Audio Grade Fuses
Jan 12, 2015 at 12:38 PM Post #286 of 830
Hello Guys,
I have some experience with Padis (Furtech) rhodium-plated fuses and with HFT gold.
I have to admit that the performance of Padis' in my system is truly amazing. It revealed so many details and created a spacious sound scene that I've kept them.
HFT fuses, on the other hand, proved to be on the rather warm side of sound, which was to much for me.
I'm now keen to try SR RED.
Jan 12, 2015 at 1:49 PM Post #287 of 830
One caveat with SR fuses is they (in my experience are quick to blow).  I tried the SR20 fuses in a couple of places and each one blew.  I have since replaced them with Audio Horizons fuses.  I tried a SR Red fuse which I loved in my system.  I used a 3.15a fuse in a 2.5a application to be safe.  It lasted ~ 3 months.  That's it for me. 
Jan 13, 2015 at 2:33 AM Post #288 of 830
I absolutely checked the specs for fast-acting ceramic and only buy gear with UL/CE after a bad experience <insert smoking emoticon>. Agree you don't value the certification until well... you do.

Was your bad experience with an audiophile fuse that didn't fail when you think it should have done?
One caveat with SR fuses is they (in my experience are quick to blow).  I tried the SR20 fuses in a couple of places and each one blew.  I have since replaced them with Audio Horizons fuses.  I tried a SR Red fuse which I loved in my system.  I used a 3.15a fuse in a 2.5a application to be safe.  It lasted ~ 3 months.  That's it for me. 

So it sounds like you like the SR Reds best of all for SQ? But won't buy any more becuase they are following the SR20 trend to blow too easily?
Which I can see would get very expensive very quickly. Did this happen on start up in each case?
I wonder if you gave this story back to the supplier or SR themselves, whether they would offer a free replacement? Maybe worth a try.
Jan 13, 2015 at 6:42 AM Post #289 of 830
I had the following fuses blow so far: 1x SR20, 1x AMR, 2x AHP. No others.
Jan 13, 2015 at 7:08 AM Post #290 of 830
My SR fuses blew on startup.  In-rush current was blamed.  Apparently every piece of equipment I own suffers from high in-rush current.......................
Jan 13, 2015 at 10:01 AM Post #291 of 830
Was your bad experience with an audiophile fuse that didn't fail when you think it should have done?

It was actually a DAC connected to an external power supply that made magic smoke. Voltage & current where precisely to spec. Worked fine for a couple hours then ... It was an adventure in to finished boards with high quality parts at bargain price ... Not so much.
Jan 13, 2015 at 10:39 AM Post #292 of 830
inrush current is a problem that should'nt exist but does because most of the audio industry can't be assed to solve this simple problem by using soft start modules. Some companies do and the Chinese company Bada is one of them. Both my Bada PH12 h/amp and PH32 hybrid pre/amp/power amp do, so I don't have this problem. A  lot of the old valve/tube gear used soft start - of course this means that equipment lasts longer, so not good for industry profits
There is a whole house solution and that is to use sealed, deep cycle batteries, followed by a pure sine wave, low frequency  inverter using a tx rather than mosfets with AVR - automatic voltage regulation - no spikes or noise via the mains and the batteries can be charged at night when the cost is much lower. I say whole house but of course this is not nec. but all electrical equipment  will operate more efficiently and last longer being fed a stable current.
The only fuses needed then would be to protect when a part of a circuit goes open, certainly not mains fuses - just a thought.
Jan 13, 2015 at 10:59 AM Post #293 of 830
Overall that's a lot more blown fuses than I would have expected. In decades of all sorts of hifi, I don't recall EVER suffering a blown fuse.
Luckily (touch wood) my 4-fuse BHSE has a soft start function and no issues in its first year (touch wood again and cross fingers and toes).
I suppose equipment designers have to compromise when specifying fuse ratings. Need to be low enough to provide the safety net in normal use, yet high enough to handle start up rush. 
On another forum. when someone complained to HFT that their fuses blew too readily, the answer was that the HFTs are built to tighter tolerences. They comntinued that UL standards allow for a very wide tolerance range that the stock manufacturers take advantage of. I'm personally not convinced by that answer, but it's food for thought. I'd be more convinced if HFT did get their fuses UL or CE certified. Germans are usually good at that sort of detail.
Jun 7, 2015 at 3:17 AM Post #295 of 830
Can anyone recommend a place to buy AMR fuses ?
Jun 7, 2015 at 7:32 AM Post #296 of 830
It would help if you stated which country you're from :wink:
In the UK, I get mine from, largely because they have a good selection of different makes, including most of the usual suspects.
Sep 5, 2015 at 5:32 AM Post #297 of 830
More fuse opinions coming shortly
Sep 23, 2015 at 2:42 PM Post #298 of 830
So Big Poppa, 2 weeks have gone by, that's a lot of popcorn...

Sep 24, 2015 at 9:15 PM Post #299 of 830
Yeah, a little tied up
Dec 22, 2015 at 10:47 AM Post #300 of 830
Audio Magic Beeswax fuse.
Jerry at Audio Magic employs techniques to stop the fuse from vibrating.
Whatever he's doing it's working.
I have everything on a Stillpoints rack and the fuse (installed in my DAC) was a huge step up in resolution, musicality, and ease.
It removes the grit and scratchiness that we're all accustomed to hearing.
It's just a phenomenal upgrade and the highest bang for buck I've experienced.

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