ok tell me - Do you send a check to your high school teacher or your university professor every month? After all - they ave you your education right

For someone to DEMAND that we stop going elsewhere to buy our stuff borders on restrictive marketing and I cannot believe that this is being condoned on a public forum.
If they think I am unethical for doing this - its unfortunate

(1) I'm glad the «check thing» was not for me personnaly because I have studied in so many universities

(2) On this one you are right on the money
(3) Like you I don't like the fact that your position could be associated with unethical conduct. As I wrote earlier, fidelity is something you reserve only for the ones you share values with. You have to deserve this.

Feb 15, 2004 at 5:18 AM Post #88 of 115

Originally posted by gsferrari
Ok tell me - Do you send a check to your high school teacher or your university professor every month? After all - they ave you your education right :confused

Sorry, but you seem to be babbling here although you correctly used the confused icon for your thoughts. How are these situations even vaguely related? If you were paying to post on this forum and learn from it you might have a point, since you aren't I don't see your point. Are you trying to argue that once you buy a headphone from AA, you should send them a check for using it? Hey, it's a free country, knock yourself out!


its the can do all you want to go out and be all entuhsiastic about your passion for a hobby and create a knowledge base - just dont expect anything in return...Nobody asked you to do it for them and you have not contributed to tis forums on your own anyway.

I have bought products from HeadRoom that in turn funded the forum, so you seem to have missed the point. I also have bought a pretty good chunk of stuff through the Amazon link which also funds the forum.


For someone to DEMAND that we stop going elsewhere to buy our stuff borders on restrictive marketing and I cannot believe that this is being condoned on a public forum.

Another straw man from you, nobody demanded you buy products anywhere. If you can't argue your case based on the facts maybe you shouldn't argue your case...
Feb 15, 2004 at 5:22 AM Post #89 of 115

Originally posted by genetic
(1) I'm glad the «check thing» was not for me personnaly because I have studied in so many universities

(2) On this one you are right on the money
(3) Like you I don't like the fact that your position could be associated with unethical conduct. As I wrote earlier, fidelity is something you reserve only for the ones you share values with. You have to deserve this.


Interesting, your University let you attend for free and doesn't try contacting you every year for donations. I can tell you mine have the persistance of a bill collector.

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