Audeze EL-8: The EL-8 is a must-hear at CES 2015
Apr 6, 2015 at 4:56 PM Post #4,396 of 6,486
What is the weight of the EL-8 closed back like after extended listening periods?  Is it possible to wear these for hours at a time or only in short bursts like the XC's?  On paper these are a little lighter than the XC's, but I'm not sure how much difference that makes
How about the clamping pressure?
Apr 6, 2015 at 5:17 PM Post #4,398 of 6,486
  What is the weight of the EL-8 closed back like after extended listening periods?  Is it possible to wear these for hours at a time or only in short bursts like the XC's?  On paper these are a little lighter than the XC's, but I'm not sure how much difference that makes
How about the clamping pressure?

I found the EL-8 very comfortable for extended listening. The clamping pressure is just right, neither too much nor too little. The weight of the cans was never an issue, either.
The build is great and the comfort was fine for me. The overall SQ, not so much. But this is only my opinion. I only speak for myself. YMMV.
Apr 6, 2015 at 5:21 PM Post #4,399 of 6,486
Is the EL-8 the "most bang for the buck' cans in its price category ($600 - $700) or are there others with a better value/performance ratio?  Thanks all!

Another consideration would be MrSpeakers Alpha Dog, that headphone goes for 600 and sound very nice. I have not heard the EL-8, do not know if is better than a Alpha Dog or not.
Apr 6, 2015 at 5:27 PM Post #4,400 of 6,486
Is the EL-8 the "most bang for the buck' cans in its price category ($600 - $700) or are there others with a better value/performance ratio?  Thanks all!

There's really too much personal preference involved in that type of question for a definitive answer. The best chance of finding your "most bang for the buck" is to listen to as many headphones as you can. If you live somewhere where that isn't possible, post some additional information about other headphones you like/dislike and what type of sound signature you prefer to help narrow things down a bit.
Apr 6, 2015 at 5:41 PM Post #4,402 of 6,486
Another consideration would be MrSpeakers Alpha Dog, that headphone goes for 600 and sound very nice. I have not heard the EL-8, do not know if is better than a Alpha Dog or not.

I've compared the Alpha Dog and the EL8 (open), the EL8 was a much better sounding headphone, the bass on the EL8 goes lower and deeper, AD's didn't have much low end, mids and highs on EL8 are just about right, a little to forward on AD, sound stage on ADs is pretty good for a closed headphone.  All comparisons are from using a Fiio X3 and ALO Mk3 B+.
Even the owner of the Alpha Dog said they sounded lifeless after hearing the EL8.  With that said he liked my HD-700 much better than the EL8 and is looking to getting one.  He also tried my HE-560/LCD-2f/HE-650/SRH-1840 driven with a Project Ember/UD-301 said all of these sounded better than the EL8.   But if you only use the Fiio X3 the EL8 sounded best.
Apr 6, 2015 at 5:48 PM Post #4,404 of 6,486
I had a listen to the EL-8 closed-back today on what are supposedly the only official pair currently in the UK. They're a pre-production model so I assume the sound will only be better once they're released here.

I took along my Pono player for the session and played a wide variety of music and was suitably impressed that I put down a deposit for a pair.

They're not truly portable in the sense that you can walk about on the street with them but the cups do fold so will fit into your briefcase or bag.

I had the volume at maximum so would definitely use a headphone amplifier with them. I have an ALO Audio International amp and a Pico Slim but didn't have them with me to test them out with the EL-8s so will be testing them out with these although I saw the Chord Hugo amp/DAC there and am severely tempted but the price is a bit high unfortunately.

I fly weekly for work so I think the EL-8 will suit me perfectly for use on the plane and I found them to be very comfortable although my ears did get a bit hot by the end.

Now all I have to do is wait a few weeks for them to arrive!
Apr 6, 2015 at 5:56 PM Post #4,405 of 6,486
There's really too much personal preference involved in that type of question for a definitive answer. The best chance of finding your "most bang for the buck" is to listen to as many headphones as you can. If you live somewhere where that isn't possible, post some additional information about other headphones you like/dislike and what type of sound signature you prefer to help narrow things down a bit.

Gotcha.  That makes sense.  I don't get a chance to try out that many upper tier headphones unfortunately other than to buy and return via internet.  My preference is for a neutral, balanced signature with a lots of resolution and detail but not to the point of dryness or thinness.  I am not a treble or bass head so no need for artificial boosting of either top or bottom. Just want the music presented as faithfully as possible. I have a HE-560 which pretty much fits the bill at home but I want to explore other portable or closed planar alternatives. I want to check out the closed EL-8 but read many negative comments on it so I am not sure.  The Alpha Dog that reddog suggested looks pretty interesting.
Apr 6, 2015 at 6:11 PM Post #4,407 of 6,486
There's really too much personal preference involved in that type of question for a definitive answer. The best chance of finding your "most bang for the buck" is to listen to as many headphones as you can. If you live somewhere where that isn't possible, post some additional information about other headphones you like/dislike and what type of sound signature you prefer to help narrow things down a bit.

Gotcha.  That makes sense.  I don't get a chance to try out that many upper tier headphones unfortunately other than to buy and return via internet.  My preference is for a neutral, balanced signature with a lots of resolution and detail but not to the point of dryness or thinness.  I am not a treble or bass head so no need for artificial boosting of either top or bottom. Just want the music presented as faithfully as possible. I have a HE-560 which pretty much fits the bill at home but I want to explore other portable or closed planar alternatives. I want to check out the closed EL-8 but read many negative comments on it so I am not sure.  The Alpha Dog that reddog suggested looks pretty interesting.

I've only heard the preproduction closed El8s - if my dealer ever gets his act together, I'll give you a more informed opinion of the production model but from what I heard, I think you might like them. The Alpha Dogs seem to be polarizing as well - some people really like them and others not so much.

If you decide to try the EL8s, find a dealer with a reasonable return policy in case they don't give you what you're looking for.

Sorry if that isn't very helpful but I'm leery of giving a more definitive recommendation on the EL8s until I've gotten more time with the production version.
Apr 6, 2015 at 7:00 PM Post #4,408 of 6,486
  I prefer my x2 for electronic and hip hop. El8 doesn't have the impact the x2 has, I would say x2 is just a tight though. 

Interesting, I don't know what songs you were trying the el8 with but it made the X2 sound lean in comparison

Wow, I've heard the X2 called a few things, but never lean. That's somewhat akin to saying Kim Kardashian has a boyish figure.

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