Aurisonics Impressions and Reviews
Feb 29, 2012 at 8:07 PM Post #1,186 of 2,761
i've went from sony hybrids, assorted monster tips, biflange, and back to the med stock tips. Being more familiar with the fit and insertion of these iem's led me back to the stock tips which have the best sound for me thus far, altho the sony hybrid are more comfortable, im not really liking what they do to the sound. I must say, try playing around with the wires too, they can help with the seal and more importantly, securing it. I usually pull the wires behind the ear, put the iems in pointed forward, and slowly lean them back to get that sweet spot. 
I worry about the non fiilters too, because of the wide bore, i can literally see down to the driver, and there is no filter at the bottom as well, just the bare driver. I'll just have to be more careful then. 
Feb 29, 2012 at 11:43 PM Post #1,187 of 2,761
Dale in regards to the sound bore:
"The sound bore is quite large on our products which contributes to the sound. Any encumbrance to the shaped sound bore by adding filtering changes the sound drastically. The speaker is also set far back to combat that. Also, this is and has always been a professional grade IME for musicians which are use to cleaning the tips.  We did not originally put a tip/earwax  cleaner with these, however,  going forward all orders of the ASG-1 will include a tip cleaner. We will also have some additional tips available soon (which are being made). Wax is only a problem if it is not cleaned out on occasion (including your ears) and in our experience thus far has not been an issue."
User serviceability:
"The screw area should be sealed even with the screw taken out as sealant is around the screw boss where the cap mounts. Thus, taking a screw out should not change the sound. Also, the screws are not designed to be taken in and out repeatedly and will strip if care is not taken with them. To reiterate they are not "user serviceable" and were not intended as such.  The only exception is the cable which can be changed  by the user. Some who have taken them out however I'm sure found they are a bear to get out. This is so they don't come unplugged while on stage moving around. The type of connectors used are also not made for extreme repeated plug/unplugging of cables as this will wear the connectors. Also, the red dot on the male pinned cables should always go towards the top of the IEM as well as the blue. Red dot is right and blue is left."
In short, sound bore should not be a problem and try not to play around with your ASG-1's and AS-1's too much, you could break them
Mar 1, 2012 at 1:11 AM Post #1,188 of 2,761
Thanks for the info, upon reading the comments, i couldn't stop laughing. Sounds like Dale is babysitting us, like kids in the playground playing with new action figures and beating the crap outta them, " no, don't unscrew them, don't unplug them too many times, sound bore is fine ......." 
will be interesting on the new tips, maybe he can get them in time for the newer batches that are being shipped out ?
Mar 1, 2012 at 1:31 AM Post #1,189 of 2,761

Thanks for the info, upon reading the comments, i couldn't stop laughing. Sounds like Dale is babysitting us, like kids in the playground playing with new action figures and beating the crap outta them, " no, don't unscrew them, don't unplug them too many times, sound bore is fine ......." 
will be interesting on the new tips, maybe he can get them in time for the newer batches that are being shipped out ?

You know I was thinking the same thing gduck. In one sense it's pretty admirable of Dale to take the time and answer all of these questions (many which we should know better as far as tampering with the finished product), but didn't Dale reply to one of the head-fi members here that Aurisonics is extremely busy? Many of you are stating how impatient you are to receive this IEM, yet you keep failing to realize it's a small company and they need to manufacture for the onslaught of increased business. Can you all cut the guy some slack so that products can be made and sent out to buyers? This is totally my opinion. The manufacturer cannot make your package get delivered any faster, and we all should know better about tampering with a finished product. It is your sound signature, or it isn't. But taking it apart at your own discretion will do nothing but void the warranty, then some will complain and say the company didn't fix problems (caused by you) in good faith. Let them make the product; get it out to you if you're interested in it, then ask questions about sound and maintenance. Or maybe it's too much to Just an idea from this side, but what do I know? Happy listening...
Mar 1, 2012 at 2:07 AM Post #1,190 of 2,761
I hear ya Eric, they are a small company indeed and i really wouldn't want them to do a rush job either, so i wouldn't be surprised if their future shipment dates are late of projected date. Matt at Springtree has said demand is extremely high, as much as 2 or 3 upcoming batches already sold out and called for.
As for ppl with the tinkering bug, i understand where ur coming from, i messed up quite a good number of headphones ( and few earphones ) thinking i was some modifier extrodinaire, well those were just cheap sets anyway, and i thought, what the hey, can i polish them to be at least fools gold ?
I couldn't imagine doing something to this, the most i will try is different tips. I mean, they look and feel like they were made out of love, you can't just go in there and do your thing and not respect the ppl behind it. If ppl don't like their sound sig, its better to just sell them than to tinker around.                 <------------ can someone help me out with the japanese ?    
Mar 1, 2012 at 6:58 AM Post #1,192 of 2,761
Thanks for the info, upon reading the comments, i couldn't stop laughing. Sounds like Dale is babysitting us, like kids in the playground playing with new action figures and beating the crap outta them, " no, don't unscrew them, don't unplug them too many times, sound bore is fine ......." 
will be interesting on the new tips, maybe he can get them in time for the newer batches that are being shipped out ?

Well less people accidentally breaking their IEM's is good both ways:
  • Less time wasted on repair services
  • Customer saves money because warranty isn't void
Don't think so but there may be a chance, on the 22nd Dale told me that they just got the new tip cleaners and tips so hope you're lucky I guess!
You know I was thinking the same thing gduck. In one sense it's pretty admirable of Dale to take the time and answer all of these questions (many which we should know better as far as tampering with the finished product), but didn't Dale reply to one of the head-fi members here that Aurisonics is extremely busy? Many of you are stating how impatient you are to receive this IEM, yet you keep failing to realize it's a small company and they need to manufacture for the onslaught of increased business. Can you all cut the guy some slack so that products can be made and sent out to buyers? This is totally my opinion. The manufacturer cannot make your package get delivered any faster, and we all should know better about tampering with a finished product. It is your sound signature, or it isn't. But taking it apart at your own discretion will do nothing but void the warranty, then some will complain and say the company didn't fix problems (caused by you) in good faith. Let them make the product; get it out to you if you're interested in it, then ask questions about sound and maintenance. Or maybe it's too much to Just an idea from this side, but what do I know? Happy listening...

Though he is busy, it could also be because Dale is a "new" Head-fi member, everyone remember the dreaded "2 PM a day rule?"
Well said Eric. And yes it was me who said they are extremely busy.
Thanks for the info too ak47

I need to find a way to change my username to jrkong, this is my gamer ID, any help anyone?

Mar 1, 2012 at 7:05 AM Post #1,193 of 2,761

Though he is busy, it could also be because Dale is a "new" Head-fi member, everyone remember the dreaded "2 PM a day rule?"
I need to find a way to change my username to jrkong, this is my gamer ID, any help anyone?


1. I felt special after Dale used his 2 PM cap on me :)
2. Dale should ask the admins for a custom title = member of trade
3. Alex, find an admin and ask them -> probably your only hope to change your name, if even possible.
I thought myself to change to TotallydubbedHD, but meh :)
Mar 1, 2012 at 9:55 AM Post #1,197 of 2,761
Its been two days. They're burned in for almost 40 hours. If I'm not listening to them, they're just playing music.
They still sound like the band or orchestra are performing in a medium sized cave... 
Listening notes are:
Still the hollow presentation lingers, but I think I've grown accustomed to it. So yes the soundspace it creates is very artificial, very hollow, like listening to monitor speakers in an empty brand new square apartment space. This feeling comes and go with different recordings and different tracks. I'm pretty sure I'm not comfortable with it.
Vocal imaging still appears to be coming from slightly at the back of my head, right behind my ears, towards my neck.
Bass is incredible. There is great power and slam to it. totally different from SM3 or GR07 or the lot. Sometimes when the track calls for it, your head actually feels the slam. such power, but all well controlled. I've never encountered such power since the JH16. The JH16 of course has much better control, detail but even it does not slam and move air this well. thats what a 15mm driver with bores the size of my nostrils can do. 
Treble is aggressive and edgy for a dynamic, comparatively the the GR07 is alot smoother. Very little sparkle, but yet edgy. Zero fatigue issues.
Detail is great and it tries very hard to be honest and reveal as much but nowhere close to a top armature IEM like say the Sony XBA-4. Still, this is one of the crispier, clearer dynamic drivers ive heard.
Mids do not get left behind and keeps up with the aggressiveness of the treble and bass. vocal frequencies are pushed very forward, almost squishing them into your face (or in this case, the back of my ears, where they image). A good trait of a vocal stage monitor. The mids are a touch drier and cooler than the GR07 or SM3 but not cracklingly dry like the TF10.
Attack is great, a hair's breadth faster than the GR07 but the decay is kinda muddled by a second voice or sonic response caused by the echoey presentation. The performance in a cave effect. Sometimes I think, is this decay or just delayed soundwaves that are bounced off from the 'cave'.
Isolation is on par with the Westone UM1 and UM2. In otherwords, scary. The world totally disappears. I missed my bus for I had no idea it came and went off...   The girlfriend is also pissed at me because shes been talking to me for half an hour yet I'm whistling to aerosmith. I'm sleeping on the floor tonight BTW. The GR07 does not isolate anywhere near as well, even with a deeper longer nozzle and insertion.
Comfort is okay. Fits like a glove but they're large and they do make themselves present in your ears, especially when lying on a pillow. Else, they do not disappear but are not obtrusive at all. They also stay in place very well, even when running at full speed, as I was, chasing the bus.
Cables are not free of microphonics, but very little is present, not enuff to annoy.
The otterbox is a nice touch but I have not opened them again lol.
Conclusion? I'll let these 'burn' in for another few days and see how it goes. I doubt they'll improve much. Overall, they have an incredible sound, but the presentation bothers me. I've had such high hopes for these beasts. But I wont give up on them yet.
For now, I'm gonna treat my tired ears to my Edition 8 LEs
Mar 1, 2012 at 10:28 AM Post #1,199 of 2,761

Thanks for the info, upon reading the comments, i couldn't stop laughing. Sounds like Dale is babysitting us, like kids in the playground playing with new action figures and beating the crap outta them, " no, don't unscrew them, don't unplug them too many times, sound bore is fine ......." 
will be interesting on the new tips, maybe he can get them in time for the newer batches that are being shipped out ?

People do stupid things with the IEM's sometimes and then freak out when the manufacturer doesn't want to be held responsible.  Dale didn't post that here,  he sent it in some form of personal communication, so it's not like he felt it was necessary to come and post it here himself...
I find it very interesting that new tips and a cleaning tool will be included in future iterations of the ASG-1 (and I would guess also with future Aurisonics universals).  I haven't been a head-fi'er for nearly as long as others, but this is the first time in my days on the intrawebz where I've seen a manufacturer clearly take user feedback from a forum into account and almost immediately incorporate that feedback into a product.  Even though I still am not sure whether or not I care for the ASG-1 enough to keep it in my inventory, these guys should be commended for their interest and efforts in communicating with the head-fi community and I would love to see other manufacturers taking a page from Aurisonics' playbook.
And yep, this thread is ridiculous...but fortunately, reading it is optional (and I opt to read it!!)


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