Audeze Penrose X and Penrose
Nov 29, 2020 at 3:47 AM Post #2,266 of 7,196
Have they said that they're gonna improve the mic quality somehow? At least for Discord? It's where I use my mic 99% of the time.

Kind of sucks to read everyone say it's so bad and muffled compared to other headphones.

Yeah when you read this:

Penrose uses our award winning 100 mm Planar drivers. We needed a really good microphone to go with it. So we contacted our friends at Shure, the world most respected microphone brand. Shure’s input was instrumental in helping us create a new standard of voice quality for the Penrose microphone

And then everyone here talking about the rubbish mic.
I don't know
Nov 29, 2020 at 4:16 AM Post #2,269 of 7,196
I've been using this headset for over 5-6 days now non-stop. Have read through all 151 pages of this sub and share many of the same opinions on the Penrose as others have mentioned.

Some points to consider:
  • Not an audiophile
  • PC user
  • Heavy gamer - primarily competitive FPS (CSGO/Apex/COD MW-Warzone/Valorant)
  • Previous wireless headsets: SteelSeries Arctis Pro Wireless, HyperX Cloud Flight
  • First time experience with Audeze as a brand and their products

Bottom line:

  • Audio is top notch on these. It's the reason we bought them right? Bass is a bit lacking though for my liking, was expecting a bit more. I've played around with EQ settings but have yet to find one that gives me a good bass feel that I prefer, any suggestions please do share! Aside from that no complaints with the sound which is good. Audio in games come to life and these are awesome for hearing footsteps in FPS games, definitely feel more aware in games due to the clarity. No bull hype here. My previous SteelSeries APW had a very muddy sound to them which I didn't like.

  • MAIN issue with these: Mic is absolutely TERRIBLE in discord (as many others have noted) Literally all of the people I regularly speak to on discord all immediately said "whats up with your mic?" as they're used to hearing my voice via the SteelSeries APW. The main thing everyone has said is my voice sounds muffled. It's embarrassing to tell them this is the mic coming from a $300 headset from an Audiophile company who touts they've got broadcast quality and collaborated with a well known brand like SHURE. All of them have said my SteelSeries mic sounded much more crisp and clear which blows my mind. For a company to sell a GAMING headset, where voice chat goes hand in hand, to have a terrible sounding mic just ruins these for a lot of people with no secondary standalone mic and are looking for an all-in-one solution.

  • Clamp force for me haven't been an issue. They definitely feel tighter than my SteelSeries/HyperX did out of the box but it's not so bad that I'm at a discomfort - out of the three the HyperX were by far the comfiest but these felt good to me and most importantly the build on these feel like good quality $300 headphones. For reference, when I wear a snapback hat, I close it all the way except for 2 dots.

  • Bluetooth/Wireless - When I use both at the same time, I definitely feel like the audio goes lower, or some weird audio levelling is going on here that I never experienced with the APW.

  • Range isn't great on these. Both my APW/Cloud Flight were better for range and would still be connected 2 rooms over but these struggle and the lady constantly screaming CONNECTED is super annoying and way too loud. I would have appreciated a simple beep to let me know it's connected

  • Cant control system volume via windows or my keyboard volume adjustment knobs sucks but just a minor annoyance. I use my keyboard volume adjustment all the time.

  • Audeze HQ app definitely needs work. Would be nice if Audeze gave us some different preset EQ's that they've tuned for different scenarios (FPS, Music, Movies etc) for noobs like me who aren't good at this stuff. Having to plugin the headset just to adjust the EQ or see what volume my mic gain is at is super inconvenient. If the headset isn't plugged into the PC via USB the Audeze HQ app shows no info at all. There should be a way to do this without needing to plug the headset in

  • There is definitely a slight whooshing noise in the background that is only noticeable if you really look for it in quiet sound settings.

  • No battery indicator???? This is the first headset I've used that never gave me any info on how much battery I have left. Really don't understand this decision

To sum things up, I really do like this headset, they absolutely sound great and the best sounding headset I've owned by far, however I feel like they were a bit overhyped as the product that arrived still obviously has a number of issues that need fixing. Mainly the mic which I think could be a deal breaker for some. I'm still on the fence on keeping these or not, depending on how fast Audeze fixes these problems (which most seem to be fixable via a firmware update).

For the amount I paid for these, I was hoping to receive a more polished product experience like I did with the SteelSeries APW but instead these overall as a complete package (sound, usability, functionality) feel more like a beta test

move been lurking for a while and was going to be asking questions about the competitive PC sound on these as I’m only using them on pc with pretty much the same games you have said. Thanks for the honest review.

Is your main reason for considering the return based on the mic? It seems a few other of the issues will be fixed in firmware updates also.
Nov 29, 2020 at 4:22 AM Post #2,270 of 7,196
I have used the Penrose for a few days now and am ready to put out a quick review, though really it's 50% consolidation of various impressions I have posted already and 50% remaining impressions.

Sound Quality

Let's face it, this is why we are all here. This is the reason why we chose the Penrose over its competitors, which there is an entire ocean of. We are here, because we are tired of the sub-par sound offered by the likes of SteelSeries, Astro, Corsair, Logitech, etc despite their claims of precise clarity or stunning detail. So how does Audeze's sound quality stack up to its competitors? In a nut shell, there is no comparison in sound quality. This can be either impressive or sad depending on perspective, but Audeze's arguably worst offering is noticeably superior to the best their competitors have to offer in the realm of lossless wireless and honestly any wired "gaming" headset I have tried (and I have tried a LOT of them). With the provocative intro over with, let's talk what anyone reading this really wants to know about.

Overall the planar magnetic drivers offer fast, detailed, and rich sound reproduction that makes critical listening of music enjoyable. Is it to the level of the LCD-2s or HiFiMAN HE-500s? No, but at a fraction of a price it's not supposed to be. The treble is rolled off a tad at the higher frequencies to prevent fatigue from long listening sessions. There is meat behind the midrange and bass, which basically means there is substance and richness behind what you will hear. This is very important as midrange defines vocals and most sounds we hear in games, music, and movies. Things like dialogue and most sound effects take place here, with higher pitched gunshots taking place in the low-mid treble range where the Penrose is also great at. The bass as mentioned is rich (as expected of planar), but more importantly it has accuracy, tightness, and good extension into the lower frequencies. I see many newcomers to the "audiophile" world state that it is a bit weaker than expected, a statement that I find flawed though not of their fault. Since this is a subject of it's own, I wanted to talk about it separately.

In the general consumer world, bass produced by cheap home theater subwoofers and "gaming" audio products are are bloated and overly exaggerated. High quality reproduction of bass is again accurate, tight, and with good extension, not this vomit of "BWOHM!" that we so commonly hear. This is what provides texture to bass. In comparison with the highly inflated mid-bass (talk about overcompensation), this can indeed make good bass sound almost lean or mild in direct comparison. The trade-off however is that your bass now will actually sound good once your ears adjust. In games with good sound, explosions will actually sound like explosions where you have the sharp crescendo of eruption followed by the more gradual fall off of both the boom and rumble. That said, if you really want more mid-bass, you can easily EQ it adjusting the last 3 bands in the AudezeHQ app.

There has been much talk about whoosh sounds, though I personally haven't heard it. I do here very quiet noise when no sound is playing, but it quickly goes away from when anything is playing. Now it could be that I haven't looked hard enough for it or mentally blocked it out, but honestly I don't go looking for flaws when I use a product. In a way, that's what makes me a terrible reviewer I suppose.

Lossless 2.4GHz Wireless

Lossless 2.4GHz wireless is the reason why you chose to purchase the Penrose over the Mobius or Panda or any wired alternative. For whatever personal reason, we wanted wireless and that's the other big reason why we are all here. This was kind of a bit of mixed bag for me in all honesty. When I had the USB dongle connected to the back of my computer under my desk, the connectivity wasn't very good. Songs would have random drops here and there, which needless to say was quite disappointing. I didn't have any issues with range however. While I cannot say I had the luxury of walking to the restroom during any listening sessions, I did go downstairs to get water, which was easily more than 15m away and while drops increased, I never lost connection. Given the complaints of the obnoxiously loud "Connect!" alert, I don't intend on trying to test that range either. That said, I don't believe this is Audeze's fault as the back of my tower is a cluster of cables and electronics. There is no doubt a lot of interference back there and bringing it to the top of my desk via a powered USB 3.0 hub (connected to a USB 3.0 port of course) made all of those issues go away. Now, whether this means an interference, bandwidth, power issue or combination of it, I have no idea. For the people having connection issues however, I would definitely recommend using at least an extension USB cable connected directly to the motherboard.


I am old now, so I can't seem to sit down for 3-4 hour gaming sessions as frequently as I did in my youth. This means comfort during long sessions is not as important to me as it once was. That said, the Penrose is for the most part, pretty comfortable. There is definitely sufficient padding on the cups and under the headphone pads, though the clamping is a bit too snug for my tastes. As been repeated multiple times however, a folded pillow should quickly take care of that for most people if you don't want to wait and let your head naturally break it in. The breathability of the pads however are extremely sub-par, which I knew coming from the Mobius as well as any other headphones or chairs that use pleather. Leather already heats up quickly enough and it is a far more breathable material than pleather. I do have some suede Dekoni pads awaiting, but I am waiting on Dekoni's response in terms of the re-usability of the sticky tape on them before I actually install them. Returning to the original topic, the stock pads suck for long term listening. They start getting really hot 20-30 minutes in and at 75-77F with 35-38% humidity, when I take them off my head it is an influx of cool air on my ears. Ever walk into an AC cooled room after going for an afternoon run in the summer? That's how my ears felt. I am not sure if Audeze went the pleather route versus some sort of fabric for noise isolation or costs, but please consider offering perforated leather or velour options in the future at an additional cost. I would gladly pay it!

Usability & Software

The hardware controls of the headset are pretty simple, nothing to write home about. I do however find the toggle switch for the microphone a poor choice and if I actually kept using the microphone, it would probably annoy me a tad. Instead of an actual toggle switch, I would have much rather a button that I can quickly press to mute instead of trying to slide it up or down. By the way, it actually takes quite a bit of force to toggle it, maybe because it's new. In fact, I would have much rather gotten rid of it from the side of the left can entirely and moved it to the microphone gain dial where if you push it, you can mute it. That said, there is always the risk of someone pressing it while reaching for the volume dial. The volume dial itself is fine where it is and I really like the direction of volume control once I got used to it. The power button on the other hand needs to be pressed too long to turn the unit off and on. That time can be cut in half honestly. I know Audeze is going to lower the system sounds of the Penrose in an upcoming firmware, but my God did anyone even listen to the alerts when designing the product? Pro tip to the UI designer at Audeze; if you want people to appreciate your product's sound quality, it's a good idea to not deteriorate their ears with overly loud alerts! That was a bit of humor and exaggeration of course, but the point that it is obnoxiously loud and should never had made it pass design phase however is still a very valid point.

The software is what really does a disservice to the product for me. In my non-professional software design opinion, it sucks. There is no way around the fact that it is extremely barebones on the ONE platform that currently supports it. It was mentioned that the software development is outsourced to 2 people and after using it or rather using what's actually there, I strongly recommend to Audeze to either have more people hired to work on their software or to look for another developer entirely. The EQ adjustment is a great feature for those who wants to spend the time, but the fact that you cannot make changes wirelessly is inexcusable and the lack of battery indicator laughable. This will probably come off as offensive to those at Audeze, but it's like whoever designed AudezeHQ had never used software for headsets on PC, much less design software for it. Some lesser pet peeves are Sidetone, the Device Info tab, and Firmware tab. That sidetone could only be changed via the app is something that should have never made it past the firmware design phase. The Device Info tab is completely worthless. Any other company would have had the contents hidden away in a menu or linked PDF file. Not only does it serve the least amount of purpose, it has the most visual content. Then we have the Firmware tab which is completely blank. Take note Audeze, this tab should always have at minimum the current firmware installed. I can understand not having an Update button, but to not even show the current firmware of the device is pretty bad. Did I mention that you had to have it physically plugged in to make changes?

Microphone and Battery Life

I honestly don't have much to talk about for these subjects and I am sure others will offer much better impressions. I don't game long sessions much anymore and I quickly moved back to my normal USB desktop microphone (Shure MV5) when my friends stated it was better. The recording I made via Windows Recorder sounded OK. Compared to Audeze's uploaded samples, they were more muffled and less sharp. That said, they didn't sound bad by any means and when I used them in Discord, my friends said they could hear me fine. I also have a habit of plugging in my headset and mouse to charge when I am done with them for the day, so I haven't tested the battery life either.


Previously forgot this section and Audeze probably wishes that I did. My immediate reaction to how the headset looks is disgust. I deeply despise "gamer" aesthetic and Audeze seems to have fully embraced it with the Penrose. I actually got the Penrose over the Penrose X initially due to me preferring bright blue over highlighter green. Now that I have it in person, I don't know if I still prefer blue over green anymore. The logo is small, so not so bad. The band that the earpads mount to however, it's absolutely hideous and easily worse than the photos. Ever seen the cartoon Smurfs? It's like Gargamel skinned a Smurf alive and wrapped it's skin around the earpads. Horrific image? Probably, but definitely conveys the horror I felt during unboxing. Like this is seriously the bluest blue that exists in the known universe. In fact, I was so bothered by it that I turned around and ordered the carbon replacement earpads the next day. In hindsight, maybe this was part of Audeze's master plan. Immediate visual disgust aside however, the fundamental design is sound, just like the Mobius. It's a bit on the heavy side, but the cups swivel fine, the band adjusts properly without much effort and little to no give, and the twist plastic of the headband gives me comfort in durability. Overall, it is solidly built. If you take away the gamer colors, the headset actually looks quite nice!

Final Thoughts

Overall, I feel that the Penrose is great for what I use it for and what I am looking for; great sound quality while wireless when gaming on my PC. I am very satisfied with the sound quality performance for the price range and overall happy with the purchase. Have there been issues? Yes, but Audeze is typically quick to address issues as we all saw with Mobius and they have been doing a great job communicating future updates, which is all we can ask for in these current times.
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Nov 29, 2020 at 6:43 AM Post #2,274 of 7,196
First-time poster, I just signed up to ask some questions that I couldn’t find an answer to. Sorry if these have been asked before. I am in the UK have have the Penrose X on pre-order so I don’t expect to get these before Christmas. If I do, I’ll be pleasantly surprised, but anticipating a January delivery.

My questions, given my expectations, are:

  1. As a MacBook/iPhone user with an Xbox Series X, I assume I’m at the mercy of Audeze working on and then releasing a Mac app before I can update the firmware. Is there no way to download the firmware and update via a web app like other companies? Failing this, could I run the Android app in an emulator on my mac and update this way?
  2. Can I charge these while using them? I sit at a desk gaming/working so the wireless aspect is a bonus but not integral to my purchase decision. I’m happy to sit at my desk wired in charging while using them at the same time if that’s possible. not having a battery indicator is not ideal, as I'll be using these for work as well as gaming so if I need to hop on a call I don't want them to suddenly die on me mid-conversation.
  3. I use a MacBook for work and Xbox Series X for gaming. I don’t think I’ve seen anything official or unofficial, but I’m assuming these will work over BT with my MacBook, right? What would be the best way to use these to get the best sound with my MacBook if I'm watching a film? Assuming via the wireless dongle if I just remove that from the Xbox when I’m not gaming and plug it into my MacBook? They’re right next to each other so moving from one to the other is no bother for me.
  4. I’m actually looking forward to having sidetone again, my main headphones broke and so I’m using some cheap Turtle Beach to get me through the winter until the Penrose X is delivered. Just how bad are the sidetone issues? All I’ve heard from Audeze and everyone here is to switch off by default, which is a weird solution if you actually need this feature, but these will be a gaming first headset for me, so my primary use case is gaming with the mic and sidetone is key for me as I’m a shouter. Will I have sound issues or are these included in the FW updates (that I might not even be able to download)?
  5. Might be off-topic for this thread, but does anyone have a headset stand they’d recommend that would work comfortably with these?

Thanks for any help or advice.
Nov 29, 2020 at 11:42 AM Post #2,275 of 7,196
@amoeba1126 Thanks for the review and feedback.

I do however find the toggle switch for the microphone a poor choice and if I actually kept using the microphone, it would probably annoy me a tad. Instead of an actual toggle switch, I would have much rather a button that I can quickly press to mute instead of trying to slide it up or down. By the way, it actually takes quite a bit of force to toggle it,

The choice of the Mic mute is carried over from Mobius, we retained most aspects of Mobius design to keep the costs reasonable. This is still low volume (compared to hundred's of thousands for typical mass market gaming headphones) and every change we make adds a significant cost for our volumes.

It was mentioned that the software development is outsourced to 2 people and after using it or rather using what's actually there, I strongly recommend to Audeze to either have more people hired to work on their software or to look for another developer entirely. The EQ adjustment is a great feature for those who wants to spend the time, but the fact that you cannot make changes wirelessly is inexcusable
The lack of wireless support is not related to the resources, it is a limitation of the SDK that is available for the hardware platform. Believe me, if a wireless sdk were available for PC/Mac, that is where we would have started, not USB. We do plan to support BT or Wireless control using Mac and PC as soon as it is made available to us.

and the lack of battery indicator laughable
Again, it was not intentionally disabled because we did not have resources, we don't have it because the SDK does not currently expose it, something we have requested and will be made available as soon as the SDK supports it.

The Device Info tab is completely worthless. Any other company would have had the contents hidden away in a menu or linked PDF file.
The Device info tab is carried over from Mobius, many appreciated a quick way to know what the different buttons did, Penrose perhaps needs this less as it is simpler.

Some lesser pet peeves are Sidetone, the Device Info tab, and Firmware tab. That sidetone could only be changed via the app is something that should have never made it past the firmware design phase. Then we have the Firmware tab which is completely blank. Take note Audeze, this tab should always have at minimum the current firmware installed. I can understand not having an Update button, but to not even show the current firmware of the device is pretty bad.
Sidetone on or off - based on our experience most people do once. 99% of the users will touch this once, sets it and forgets it. Again, based on our feedback from Mobius, less is more. We wanted to keep it simple and not add a button combination for this; it was not a oversight but a conscious decision.

Just to summarize, many currently missing features are because we have to work with vendors and wait of the ADK/API to make features available, then test and release them. We wanted the App to have the basic features we promised to begin with.
Nov 29, 2020 at 12:31 PM Post #2,276 of 7,196
@amoeba1126 Thanks for the review and feedback.

The choice of the Mic mute is carried over from Mobius, we retained most aspects of Mobius design to keep the costs reasonable. This is still low volume (compared to hundred's of thousands for typical mass market gaming headphones) and every change we make adds a significant cost for our volumes.

The lack of wireless support is not related to the resources, it is a limitation of the SDK that is available for the hardware platform. Believe me, if a wireless sdk were available for PC/Mac, that is where we would have started, not USB. We do plan to support BT or Wireless control using Mac and PC as soon as it is made available to us.

Again, it was not intentionally disabled because we did not have resources, we don't have it because the SDK does not currently expose it, something we have requested and will be made available as soon as the SDK supports it.

The Device info tab is carried over from Mobius, many appreciated a quick way to know what the different buttons did, Penrose perhaps needs this less as it is simpler.

Sidetone on or off - based on our experience most people do once. 99% of the users will touch this once, sets it and forgets it. Again, based on our feedback from Mobius, less is more. We wanted to keep it simple and not add a button combination for this; it was not a oversight but a conscious decision.

Just to summarize, many currently missing features are because we have to work with vendors and wait of the ADK/API to make features available, then test and release them. We wanted the App to have the basic features we promised to begin with.

Thank you for your awesome response! I really appreciate the transparency and info regarding features you requested for the wireless SDK. I have no doubts that Audeze will continue to improve the Penrose further.
Nov 29, 2020 at 1:33 PM Post #2,277 of 7,196
Just to throw in my super quick impressions:

Whooshing sound is really annoying but only audible when quiet sounds are playing (think footsteps in games or just anything at a low volume). If this issue isn't fixed I am definitely returning these as it is more than noticeable to me when playing games without music or a video in the background.

Sound quality is great but I am a bit of a simpleton when it comes to audio. Coming from DT770 pros, the bass sounds a bit more defined and it seems to have a wider soundstage (hoping I am using that term correctly.) Also the pads block out much more noise than the 770s.

Range is pretty bad. I can only get to the door of my bedroom before I start getting connection issues. Not an issue for me personally as I don't wear my headphones around the house and just wanted the freedom of being able to get up from my desk and grab something without taking my headphones off. The last wireless headset I had (Logitech G930? something like that) worked all the way between floors and I was still able to talk to people and hear them just fine.

Comfort is way worse than the 770s, but that's not saying much because I could practically wear the 770s 24hrs/day. After stretching them out a bit overnight they are okay, but the clamping force out of the box is way too high. The headband also could have a bit more cushion.

Noise floor is pretty good. Absolutely noticeable when there is no sound playing but I honestly kind of like it because I have mild tinnitus and the noise floor just sounds like super quiet white noise which actually is preferable to me.

Didn't test the mic on discord, but it sounds great for a wireless mic when just recorded locally. Very directional so it only picks up whatever it's facing (hopefully you.)

The Audeze HQ app for the Mobius looks like a fully fleshed out program, but the Penrose one is laughable. It looks like an early beta build and has literally no functionality other than EQ and sidetone. The firmware page is just completely blank and if you try to switch to the Mobius tab the app will crash, and then restart in the Mobius section and no longer recognize your headphones until you close the app, unplug, plug back in, and then reopen the app in the Penrose section.

TL;DR: Sound good, comfy enough, good mic, annoying as **** whooshing sound that I have never experienced in any other headphone. If they fix that, these are the best in class wireless headphones.
Nov 29, 2020 at 3:05 PM Post #2,280 of 7,196
I just received my pair today, and I'm noticing the same issue: a slight imbalance that pushes the soundstage to the left a bit. I wore the headphones in reverse, and I noticed it pushed to the sound to the right, so I'm thinking it's either a driver or pad issue. I've fiddled with the fitment to see if I could get it to balance evenly, but I couldn't reliably fix it. I'll try testing a bit more later.

I played around with things a bit more, and I am still noticing the slight left/right imbalance on both PC wireless and via bluetooth. As a dirty hack, if I insert a single sheet of tissue in the left ear cup to attenuate the sound, it seems to balance things out better for me, and I get a sound that's pretty much dead center like on my other headphones.

Aside from the balance issue, sound quality wise, they have been excellent, with very nice bass weight and clear but non-fatiguing treble. I would say they have a warmer-than-neutral sound signature out of the box, but that's my preference anyway. Either way, it should be easy to customize with EQ.

Comfort wise, the clamping force is quite strong and takes some getting used to, but I'd expect it would loosen up over time. It's tighter than my old Sennheiser PC360 and much tighter than my Beyer T1. I'd be curious to try swapping the leather pads with cloth ones as I don't need this level of sound isolation and they could reduce heat.

Anyways, I've contacted Audeze support and will see if I can get this balance issue addressed on my set.

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