Audio-gd R2R DAC Thread
Aug 14, 2019 at 11:01 AM Post #874 of 1,436
Guys can anyone help me in deciding whether its worth to upgrade from audiogd dac 19 10th edition to r8 . i have agd m1 and m3 combo. What do i gain and what do i lose. Also how good is the nos mode on r8.
Aug 21, 2019 at 1:09 PM Post #877 of 1,436
Is it possible/practical to connect my MacMini to the R1 DAC via i2S? That is, is it just a matter of getting the right HDMI cable or will this require other hardware?

My understanding is that I2S uses the same connector port as HDMI but the wiring configuration and/or the data format is totally different. Afaik, audio-only HDMI is not compatible with I2S, unfortunately. If I'm wrong, someone else chime in! I'd love to be wrong.
Aug 21, 2019 at 8:42 PM Post #878 of 1,436
Is it possible/practical to connect my MacMini to the R1 DAC via i2S? That is, is it just a matter of getting the right HDMI cable or will this require other hardware?

The do no connect directly, no.

If you want to try I2S, you need additional hardware. Specifically, you'd need a Digital to Digital device with an I2S output. See Singxer SU-6 or Gustard U12 for some popular examples.
Sep 3, 2019 at 9:04 AM Post #879 of 1,436

Im looking DAC for my old stereo system.
Speaker are Magnat All Ribbon 10, amp is Yamaha AX-890 and dac now is Topping D30.
D30 is very flat sounding (neutral), so Im looking somethink more "organ", analog like sound.
Will be Audio GD R2R11 good for this?

Sep 3, 2019 at 10:58 AM Post #880 of 1,436

Im looking DAC for my old stereo system.
Speaker are Magnat All Ribbon 10, amp is Yamaha AX-890 and dac now is Topping D30.
D30 is very flat sounding (neutral), so Im looking somethink more "organ", analog like sound.
Will be Audio GD R2R11 good for this?

I'd recommend the R-1. I swear this DAC is gonna get me off of vinyl. I never in a million years would have ever thought digital could sound this "organic". I can't get enough of it.
Sep 3, 2019 at 11:12 AM Post #882 of 1,436

Im looking DAC for my old stereo system.
Speaker are Magnat All Ribbon 10, amp is Yamaha AX-890 and dac now is Topping D30.
D30 is very flat sounding (neutral), so Im looking somethink more "organ", analog like sound.
Will be Audio GD R2R11 good for this?


I haven't actually heard the R2R11, but I've read a ton about it, and several Head-Fi'ers whose opinion I trust have praised its NOS sound. Based on all that, it sounds like this inexpensive DAC/HPamp/preamp would absolutely work for you.

FYI, I own (and love) the Audio GD DAC-19 multibit DAC & their NOS 19 non-oversampling multibit DAC. Both have a more organic, relaxed, non-peaky sound than any delta-sigma DAC I've heard. NOS is my preference all the way...

(I have the NOS 19 F.S. here because I upgraded to another NOS DAC).
Sep 3, 2019 at 11:19 AM Post #883 of 1,436
While I love the R2R 11, if you don't need the head amp or pre amp features, I'd opt for the RDAC, since it's a dedicated DAC only. Different sound sig from the 11, but still has that resistor ladder analog sweetness. Also a bit cheaper after shipping to the US from China. If you want a combo unit, though, the 11 tops pretty much anything else in the price range.
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Sep 3, 2019 at 11:23 AM Post #884 of 1,436
I haven't actually heard the R2R11, but I've read a ton about it, and several Head-Fi'ers whose opinion I trust have praised its NOS sound. Based on all that, it sounds like this inexpensive DAC/HPamp/preamp would absolutely work for you.

FYI, I own (and love) the Audio GD DAC-19 multibit DAC & their NOS 19 non-oversampling multibit DAC. Both have a more organic, relaxed, non-peaky sound than any delta-sigma DAC I've heard. NOS is my preference all the way...

(I have the NOS 19 F.S. here because I upgraded to another NOS DAC).

Thank you. NOS 19 is beautiful.
I’m think I will take r2r 11 ...
And I’m from EU.

Sep 4, 2019 at 4:43 AM Post #885 of 1,436
Firmware update for R series models

Feature: Reduce or remove the popping sound while switch on DSD or PCM track, improves the timing for improve on sound quality.
Please send email to

I have updated too.
I had some pop or noise issues when changing from 16bit to 24bit but not heard poping sound anymore now.
Also the very digital glare has gone which is very often heard from he-400i fed by LCX), in addition, now have the sound opened, detailed too.
As I had been using tdy syn firmware, this v3 asy improvement is easy to feel even though i use tcxo clocks.
Now i'm waiting v3syn firmware from kingwa :) very interesting

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