AudioQuest NightHawk Impressions and Discussion Thread
Mar 3, 2017 at 2:48 PM Post #6,451 of 10,201
Got the protein pads in today, no L or R markings, despite it being on the picture of the package they were sent in.  No biggie, just sort of funny.  I'm noticing a little treble boost, not too much for sure, they still have the warmth from before.  Seems like any changes are fairly small, though certainly there.  Main thought I'm having is why didn't I order the microsuede at the same time!?
Mar 4, 2017 at 2:42 PM Post #6,453 of 10,201

These pads are making its roundtrip through my hp collection and sadly it makes the soundstage abit too wide for my taste, need to make smallet pads for this hp. that is a pair of hp pads!!!!
Are they modified to fit the NH or something you made?
We have the AQ OEM hybid pads, the protein leather (aka boost) pads, the microsuede (aka US or ultrasuede) pads and now the SAKUJIN 'mega' pads!!! 

Mar 4, 2017 at 3:57 PM Post #6,454 of 10,201
What are considered the best aftermarket silver Litz multistrand or solid wire cable to replace the stock cable for the NHs ? I would spend not much more than around $300. I am looking for a real noticeable improvement in treble detail retrieval and sparkle. I would also want a return refund option in the event my old ears cannot appreciate a worthy improvement.
Mar 4, 2017 at 4:06 PM Post #6,455 of 10,201
What are considered the best aftermarket silver Litz multistrand or solid wire cable to replace the stock cable for the NHs ? I would spend not much more than around $300. I am looking for a real noticeable improvement in treble detail retrieval and sparkle. I would also want a return refund option in the event my old ears cannot appreciate a worthy improvement.

It's hard to go wrong with Norne Audio for your budget. Beautiful looking and sounding cables. This guy is a true craftsman!
Mar 4, 2017 at 8:09 PM Post #6,456 of 10,201 that is a pair of hp pads!!!!

Are they modified to fit the NH or something you made?

We have the AQ OEM hybid pads, the protein leather (aka boost) pads, the microsuede (aka US or ultrasuede) pads and now the SAKUJIN 'mega' pads!!!  :D

I did not have in mind for it to fit the NH but it did, I actually kept listening for another half an hour and I kinda Digg the wide soundstage even though it might be too wide but it's fun. Gonna test out the other mods for these cans too and see how it is compared to stock, hopefully they are reversible.
Mar 6, 2017 at 12:05 AM Post #6,457 of 10,201
Quick post for anyone using the Nighthawks with a Little Dot amp (or any tube amp which accepts EF95 tubes)
I bought some Tung-Sol 6AK5s from this vendor on TaoBao (can I post links like this? Someone tell me if this is not ok, I'll edit accordingly)
They say they are out in the sticks and so patience is necessary for delivery but the tubes got to me in less than three days.
These tubes, to my ears, drop the lower end a little, heighten the upper frequencies (without becoming harsh) and really add to the detail of the sound. There also seems to be a slightly more spacious soundstage - a little wider but more importantly, more space between instruments. Maybe a touch more depth too.
Though the 6AK5s would not be my typical tube of choice for EDM, the bass is not thin, just a little understated for that type of genre. For classical, jazz and acoustic, they are fantastic - the extra bit of high end detail is very welcome and upper mid to high frequencies are somehow brought together to sound more cohesive. For listening with the Nighthawks, these tubes are a fantastic match. Maybe on a brighter headphone they could be a touch too bright (don't know, haven't tried) but for the 'hawks they work beautifully. They do need time to warm up though - noticeably better sound after 20 minutes of power on.
Also, all my impressions are without burn-in. They sound so nice already I am content to listen to them as they burn. So if you have Nighthawks and a compatible Little Dot, these are well worth checking out!
Mar 7, 2017 at 2:27 AM Post #6,459 of 10,201
So is there any consensus on differences made by the new pads? The website (to their credit perhaps) seems to play it pretty safe with the scale of the differences advertised. I was thinking of trying the (small) treble-boost pads.
Mar 7, 2017 at 3:44 PM Post #6,461 of 10,201
  So is there any consensus on differences made by the new pads? The website (to their credit perhaps) seems to play it pretty safe with the scale of the differences advertised. I was thinking of trying the (small) treble-boost pads.

I find the boost pads to make a significant difference to the treble, the NH sound much more 'open' rather than bright. I haven't formed a preference for either pad yet, my head prefers the boost pads but my heart prefers the hybrid (original) pads. One thing I really like about the stock NH is that I enjoy the music and not worry about 'sound quality'. With the boost pads I start thinking more about 'sound quality' again at the expense of the music. I haven't had the boost pads for long so we'll see how a feel after another couple of weeks. The boost pads are certainly worth trying.
13th Duke of Wymbourne
Mar 7, 2017 at 6:22 PM Post #6,462 of 10,201
On another note (dropping 2 more cents)....

Whoever said the Nighthawk has a narrow soundstage that doesn't extend music outside the cups has to take a step back.
Put on "Amber Rubarth - Down Home" on Tidal or Spotify, listen to it. It is a binaurally recorded song, made and mastered for headphone listening.
The violin in that song is playing 30-35cm (thats 12+ inches for you 'Muricans) from the cup on my top-right. It is RIGHT there, the violin is incredibly tangible and I feel like I can reach out and grab it with my hand.
That's another thing; with some open headphones, it is said that you can hear the music like it comes from the room you're currently in. What the Nighthawk does is it makes it sound like it comes from  room, specifically the room/space in which the song was recorded, never the room where you are (IMO). 
The Nighthawk is said to sound like speakers with its frontlike imaging and we know that almost every song made is mastered for speakers.

My conclusion?  The Nighthawk really tries to be truthful to the source material, and it largely succeeds.
Mar 7, 2017 at 7:31 PM Post #6,464 of 10,201
  On another note (dropping 2 more cents)....

Whoever said the Nighthawk has a narrow soundstage that doesn't extend music outside the cups has to take a step back.
Put on "Amber Rubarth - Down Home" on Tidal or Spotify, listen to it. It is a binaurally recorded song, made and mastered for headphone listening.
The violin in that song is playing 30-35cm (thats 12+ inches for you 'Muricans) from the cup on my top-right. It is RIGHT there, the violin is incredibly tangible and I feel like I can reach out and grab it with my hand.
That's another thing; with some open headphones, it is said that you can hear the music like it comes from the room you're currently in. What the Nighthawk does is it makes it sound like it comes from  room, specifically the room/space in which the song was recorded, never the room where you are (IMO). 
The Nighthawk is said to sound like speakers with its frontlike imaging and we know that almost every song made is mastered for speakers.

My conclusion?  The Nighthawk really tries to be truthful to the source material, and it largely succeeds.

Welcome to Binaural+ recordings.  Hop on over to HDtracks for lots more examples, they are some of my favorite recordings.
Not to burst you bubble though (I love my NHs), put on something like HD800 or T1's to hear the difference between being in an Arena and a Room.
Mar 7, 2017 at 7:37 PM Post #6,465 of 10,201
 I am picking up some second hand Nighthawks this weekend... I'm am looking forward to spending some time with them.... its going to be my last headphone purchase.. I swear ..... lol

Spending time with them is certainly the KEY thing here. Other "HiFi" headphones value fidelity over all else so they tend to spotlight certain areas in the frequency (treble region) and skimp on the bass region in both quantity and quality which in total will make the Nighthawk sound veiled and blunt at first, until you adjust. Rest assured the headphones that came before are bright tilted.
The balance shift is quite immense. You're not only getting more bass, but also less energized treble and highs.
They sound so analog and lifelike, and you just want to raise the volume infinitely! And you can, because distortion is virtually non-existent!
If you're a speaker guy, you'll feel right at home.

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