Best headphone purchase, worst headphone purchase you have made
Jun 13, 2006 at 2:18 PM Post #91 of 340
Best - A900LTD: For me these are just amazing, they have a very nice tonal balance and has a three dimensional sound to it.

Worst - e888: These are actually pretty good sounding, mids and highs are nice although a little lean on the bass department. The reason why they are the worst is because I went through 6 or 7 pairs of them before i gave up on them (which led me here
). They are way too fragile, medium to high volume with a song that has quite a bit of bass on it will pop the drivers...
Jun 13, 2006 at 4:21 PM Post #93 of 340
Best: None yet. I've found that even my so-called "best" headphones have significant flaws (to my ears).

Mediocre: Sony MDR-CD2000 (it simply fell short of my current Senns at that price point (SQ-wise)); Grado SR-325 (non-i; too bright for their own good; downright Grato with the stock bowl pads).

Worst: Sony MDR-V600 (Urggh... what a piece of cr@p for a hundred!) and MDR-V700DJ (OUCH! Even more torturous, physically speaking, than a Grato - with unimpressive sound quality to boot!); Sennheiser HD590 (though I kinda liked them at first, I just could not get over the shrill highs and incoherent mids).

Dishonorable Mention: Sony MDR-EX71LP (screechy); Sony MDR-V300 (boomy, muddy and flimsy)
Jun 13, 2006 at 6:25 PM Post #96 of 340
Best: Probably either KSC75's or my new electret system. Both fantastic sound for the money.

Worst: (and don't round on me) was probably my RS-1. Don't get me wrong, I loved them, but they were more than I could afford, I wasn't able to amp them to their potential, and I ended up selling them to fund further audio purchases. Also, I feel I cheated going in right at the top, so I'm taking my apprenticeship again.
Jun 13, 2006 at 8:26 PM Post #97 of 340
I have to say that I don't dislike the HD-595 as much as I did when I started this thread. If I just listen to the HD-595 for a while (that is, I don't compare it to any of my other headphones), it doesn't sound very muffled to me. In fact, it sounds great on quite a few tracks. The balance of treble, mids, and bass is very good, outside of a slightly muffled sound.

It is a good break from the similar sound (in comparison to the HD-595) all my other cans produce. So, I no longer consider it my worst purchase.

I think my worst purchase would be then be the Sennheiser MX-400 earbuds, since I can't find a use for them. They are just earbuds and I can't get a good fit, so they are never used. They only cost me ~$15 though, so no big loss.

Edited to add: I just tried the SR225 after exclusively listening to the HD-595, and the SR225 sounded horrible. Looks like my tastes depend on what I am using the most. But that doesn't speak well to my headphones - if it takes time to get used to a signature, that means I don't like it all that much. So neither my HD-595 nor SR225 is that good to me. Am now trying the K 81 DJ and they sound too bassy, period.

Glad I am going to be getting a K 701 within the next couple of months. I need to get out of this midfi hell.
Jun 13, 2006 at 9:39 PM Post #98 of 340
Best: Sennheiser HD 25-1. I use these around the office all the time. They sound very good and they're small enough so I don't look too stupid. They also provide me with pretty good isolation. Can't use IEMs at the office since people have the annoying expectation that when they talk to you they expect an answer right away. Only problem is they can get kind of warm, but have just gotten the velour pads, which I have yet to try.

Worst: Ultrasone HFI-700. I use these for DVDs on my Mac, but prefer my Sennheiser HD 595s for music. I think the ultrasones are overpriced for what you get.
Jun 14, 2006 at 1:55 AM Post #99 of 340
Best: AKG K1000... I simply keep coming back to these, I love listening to all the headphones I own (K701, DT880, DT990, HF-1, K26p, UE5p...) but every time I listen to certain tracks with my K1000's its just like, I am in the music, I am not listening to music, I am expierenceing music... cheesy? possibly... but I just love these headphones... and while I would really love to get my hands on some HE60 or HE90's... I think the K1000's would still stay contenders for my fav headphone

Worst: I dont really have a worst, i hardly ever use the UE5p's since I dont really like the feel of IEM's... the DT990 probably have my least favorite sound... im not a big bass head, and these guys have way more bass than I care to listen to
Jun 14, 2006 at 2:45 AM Post #100 of 340
Best: MDR-D66SL. first pair of eggos but certainly wasn't the last. i absolutely love the sound (matched only to the D77s)

worst: MDR-V300. i dont know why i was interested in this piece of carp in the first place, but i didn't like it from the get-go. quite frankly at the time, my E818s sounded much much better.
Jun 14, 2006 at 2:54 AM Post #101 of 340
Best: Tie between the HF-1 and SR-60. Hands down my favorite cans I have owned and are just amazing value. The HF-1 I love dearly.

Worst: Sony CD-3000. Nuff said.

Biggest Disappointment: HHF-1.

2,000th post here!!!
Took me nearly five years to get there!
Jun 14, 2006 at 3:17 AM Post #102 of 340
Best: Stax SR-5 with single-ended tube energizer and Static Headroom.
Not even my Senn 600 sounds as good.

Thumbs Up: Senn 280 pro.

Worst: Sony [who'd have guessed?] MDR V6 - nasty, nasty! They were a
bad buy at a dollar. After one session, I thought my hearing was
ruined. I'll NEVER buy Sony cans again.

Jun 14, 2006 at 4:00 AM Post #103 of 340
Best in order from my purchase Senn HD650 and Senn600 runner up DT990
Worst again in order Sony MDR 60 and Sony MDRv300.
If I only new then what I know now....
Bonus very happy with Corda Aria amp
hope this helps someone
Jun 14, 2006 at 4:16 AM Post #104 of 340
Best: L3000
Best Value: HD650

Worst (most disappointing): SR125
Worst Value: E5c
Jun 14, 2006 at 4:22 AM Post #105 of 340
Best: This is a hard one...K701 or A/250? I'm not sure...both were really good. Technically, I got the 701 as a gift, so the A/250 is the only one of the two that I actually purchased. Either way, both were a good deal...though the A/250 may be the better deal as the price/performance ratio is better than anything I've ever encountered. The K701, though, wins in outright performance.

Worst: ATH-CM7, definitely. So much in the mids, too little in the highs, and weirdness in the lows. Shouty, but they were at least very fast. Still, no matter how hard I tried (and how many source/amp combos I used), I couldn't bring myself to like them.

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