Dec 18, 2015 at 5:33 PM Post #2,236 of 4,165
I just discovered how much improvements a cable upgrade can make to the sound, gosh really cleans up the overall sound; the already black background got even darker and cleaner with mids made richer and bass thickens up nicely with a slight increase in full-bodiedness in the overall sound. And they're not even fully run-in yet. 
Dec 19, 2015 at 10:48 AM Post #2,237 of 4,165
Hey all, proud new owner of a LCD-XC here :) I've been enjoying it tremendously, with the small exceptions of a bit of headband discomfort (which I hope to remedy with the LCD-4 headband when it becomes available for purchase) and the slightly harsh 4k region that everyone that seems to be talking about.

I'm currently amping them with a Corda HA2 MkII which is wonderfully detailed but can be a bit bright and sterile at times, so I'm looking for an inexpensive alternative to warm them up. I'm currently stuck between the Lyr 2 and Gustard H10; has anyone heard both (or either) of these with their LCD-XC?

I also have a HD600 so decent synergy with them would be preferred if possible.

Thanks :)
Dec 19, 2015 at 1:22 PM Post #2,238 of 4,165
Hey all, proud new owner of a LCD-XC here :) I've been enjoying it tremendously, with the small exceptions of a bit of headband discomfort (which I hope to remedy with the LCD-4 headband when it becomes available for purchase) and the slightly harsh 4k region that everyone that seems to be talking about.

I'm currently amping them with a Corda HA2 MkII which is wonderfully detailed but can be a bit bright and sterile at times, so I'm looking for an inexpensive alternative to warm them up. I'm currently stuck between the Lyr 2 and Gustard H10; has anyone heard both (or either) of these with their LCD-XC?

I also have a HD600 so decent synergy with them would be preferred if possible.

Thanks :)

I have a Lyr 1 and quite like both my XCs and HD600s on it, though I don't use the 600s much anymore
Dec 19, 2015 at 2:52 PM Post #2,239 of 4,165
I have a Lyr 1 and quite like both my XCs and HD600s on it, though I don't use the 600s much anymore

Thanks, that's good to hear! Currently the only thing I've been going back to my HD600 for is symphonic music, which isn't often. No doubt HD600 crushes the LCD-XC in soundstage width but they sound a bit thin in comparison, like butter spread over too much bread (to quote my friend Bilbo)
Dec 19, 2015 at 3:05 PM Post #2,240 of 4,165
Thanks, that's good to hear! Currently the only thing I've been going back to my HD600 for is symphonic music, which isn't often. No doubt HD600 crushes the LCD-XC in soundstage width but they sound a bit thin in comparison, like butter spread over too much bread (to quote my friend Bilbo)

Funny you should say that, as I used to do that withe 600s, reaching for it for classical, but unfortunately for the 600s, that duty is now reserved for my HD800. Because of the 3.5mm termination on the 600s, I use it as my open on my X5 when I am moving around the house. You may want to gor Lohb's leather headband for a lot less than the LCD-4 headband. It works for me on the XC...but only if you still have at least 2 or 3 adjustment notches left on your gimbals. Enjoy.
Dec 20, 2015 at 3:05 AM Post #2,241 of 4,165
Just picked up a pair of XC's a few weeks ago. My first pair of headphones other than my 1964 IEM's. They sound awesome, very easy to listen to and very comfy. Looks like I may have got a pair of their limited bocote wood versions.

Dec 20, 2015 at 3:31 AM Post #2,242 of 4,165
Hi, I think the wood is beautiful on your set.  I like the bubinga on mine but I would be proud to show off those, or pull them out of their box every time I listen.  Enjoy!
Dec 20, 2015 at 4:51 AM Post #2,244 of 4,165
Just picked up a pair of XC's a few weeks ago. My first pair of headphones other than my 1964 IEM's. They sound awesome, very easy to listen to and very comfy. Looks like I may have got a pair of their limited bocote wood versions.

That grain is just awesome. Did you choose that set or luck of the draw ?
Dec 20, 2015 at 5:10 AM Post #2,245 of 4,165
Thanks everyone.
It was just luck of the draw for me. I ordered over the phone from a dealer and picked them up still in the box. I was stunned when I opened them up for the first time but just figured the pictures hadn't done them justice lol.
Dec 20, 2015 at 4:15 PM Post #2,247 of 4,165
It all depends on the pair you get. Here's the graph for my pair and compared to my other cans they are bright.

Wow! Yeah, that does seem seriously different than the HeadRoom measurements. Is that the Audeze-provided FR? Or your own measurement? I know there's some variation in the drivers and the wood, but enough to change the sound signature that drastically really surprises me. Maybe the HeadRoom graph is wrong...
  I just discovered how much improvements a cable upgrade can make to the sound, gosh really cleans up the overall sound; the already black background got even darker and cleaner with mids made richer and bass thickens up nicely with a slight increase in full-bodiedness in the overall sound. And they're not even fully run-in yet. 

Yeah... cable burn-in. After sitting for a long time with the LCD-XCs today and two cables -- the stock LCD cable from Audeze, and the Moon Audio Silver Dragon cable -- on my setup today. I've got a PC running TIDAL connected to a DACmini CX, which is connected to a Tisbury Audio CA-1. I had a friend swap out the cables randomly with me facing away from the computer. I did not touch the cable, and after my friend initially positioned the headphones on my head, I adjusted them while carefully avoiding the connectors at the bottom. A truly blind test. Bless my friend's patience, but after 15 rounds of ABX testing, I've concluded that I cannot hear the difference between these two cables.
We already know that, from the objectivist point of view, measurements suggest that the difference cables make is "Nope. Nada. Zilch." We also know that people can't identity cables in blind ABX tests, and apparently any sort of experiment that avoids expectation bias is considered "objectivist" these days. The "subjectivist" point of view is that "well, so many people can hear it, how can you ignore that?" Even Tyll seems to think this is true, despite the same being the case for wine. Oh my gosh, and I see one more link to that damn paper, I'll have a fit (the paper clearly states that their findings show that humans must be using a non-linear reconstruction procedure, i.e., not a Gabor filter, which is linear. Machines and computers can do non-linear reconstructions too, they just normally don't because it generally isn't needed. This paper absolutely does not say that humans are capable of hearing things that machinery cannot measure.)
I won't go as far as to say that cable manufacturers have duped us all into spending outrageous amounts of money on headphone cables that are pure silver and have the hair of a voodoo shaman wrapped around the solder joints. Or that anyone who claims to be able to hear the difference between cables is wrong. But I will say this: it's very instructive to do a blind ABX test in your own home on your own setup with your own cables. Enlightening, even. I'm a die-hard skeptic and even I was fully taken in by expectation bias. Knowing that I can't really hear the difference gives me the benefit of not having to spend ludicrous amounts of money on cables (now I can buy more headphones instead), and it also allows me to enjoy the headphones more in general, and not be anxious about the "next model up" cable making it sound better.
Every once and a while, it seems like a good idea to pause, take a breath, and realize that in the grand rush for better and better gear, we shouldn't ever spend a bunch of money on equipment and then feel anxious about it not performing to expectation. At least for me, I had started training myself to check the MSRP first and listen to the sound second. A bad habit, to be sure.
If you can hear the difference between cables, more power to you: perhaps your ears are more refined than mine (which I'm starting to think might be more of a curse than a blessing...). But please -- try a blind ABX test. And don't think to yourself "man, I better get this right, or else I'm a sucker for buying these angel hair cable ties!" -- just think of it as coming to better know yourself/your tastes absent the hype created by cable companies. Or angel hair farms. I assume that's where the pasta comes from as well.

All that being said, the stock LCD cable is an ergonomic disaster. It's way too long, way too floppy, and the flat, four-cables-glued together thing feels and looks terrible. The Moon Audio cables is great -- 5ft is a great length and the cable feels solid and lightweight. Is it worth nearly 300 dollars? Perhaps not.
Dec 20, 2015 at 7:51 PM Post #2,248 of 4,165
Wow! Yeah, that does seem seriously different than the HeadRoom measurements. Is that the Audeze-provided FR? Or your own measurement? I know there's some variation in the drivers and the wood, but enough to change the sound signature that drastically really surprises me. Maybe the HeadRoom graph is wrong...


That is the graph from Audeze. There is quite a bit of variation from each Audeze XC headphone, not to mention different measuring systems from places like Headroom like you say. I don't think it has much to do with the wood compared to the magnets and driver tension. My thoughts are that although magnet strength is measured within a certain range we still aren't incredibly precise to get the exact same magnet strength from one magnet to another. That and each membrane may have a slightly different tension to it which will react differently to the magnets in either side.
Dec 20, 2015 at 9:01 PM Post #2,249 of 4,165
I'm glad you brought that up :) I was a cable-sceptic like you for many years, each time my hardcore audiophile brother or friends go into cable recommendations and pep talk, my mind automatically closes it's door or just filters them off, so I know where you are coming from. I actually went to the shop to audition the Deckard but a casual remark that I was looking for something to smoothen the highs and thicken the bass caught my headfi shop friend's attention when he asked me to test an upgrade cable (yes, I asked for their price first :wink:). Being a hardcore cable-sceptic that I am, I A/Bed them FOUR times. Not because I was straining to hear the difference, but because I was not convinced the difference were real. Was it night and day "it's a miracle!" difference? No, but I've listened to my XCs for more than a month and I know their pros and cons and I did hear a difference (maybe it was psychotic yes, which was why I A/Bed them FOUR times, I'm glad my friend is a very patient man lol!). For added measure, I even asked my wife (trust me, she is the last person who wants me to spend "unnecessary money" on cables! but I have to add that she has better - and more sensible - ears than me as she grew up with an audiophile dad) and she said "It sounds cleaner, it removed the roughness". My headfi setup never sounded "rough" I was telling myself! well up until now, after I've heard something cleaner!

Being an almost lifelong cable-sceptic I also did further testing when I was home. I played some familiar tunes. For bass, I found that what sounded bassy previously now sounded like "a little too much bass" (I use bass boost on my amp). For treble, I played certain female vocalist songs which previously had piercing treble. Well, they still had piercing treble but they were now a little curtailed. More bearable, I used to stop the song midway but now I can listen to the whole song. The same for high-pitched piano tunes, they used to sound piercing but they are "manageable" now, to the point that I can listen at high volumes whereas I used to lower it. There is no oh-gosh-slap-me-silly shazam kind of transformation in sound but they do tame down certain frequencies and thickens up others, and gives an overall cleaner sound.

While we are on this subject, I do remember some years back auditioning speakers which are known to be very dark and I told my brother (on the telephone) darn they ain't dark but very airy and he asked me what speaker cables were they using and I said "ABC" and he said "No wonder". That was when I learnt that silver cables gives good highs. In fact, there are certain cables known to cater to whatever sound signature one needs to balance out different components in any given setup. You see this on hifi mags as well as on the web, discussed about by both reviewers and users the same. But on the subject of burn-in, well I have to admit the effects (or perceived effects) are more subtle when burning-in my headphones. But my speaker-based setup at home, it took 3 years for them to "blossom". I'm not even going to say that it's a result of long-suffering burn-in or through prolonged usage (I have to admit they are sometimes neglected during this 3 years due to my other hobbies).

I wouldnt say that I have more refined ears, but I would certainly admit to having very low tolerance for overzealous high frequencies, and am very demanding when it comes to bass quantity/quality. If my new cables did help in these aspects then I'll consider my cable-sceptic days over.
Dec 20, 2015 at 9:02 PM Post #2,250 of 4,165

Makes me wish I could go onto the Lawton website and pick out museum-grade chambers for the XCs. I dropped Mark an email and he said he is considering the XCs, if he decides to go forward, XC chambers could be ready as soon as the end of next year (2016). I said sign me up. First he is finishing up a new chamber design for another line of headphones, he couldn't tell me what line. But there aren't that many headphones that will take these chambers, Audio Technica maybe?

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