Audeze SINE Series
Apr 18, 2016 at 1:13 AM Post #841 of 4,798
  thanks for help! you thinks by large margin and price ?

Not by a large margin. They're close in clarity but I think I'm more satisfied with the Sine's Bass performance and engaging midrange.
  Hi guys, sorry if this is coming out of nowhere.
Based on the contributions here, I've finally decided to order one (without cypher cable). That was weeks ago. I ordered these directly from Audeze (at the time, they weren't backordered yet).
Has anyone ordered SINE directly from Audeze? I'm somewhat disappointed because I've ordered these like 3 weeks ago. I wasn't even informed that my shipment was delayed. If I didn't email them directly last week regarding an update, I wouldn't even know what happened.
Just curious, has anyone experienced this?

I ordered from Audeze but they where fast to ship and deliver. I ordered without the cypher (there wasn't available yet) and since I have the mojo, I think, I'll might just pass it if the price is too high.
Apr 18, 2016 at 1:55 PM Post #843 of 4,798
I had the opportunity of trying Sine during half an hour in a store with my Fiio X5 II and the standard cable. I was very satisfied soundwise (great bass, neither heavy nor weak, natural mids, treble a bit recessed, very pleasant sound signature). Quite demandong for portable sources, thogh: I had to run the Fiio at high gain and 90/120 volume to get the right sound level.

Overall,a great can. Pity that is out of my budget.

Best regards.
Apr 18, 2016 at 2:49 PM Post #844 of 4,798
Quite demandong for portable sources

I also feel the same. I can feel that the sensitivity improoved compare it to the LCDs, but it still is quite far from being "easily" powered. I also have to push the mojo or DP-X1 quite a bit before I get a decent level (The onkyo is at around 90+%). They play well, but I always had a feeling that running the amp below 70% gives me a more effortless listen...
I need to try balanced drive with these to try how much I can get an improvement with the bare DP-X1 (it's more portable than carrying the mojo)...
Apr 18, 2016 at 3:16 PM Post #845 of 4,798
I also feel the same. I can feel that the sensitivity improoved compare it to the LCDs, but it still is quite far from being "easily" powered. I also have to push the mojo or DP-X1 quite a bit before I get a decent level (The onkyo is at around 90+%). They play well, but I always had a feeling that running the amp below 70% gives me a more effortless listen...
I need to try balanced drive with these to try how much I can get an improvement with the bare DP-X1 (it's more portable than carrying the mojo)...

Hi @osvaldo
Can I ask, how the sound was when driving SINE from standard output, aside from having to increase volume ? 
Apr 18, 2016 at 3:42 PM Post #846 of 4,798
Hi @osvaldo
Can I ask, how the sound was when driving SINE from standard output, aside from having to increase volume ? 

It's very good. Almost as good as the mojo.
The mojo is a tiny bit more clear and no doubts more powerful.
Put it this way, if you want portability, DP-X1 + Sine is a hard to beat combo if you dig the warm detailed planar sound.
The bass on the Sine is very detailed but not so much pronounced (but always present), when I wan't to "feel" the beat I reach for my multi drivers JH angie iem which more or less "kicks me" inside the show - for rock I prefer the Angie, and probably the Roxanne must be better. On the other hand, the Audeze sound, feels more realistic when you compare the timbre of the instruments and precision (I guess this is an advantage of the orthodynamic driver).
The midrange is very good, probably the best freq. range on the Sine, it's clear, detailed and rich/warm. Much more forward than the LCD-2 midrange. It helps it provide a open sound
Treble is very inoffensive. The best part of it's energy is in the upper mids. I don't think it extends much either.
It's the overall musicality that I think that it's quite good about this headphone.
Forgive me comparing iem to on ear headphones...
DP-X1 can drive the Sine very nicely. Much better than my iPhone/iPad especially the quality.
Anyway, I still haven't tried the Sine with a 6W amp 
Apr 18, 2016 at 3:46 PM Post #847 of 4,798
Also, I don't know if I'm the only one, but the 10+ hours of battery life on playback is a lie for me. Maybe because I only tried it with "powerful" headphones, but I have the feeling that I can't go beyond 5-6 hours on onkyo. Standby is also weak, you have to turn it off to keep the charge. With the Sine is no different, I also drain the power quickly. 

Apr 18, 2016 at 3:57 PM Post #848 of 4,798
just letting you guys know, I still have one pair left if you are looking and can't find any in stock. For folks in the USA only, I can't ship overseas due to the dealer agreement...
Apr 18, 2016 at 4:05 PM Post #849 of 4,798

@osvaldo Did u try with the balanced out of the  DP X1? I didnt get the cable for it.
Really loved the Sine when paired with the DP X1. But I had to run the X1 at  high (130+ ) to get a decent volume and this took a tool on the battery life(it went from 95% to 50% in like three hours, 20min screen on  )  .
The Fiio Q1 run the Sine with better authority on half volume (high gain) ( slightly lower SQ then the DPx1) .
DPX1 is a very good android based DAP but I really cant understand why onkyo would put it up with 1630mah  battery .The Fiio X1 has a higher  battery capacity  than the DPX1.
So returned the DPX1 and started the search for a good DAP again to go with my Sine's.
Apr 18, 2016 at 6:02 PM Post #850 of 4,798
Running them at such high level drains the Fiio X5 battery faster, so I guess no more than 6-7 hours of playback with the Sine.
Apr 19, 2016 at 12:25 AM Post #851 of 4,798
@osvaldo Did u try with the balanced out of the  DP X1? I didnt get the cable for it.
Really loved the Sine when paired with the DP X1. But I had to run the X1 at  high (130+ ) to get a decent volume and this took a tool on the battery life(it went from 95% to 50% in like three hours, 20min screen on  )  .
The Fiio Q1 run the Sine with better authority on half volume (high gain) ( slightly lower SQ then the DPx1) .
DPX1 is a very good android based DAP but I really cant understand why onkyo would put it up with 1630mah  battery .The Fiio X1 has a higher  battery capacity  than the DPX1.
So returned the DPX1 and started the search for a good DAP again to go with my Sine's.

So far I only tried the DP-X1 balanced mode with my JH Audio Angie because it comes with the cable. I didn't really found any gains in terms of quality and the extra volume wasn't really necessary for IEMs - I end up putting back the single ended cable so I could connect them to the mojo when I desire. For the Angie's, the SQ difference between DPx1 and mojo is really noticeble - there the mojo wins by a distance. More or less the same with my Beyerdynamic T51p. No so much with the Sine (I think they just like more power first).
I've seen here some posts about a balanced cable for the sine but so far the connectors seem like they'll stick out to the back...
I agree with you abou the low amount of hours you get on a single charge. I normally listen at volume 140-154, sometimes 160 (max), so yeah... I carry a 11200mAh Powerbank with me 
Apr 19, 2016 at 10:01 PM Post #853 of 4,798

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