Audio-gd NFB-10
Nov 10, 2010 at 1:57 AM Post #123 of 2,860

Kingwa wrote me, that NFB1 would be slightly better than NFB10ES, I would say due to the powersection, so NFB7 should be another/further step in that direction... But what I guess, why is there no NFB7WM (yet)... perhaps the Wolfson cannot benefit from an powersection-upgrade, so that NFB10WM would be top-league, for less money... who knows 


The NFB2 will be the closest DAC-only Wolfson option but, its not balanced. It seems logical to me that there will be a NFB1(WM) with the dual Wolfson board. Basically the same implementation as the NFB10WM, but without the headphone section. But with the NFB1 power supply topology (dual transformers).
And given the recent announcements of 'end of line'  products, it seems only natural that Audio-GD's lineup will be based around those two options (ES and WM). Lets see what other tricks Kingwa has up his sleeve!
Nov 10, 2010 at 2:49 AM Post #124 of 2,860
anybody ever tried driving HE-5 with NFB-10?
from the spec NFB-10 could give up to 7W @100 ohm, i wonder is that enough...
Nov 10, 2010 at 8:38 AM Post #125 of 2,860
Just heard from Edwin that the NFB-10s won't ship out until end of this month because they are working out some kinks. I don't mind so much as it would be a pain to ship it back to China if there are any problems. I guess I'll have to practice some delay of gratification.
Nov 13, 2010 at 4:30 PM Post #131 of 2,860

NFB-10WM (single-ended) vs DAC19DSP+C2 combo.
Anyone has any thoughts/speculation on how these would compare?

And perhaps even more the NFB-10ES vs DAC19DSP+C2
It seems that Audio-GD are planning to replace their TOL 1704 based DACs with Sabre based DACs. It would be interesting to know if this results in the same (or better!) performance. 
I haven't found any clue yet in any of the NFB discussions.
Nov 14, 2010 at 8:05 AM Post #132 of 2,860
Guys, I'm going to compare my A-GD combo DAC19DSP1 + C2 in ACSS mode with NFB10ES USB version that I already ordered. But I have no idea when it'll happened because of I2S issue in USB version.
I hope next week It'll be fixed. If not, maybe I give NFB10WM a try.
Nov 14, 2010 at 3:13 PM Post #133 of 2,860

Guys, I'm going to compare my A-GD combo DAC19DSP1 + C2 in ACSS mode with NFB10ES USB version that I already ordered. But I have no idea when it'll happened because of I2S issue in USB version.
I hope next week It'll be fixed. If not, maybe I give NFB10WM a try.

Now this is interesting! Subscribed.
Nov 15, 2010 at 8:47 AM Post #134 of 2,860

Guys, I'm going to compare my A-GD combo DAC19DSP1 + C2 in ACSS mode with NFB10ES USB version that I already ordered. But I have no idea when it'll happened because of I2S issue in USB version.
I hope next week It'll be fixed. If not, maybe I give NFB10WM a try.

I'm hooked to this topic now

BTW (and off-topic) thy, I see you own a Lavry D10. I know that unit quite well. I couldn't find any post where you compare this to the DAC19/C2. Could you tell a bit more about how they compare?
Nov 16, 2010 at 3:56 PM Post #135 of 2,860

Guys, I'm going to compare my A-GD combo DAC19DSP1 + C2 in ACSS mode with NFB10ES USB version that I already ordered. But I have no idea when it'll happened because of I2S issue in USB version.
I hope next week It'll be fixed. If not, maybe I give NFB10WM a try.

I'm hooked to this topic now

BTW (and off-topic) thy, I see you own a Lavry D10. I know that unit quite well. I couldn't find any post where you compare this to the DAC19/C2. Could you tell a bit more about how they compare?

Hello, middachten 
I also couldn't find any useful info about comparison "Lavry DA10 vs Audio-GD DAC19DSP/DF" when I bought this Audio-GD combo.
I compared these DACs some time ago and found that they are in the same league. For my taste Lavry have a little advantage in bass department (Lavry has little more bass quantity, but quality and articulation are pretty the same) and a little more closest presentation that's more involving for me. But in other hand, Audio-GD DAC19DSP is very musical DAC with great timbres (that is very important for me) - sax and piano sounds better on DAC19. Another good thing I want to mention - DAC19 sounds more dynamic, with a great energy, e.g. when I was listening some symphonic avant-garde metal like "Diablo Swing Orchestra" it was easily noticeable - musical event is more widescale on DAC19.
Please take into account that everything described above only my opinion. I hope this text is understandable for you guys, English isn't my native language.
Anyway I sold my beloved Lavry DA10 few days ago (and, how typical, I forgot to update my signature) and now want to try another A-GD stuff. NFB10ES looks really nice to me, but I still have no any news regarding when I2S issue in USB version of this device will be fixed.

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