Best IEM tips?
Jan 19, 2024 at 3:19 PM Post #2,896 of 3,513
What tip would temper trebble the most ?
Any ideas?
Jan 19, 2024 at 6:29 PM Post #2,898 of 3,513
Black Final E is one of them at least😊
Ok. Thanks.
And what do you guys prefer, silicone (Spinfit, Final E, Dunu, Azla xelastec(well not silicone but TPE)) or foam (TRN, Comply) ?
Jan 19, 2024 at 9:30 PM Post #2,899 of 3,513
What tip would temper trebble the most ?

It is typically the one that gives you the best seal. Auditory masking is real. Want to tame treble? Get the best sealing as possible so the bass frequencies will mask other regions of the spectrum.

No wonder why AZLAs, Type E's, foam eartips, to name a few, are quite popular. I tend to use bigger sizes myself for better sealing.

Note it is very easy to do a eartip rolling exercise yourself while comparing the bass on L/R ears. In short, I always go to the ones that give me the higher bass. That is the best sealing. And that is why I'm a s*cker for AZLAs.

The opposite is also true. Get a crappy sealing and even the darkest sounding IEM may sound harsh and fatiguing.
Jan 20, 2024 at 1:55 AM Post #2,900 of 3,513
After discovering the SpinFit W1 and being very enthusiastic about it, I wanted to know how it differs in sound from the CP145, which has practically the same shape. Does anyone have any experience with them?
Jan 23, 2024 at 4:31 AM Post #2,903 of 3,513
For anyone that has larger outer ear canals and IEM that have short nozzles or for some other reason require a somewhat shallow insertion meaning the tips need to seal in the wider outer part of the ear canals, Penon makes their Liqueur tips in L and XL being 14mm and 15.5mm diameter in black and orange.

I have some of both on order but got an earlier version of the 15.5mm ones in a previous Penon order and they are a life saver on one particular set of IEM on which the more typical 13.5 to 14mm large tips of various brands are just a tiny bit small to provide a good reliable seal that stays put without messing with them from time to time.

Just a follow up.

I got the black sets, I ordered the orange ones separately so they are probably a week away yet.

I bought them for my Campfire Solaris which I was having trouble getting a good fit and seal even with typical 14mm large size from other brands.

The 15 or so millimeter Liqueurs fix that problem and seal exceptionally well and sound excellent. I will probably use the orange just because I reckon they might look cool 😂

Anyway, the Penon Liqueur tips are rather sticky as someone suggested they might be looking at the glossy finish. They stick very well, similar to XELASTEC but the more tapered shape fits better for me so they really hold well without needing intermittent adjustment but are not so sticky to insert. A bit of a gentle twist to get them snugged in is all that is needed and I suspect they will get easier to insert after a bit of use and a bit of skin oil gets on them.

The other nice thing versus the XELASTEC is they don’t seem to be magnets for fluff etc and they stay round and don’t go out of shape after a bit of use.

If anyone is struggling with fit due to an IEM seating in the wider outer part of the ear canal even with typical large sizes the XL Penon Liqueur might just be a saviour.
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Jan 24, 2024 at 3:10 AM Post #2,905 of 3,513
So after some hours with the Divinus velvet tips, here's my verdict:

-Sounds pretty much like the majority of wide bore tips
-Comfortable for long periods (I have no tried to see how long i can hold mind you)
-The stem will hold really tight, specially with iems with lip nozzle
There's a seam line around the outer edge, and somehow these accumulate a lot of ear wax. Even more surprising, these I can't clean by just rubbing them in my fingers, I really have to pull out the rubbing alcohol

so they're alright, but I will keep doing some tip rolling
Jan 24, 2024 at 3:40 AM Post #2,906 of 3,513
So after some hours with the Divinus velvet tips, here's my verdict:

-Sounds pretty much like the majority of wide bore tips
-Comfortable for long periods (I have no tried to see how long i can hold mind you)
-The stem will hold really tight, specially with iems with lip nozzle
There's a seam line around the outer edge, and somehow these accumulate a lot of ear wax. Even more surprising, these I can't clean by just rubbing them in my fingers, I really have to pull out the rubbing alcohol

so they're alright, but I will keep doing some tip rolling
It never ends does it? Lol. I have way too many tips, and still haven't found the perfect tip yet. Velvets are #1 for my use case now, but I'm still looking.
Jan 24, 2024 at 5:25 AM Post #2,907 of 3,513
Those look really tacky, are they a thick silicone or are they on the thinner side? The dome shape is promising, usually means they don't invert on removal. Do they cling to your ear canal and cause any irritation on insertion/removal?

They are kind of sticky but not like XELASTEC. They stick in the ear canal very well but don’t seem to hold fluff like the XELASTEC do.

They don’t turn inside out upon removal.

I have found they can irritate a little but I think that is as much to do with me thinking about them and wiggling my jaw which of course moves them in my ear and irritates and upsets the seal. When I sit and listen while working and forget about them they don’t irritate.

I am not sure they are good for all IEM. I tried the smaller size ones on other IEM that I don’t have fit issues with and I prefer Divinus Velvet, CP145, KBear 07 etc. I think they are at their best when a good seal is needed with a shallow insertion depth IEM where the combination of diameter and stickiness creates a good fit and seal in the outer ear.

Plus side is they are a cheap experiment, $9.90 for three pair in any size combination you want.
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Jan 24, 2024 at 5:10 PM Post #2,908 of 3,513
Do you guys know of any eartips that help regulate pressure from IEMs without vents? I'm loving my Pula PA02 but after a while they really mess with your ears

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