Audio-Technica ATH-WP900
Sep 3, 2020 at 8:45 PM Post #361 of 1,370
I'm glad you like 'em. I was listening to mine yesterday and although they're great with my Sony WM1A, which is what I bought them for, the extra power from my desktop amp is quite effective, especially in the bass.

If you're interested in a wireless set of headphones, you might consider the Shure AONIC 50 as something that could help alleviate your TMJ issues. The headphones swivel, but the joints hold a setting for the angle of the pads in front of and behind your ears. I'm not the only one who thinks these are the most neutral wireless headphones yet released, and they work with all wireless codecs.

It's only money...
That's excellent info. My wife's KEF M500's bit the dust so she's "acquired" my WH1000XM3's. I tried the Sennheiser Momentum 3's but they clamp was a bit much. Got the XM4's but had to return them. They weren't as comfy as the XM3's and they developed the static in the right side issue that seems to be affecting many. I've gone back and forth on the Aonic 50's but was worried what the clamp would be like. Sounds like I may have to give the a try.
Sep 3, 2020 at 9:14 PM Post #362 of 1,370
The Shure clamping pressure is reportedly less than the Momentums, according to the posts in that thread.
Sep 3, 2020 at 11:24 PM Post #363 of 1,370
The comments about the treble are interesting. Either I glossed over them, or I am now realizing that I am a little more sensitive to it than I thought. Sibilance is something that can be grating to me, though I don't feel that's the case with these.

I will happily continue to listen to them, as it has only been a couple of days, and really only specific songs that possibly were not mixed well. Maybe I'm listening at too high of a volume? PAW S1 is hooked up to a MacBook; low gain, balanced output - volume is around 75-85.

Still very happy with them, and maybe I just need to get used to them like it took me while to get used to the HD 6XXs.
Sep 3, 2020 at 11:51 PM Post #364 of 1,370
Here's some initial impressions after a few hours of listening this afternoon.

First off, I have to say thanks to whoever it was that posted the Jaben deal. I've never bought anything through them before but they were a real pleasure deal with.

I tried to capture what was going through my head as listened so this ended up being a bit of a stream of consciousness type post. My apologies for it being a bit all over the place.

Upon opening the box I was a bit surprised by the color of the wood, I was expecting a little more reddish tinge around the edges. The colour isn't bad by any means, just not quite what I was expecting. Next, the cables. You guys weren't kidding, these are pretty thin and frail looking. I immediately connected the 4.4mm balanced to the headphones and the iFi hip dac, fired Audirvana and queued Bon Iver's self titled album. Not bad, guitar has a nice snappy quality albeit a touch thin. Justin Vernon's vocal's lack some body and sound a little honky but there's tons of detail coming through.

Next up, Billie Eilish's latest. Holy schiit balls! These things have some nice punchy, detailed bass. A lot of details coming through that I hadn't really heard before. Overall tonality seems better here.

Now for a total change up with Isis's "Oceanic". The drums have nice weight and body while the snare has a nice snappy quality. The electric guitar has a crunchy, almost Grado quality, but also seem to lack some fullness as does the vocals.

Time for another 180 with Sarah McLachlan's "Freedom Sessions". I've used this album for testing audio gear ever since it came out. In particular the version of "Hold On" highlights Sarah's vocal's and piano. There's a lot of little detail here but it's such a simple composition that it's really easy to focus. All the little details come through but with a delicacy I've rarely heard. Sarah's voice is touch thin and just bordering on being overly sibilant in places. The piano was recorded fairly well so I also like to use it to gauge tonality. Through the WP900's it's lacking a little heft and body but emotion Sarah is playing with really shows through.

On the next track "Ice Cream" the harmonies are more present and separated than I've ever heard through headphones. The bass has a really nice punch quality.

It's at about this point in the listening that I had a thought. I took off my glasses, put the headphones again and started to listen again. Ok, now we're talking! Bass and midrange are fuller. The midrange in particular seems to benefit here. The downside is I'm pretty blind without my glasses on. Being a goofball I put my glasses back on but put the arms above the pads. Ummm, damn, this actually works! The pads are small enough that the arms of my Oakley glasses are only pushed up a small amount and it's more comfy because the pads aren't pushing the arms into my head.

As I was playing around with this, I also noticed that because the cups are able to turn I can actually push on the side of the cups that faces the back of my head which redistributes the pressure from my jaw/cheekbone to behind my ear which helps with the TMJ related pain I can get from the clamping force. This is a bit of revelation and something that I'll be looking at when considering other headphones.

Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming. As I continue to listen to new tracks and go back to listen to those I previously listened to again the WP900 seems to get better and better. The midrange sounds more and more natural and the highs have smoothed a hair so that tracks with a little extra sibilance are better controlled than the first time around. Now I'm really impressed with these. The bass has a nice fast and punchy quality that does not lack for detail. Now that the mids have filled out some they sound much more natural with only lacking a little bit of body in comparison to some of the more lush headphones I've heard. I'm really liking the treble as well, it's present without being overbearing or sibilant. I'm sensitive to that so I've tended to veer towards darker headphones. This is refreshing!

I think there's a couple of things going on here. First, a good seal is important to get the best out of these. Second, it really felt like I was hearing them settle in as was listening. Kind of like listening to a cold amplifier or DAC that sounds hard and brittle when first turned on but as it warms up so does the sound. In this case though, it would be the drivers settling in and I wouldn't have to go through this "warm up" period every time I go to listen.
I feel like my user name could be on this post. Spot on with my impressions thus far. I have roughly 25 hours on them, and they're coming along quite nicely. When I finally get around to posting my mini review, it's likely going to be quite lengthy haha.
Sep 4, 2020 at 2:18 AM Post #365 of 1,370
Late at night for me, so just finished another short listening session w/ my WP900. Between burn-in and playback, I have ~50 hours on my set so far. I am actually trying to nitpick these to death, but keep coming up short. From a sound/performance standpoint, the only wish I have is that the lower mid-range was more present. Nothing is perfect, but these check a lot of boxes for me.

I am 100% certain I'll be keeping these, so time to start seriously considering a higher-quality 4.4mm balanced cable, and maybe a hard case. Since recently re-entering this hobby and starting to visit head-fi again, I was actually in the hunt for a mid-priced (~$750) IEM. However, I just couldn't feel great about which Chi-fi companies to trust at that level and above, and the companies with which I've had long familiarity simply have nothing of interest to me in that price range.

Soooooo, I wound up with headphones......even though I more or less swore off hp's years ago. I decided to "play it safe" by going with a company I trust, even though the product category (headphones) is one I thought I'd never bother with again. LMAO...but that's how I got here, with these pretty AT woodies. It's good to have AT woodies in the house again.
Sep 4, 2020 at 3:47 PM Post #366 of 1,370
I'm happy to see so many new, and satisfied WP900 owners. Despite the headphone residing only within the upper levels of Audio-Technica's contemporary middle tier, it's seemingly its most popular headphone. It's a testament to the inherent qualities of the WP900 - great tuning, coupled with a decent level of technical capability, and released with an eye-catching design. A fabulous combination, IMO.
Sep 5, 2020 at 5:38 PM Post #367 of 1,370
I emailed Mimic cables, and the first response had this picture of A2DC plugs that I don't think will fit the recessed connector area on the WP900. The sleeve is too wide and goes too far down towards the tip.


Then he sent me this photo of other A2DC connectors that would more likely to fit. These look to be the same ones that Moon Audio carries.


Well, one thing's for sure, the LCD-XC and LCD-2 Closed Back are decidedly non-portable. I'd actually challenge someone to go a whole day listening to either of these 2 headphones in public. Any takers? :wink:

I am not too sure about the A2DC plugs, though. The guy who replied to me simply mentioned that they have the connectors in stock. However, in my email query, I provided the following image -

These plugs resemble the ones found on the stock WP900 cable.
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Sep 6, 2020 at 11:19 AM Post #368 of 1,370
I emailed Mimic cables, and the first response had this picture of A2DC plugs that I don't think will fit the recessed connector area on the WP900. The sleeve is too wide and goes too far down towards the tip.

Then he sent me this photo of other A2DC connectors that would more likely to fit. These look to be the same ones that Moon Audio carries.

Thanks, that was very helpful. :)

I have yet to order my cable, but at least I know now to include specific instructions to use this alternative A2DC connector. The last thing we'd want is to obtain a cable that doesn't fit; that'd be a major bummer.
Sep 6, 2020 at 11:25 AM Post #369 of 1,370
ImpactAudioCables stocks A2DC connectors that also fit the WP900, as I noted earlier with the photo of mine.

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Sep 6, 2020 at 1:48 PM Post #370 of 1,370
I emailed Mimic cables, and the first response had this picture of A2DC plugs that I don't think will fit the recessed connector area on the WP900. The sleeve is too wide and goes too far down towards the tip.


Then he sent me this photo of other A2DC connectors that would more likely to fit. These look to be the same ones that Moon Audio carries.

The gold ones do indeed look like Moon Audio plugs, which I can confirm work nicely with the WP900. I should be getting Plussound's version of the A2DC in the next day or so, which I can let you knkw if they fit the WP900.
Sep 6, 2020 at 3:30 PM Post #371 of 1,370
The Plussound photos of their DYI parts listing of A2DC connectors look like they're the same as the all-black wide-shell connectors.
Sep 6, 2020 at 3:34 PM Post #372 of 1,370
The Plussound photos of their DYI parts listing of A2DC connectors look like they're the same as the all-black wide-shell connectors.
Yes, you're right. Hadn't noticed that listing before. Same picture as the Mimic connector, too.
Sep 9, 2020 at 6:15 PM Post #373 of 1,370
Sep 10, 2020 at 9:51 PM Post #375 of 1,370
I asked Val from Arctic Cables if she could send me a photo of the A2DC connectors they use. She sent me this link which is what they use. Looks like they should work with the WP900's.
I contacted Arctic Cables and they told me they don't carry a2dc connectors, even though they have them listed in their drop down menu for ordering custom cables. Did they say they would build a cable for you if you purchased the connectors from Moon Audio?

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