Jan 16, 2015 at 10:16 AM Post #1,847 of 4,223
As the X's cost $100 more but lack the fancy wood I would say you won't be able to make your own from a pair of XCs.
Jan 16, 2015 at 10:45 AM Post #1,848 of 4,223
  As the X's cost $100 more but lack the fancy wood I would say you won't be able to make your own from a pair of XCs.

Actually the Xs cost $100 less 

Jan 16, 2015 at 11:21 AM Post #1,849 of 4,223
You are right, sorry about that. I'll still say no due to tuning; they can't just put caps on the ends and call it a day.
Jan 17, 2015 at 12:21 PM Post #1,850 of 4,223
  You are right, sorry about that. I'll still say no due to tuning; they can't just put caps on the ends and call it a day.

Jan 17, 2015 at 5:11 PM Post #1,852 of 4,223
Audeze uses different material and traces for each membrane for each model. The drivers aren't all the same. This, and the fact that the drivers may be positioned slightly differently in the cup could also affect the sound. When dealing with magnetic fields a small position change can yield big differences. I would be curious to hear what an LCD-X owner hears when they cover the outside of their cups. My guess is that it won't sound the same as the XC. ;)
Jan 17, 2015 at 6:59 PM Post #1,853 of 4,223
Audeze uses different material and traces for each membrane for each model. The drivers aren't all the same. This, and the fact that the drivers may be positioned slightly differently in the cup could also affect the sound. When dealing with magnetic fields a small position change can yield big differences. I would be curious to hear what an LCD-X owner hears when they cover the outside of their cups. My guess is that it won't sound the same as the XC.

That sounds right to me.
Jan 18, 2015 at 7:12 PM Post #1,854 of 4,223
  Heya fellas
Just purchased the LCD-XC tomorrow from headfonia and gotta say,after only 1 day of listening with Chord Hugo,the XC blow me away! 
and I like the smell (?) of the headphone,it got an orang skin scent but that's just me :P

Rock on, dude.  I love mine.  Get totally lost at times.    

Jan 23, 2015 at 4:53 PM Post #1,856 of 4,223
Joined the XC club today! So looking forward to breaking them in this weekend.
Pics or didn't happen......;)


Jan 23, 2015 at 10:56 PM Post #1,858 of 4,223
Thanks I've really enjoyed the OPPO. Only negative is that I "needed" better phones to go with it.
So far so good on XC. Heavy, yes, but sounds amazing so far.
Jan 24, 2015 at 3:51 AM Post #1,860 of 4,223
Yup, it's a great combo! I love it! :)

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