Best headphone purchase, worst headphone purchase you have made
Jun 14, 2006 at 4:50 AM Post #106 of 340
Best: Senn HD600s
Worst: Senn HD497 ( I rarely use them anymore)
Jun 14, 2006 at 9:45 AM Post #109 of 340
Best: Koss A250. I've been fortunate to get some good deals on some very good headphones (Beyer DT831's, Philips HP890, Senn HD590 w/ Equinox cable) but nothing that even comes close to the A250 for ~$33. I have several other Koss 60 ohm headphones (KSC35, KSC75, KSC50, Sportapro, UR40) and while the A250 definitely shares a similar sound signature, it just takes it to a level that the others could never imagine.

Worst: Maxell HP2000. Ugh, I know they were cheap, but c'mon. I've heard the terms "veiled" and "muddy" but they neither adequately describe just how bad the Maxell's sound. Imagine the "muddiest" headphones you've ever heard and then imagine if you were wearing a heavy stocking cap under them. That might get you close. Well, at least the pads were useful for my modded UR40's (although even they got replaced with a pair of pads from a Philips HP910).
Jun 14, 2006 at 2:40 PM Post #110 of 340
Best: DT880's by far. These are my goto 'phones that get used everyday.

Worst: In terms of high expectations, AKG K26P. When the guys at HR said "mid-ranges are perhaps a bit recessed", they weren't kidding. Muddy and over exagerated bass made these my worst headphone purchase ever.
May 17, 2007 at 10:31 PM Post #111 of 340

Originally Posted by Gaughtfried /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Worst: Sony MDR-XD100
The only headphone that I've ever, and I mean ever, returned. Caved in sound, no frequency response, no thanks!

That damned phone led me to the discovery of Head-Fi
May 17, 2007 at 11:44 PM Post #113 of 340

Originally Posted by kramer5150 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

RS1 - A gift from my wife really. She sold knitted scarfs over the hollidays to fund my addiction

Aww that's so sweet

I thought she's a dentist?
May 17, 2007 at 11:54 PM Post #114 of 340
Best purchase: My first AKG K1000

Worst purchase: My second AKG K1000, which is sitting in the box. Could become a "best purchase" if I ever go crazy and decide to sell it..
May 18, 2007 at 12:19 AM Post #115 of 340
Best: AKG K145 - baby K340 - I like it better than my K340. Paid all of about $25 shipped.

Worst: Cyberhome 6-channel bullflop. I paid something like $10 shipped. Worst cans ever. and I mean ever.
May 18, 2007 at 12:28 AM Post #117 of 340

Originally Posted by stewtheking /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Worst: (and don't round on me) was probably my RS-1. Don't get me wrong, I loved them, but they were more than I could afford, I wasn't able to amp them to their potential, and I ended up selling them to fund further audio purchases. Also, I feel I cheated going in right at the top, so I'm taking my apprenticeship again.

Interesting, I thought it's a good way to save money by
skipping in-betweens and go straight to the top.
May 18, 2007 at 12:45 AM Post #118 of 340
Best: I haven't had many headphones since joining head-fi, but the best purchase i've made so far was probably my A900s. Had them for a little over a year, and they were my first real "audiophile" headphones. They were awesome in just about every way... very sad to part with them. Maybe my best will change when my Darths/Aria arrive..

Runner Up: The runner up would have to go to my E500s. I got them for a pretty good deal, and they're absolutely stunning... especially being that they're IEMs!

Worst: Definitely the UE Super.Fi 5EBs --- i bought these when they were the FOTM because i was looking for some bass after having my E3cs... and wow were these things muddy! The bass was so muddy and bloated that it overpowered all other frequencies and just made the IEM generally unenjoyable. Not to mention they were HUGE and uncomfortable! Definitely the worst audio purchase i've made.

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