ATTICUS and EIKON, the new dynamic driver headphones from ZMF
May 8, 2017 at 10:52 PM Post #3,661 of 9,771
I've narrowed it down to 2 amps for my Eikon. The Milo or the Kenzie. I'll be using my Mojo as the dac in this setup for awhile. (Musette eventually). I'm stuck. Which one??

You can't go wrong with either really. The Milo is my favorite amp I've ever owned, and if you have several planars like I do, it is unbeatable at its price point. But if the Eikon or Atticus is your only headphone and you want to optimize for that, I would probably lean toward tubes, and the Kenzie is a home run, IMO. You really can't lose here, no matter which one you pick.
May 8, 2017 at 11:01 PM Post #3,662 of 9,771
I've heard the Eikon twice (2nd time at greater length) on all 3 of my amps that output to balanced connection (V281; Liquid Carbon; Audio GD SA-31SE).

The V281 was lights out for the Eikon--as it is w/the Ori + every other headphone I have. IMO the Eikon also sounds very good on the LC, though in slightly different ways.
May 8, 2017 at 11:05 PM Post #3,663 of 9,771
You can't go wrong with either really. The Milo is my favorite amp I've ever owned, and if you have several planars like I do, it is unbeatable at its price point. But if the Eikon or Atticus is your only headphone and you want to optimize for that, I would probably lean toward tubes, and the Kenzie is a home run, IMO. You really can't lose here, no matter which one you pick.

How would you describe the Milo sound with the Eikon? I'm really torn. I like the form factor of the Milo but I have heard such amazing things about both amps. I had such a poor experience with the Valhalla 2 (my first tube amp) with the Eikon that it sort of made me a little concerned about tubes.
May 8, 2017 at 11:26 PM Post #3,664 of 9,771
Thanks Dan, yes we do have them and we are a dealer for ZMF.
Do you also carry the Atticus? And perhaps an amp with a similar sound sig to the iFi iDSD Black Label? I might try to make it out there this weekend, but I live in Thousand Oaks, so it's a pain in the butt to get out to Torrance. I'll probably be out in Pasadena though, which would make it a little bit more bearable of a drive.
May 9, 2017 at 12:10 AM Post #3,665 of 9,771
How would you describe the Milo sound with the Eikon? I'm really torn. I like the form factor of the Milo but I have heard such amazing things about both amps. I had such a poor experience with the Valhalla 2 (my first tube amp) with the Eikon that it sort of made me a little concerned about tubes.

Powerful, dynamic, clean, impactful, spacious, incisive. The best way I can describe the Wells Amps (Milo included) is that they are a blank canvas. They are relatively uncolored, but they let the coloration of the individual headphone come forward in a big, big way... perhaps more-so than any other amps I've heard. Some amps have a tendency to assimilate headphones into an iteration of the amp's sound signature. With the Milo, not so much. To offer up an analogy, the Milo gives you the clean power and control you need to get an exceptionally clear picture of the music. Putting on different headphone is like looking at that picture through different colored glasses. It really lets the headphones be themselves. IMHO, YMMV. I reviewed it in depth here:
May 9, 2017 at 12:13 AM Post #3,666 of 9,771
Powerful, dynamic, clean, impactful, spacious, incisive. The best way I can describe the Wells Amps (Milo included) is that they are a blank canvas. They are relatively uncolored, but they let the coloration of the individual headphone come forward in a big, big way... perhaps more-so than any other amps I've heard. Some amps have a tendency to assimilate headphones into an iteration of the amp's sound signature. With the Milo, not so much. To offer up an analogy, the Milo gives you the clean power and control you need to get an exceptionally clear picture of the music. Putting on different headphone is like looking at that picture through different colored glasses. It really lets the headphones be themselves. IMHO, YMMV. I reviewed it in depth here:
Perfect. Thanks!
May 9, 2017 at 3:54 PM Post #3,667 of 9,771
@Jeezla You could call Wayne at 310-534-9900 and see if he can arrange a Saturday appointment for your audition. I think we have both ZMF but you should ask wayne as he would be more involved in that department than I am.
The Source AV TSAVJason Stay updated on The Source AV at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
May 13, 2017 at 11:48 PM Post #3,668 of 9,771
Does anyone have recommendations for sub-$1000 tube amps to go with the Eikon?

I've traditionally only had SS amps but would very much like to dip my toes into tube amps. I've read about quite a few pairings but everything appears to be out of my budget unfortunately.
May 14, 2017 at 12:07 AM Post #3,669 of 9,771
Does anyone have recommendations for sub-$1000 tube amps to go with the Eikon?

I've traditionally only had SS amps but would very much like to dip my toes into tube amps. I've read about quite a few pairings but everything appears to be out of my budget unfortunately.

Yeah I'd like to hear some suggestions on this one. I have nothing to suggest in the sub $1k other than the Cayin HA-1A which actually is a good pairing with Eikon. The Woo Audio WA7 is pretty cool although I haven't actually tried it with the Eikon yet. These are both near or at the top of your budget.
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The Source AV TSAVJason Stay updated on The Source AV at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
May 14, 2017 at 1:50 AM Post #3,671 of 9,771
Garage1217 makes solid, "budget" tube amps. I'd probably go for the Project Ember for the Eikon. I used to own one and loved it. Got a Project Solstice later on and still have that and it's great with both the Atticus and the Eikon. I'd go with the Ember if I had to do it again, simply for more power and more options. These are in the $250-350 price range new depending on the amp and options.
May 14, 2017 at 2:18 AM Post #3,672 of 9,771
I second Stillhart's recommendation. I've had Project Ember for a while now and use it to amp all my headphones when listening to music. Set it on high gain, and with my Blackwoods set it to low output impedence and it sounds great. With my HD650 and HD800 set it to high output impendence and it sounds marvelous. (Albeit, the HD800 has some considerable EQ going, but I consider that a must with the 800.) The Ember is about as versatile as an amp gets. I bought a Violectric V200 for a steal at around $650. Currently I have it hooked up to my old DAC and I only use it as a convenience when I want to switch from my computer audio and play Playstation 3 or 4 games. It's a nice amp but I prefer the Ember.
May 14, 2017 at 10:50 AM Post #3,673 of 9,771
Does anyone have recommendations for sub-$1000 tube amps to go with the Eikon?

I've traditionally only had SS amps but would very much like to dip my toes into tube amps. I've read about quite a few pairings but everything appears to be out of my budget unfortunately.
I have the Cayin HA-1A MK1 and Bottlehead crack,both pair very well with my cherry Eikon. One thing with the BHC its a OLT so only high impedance headphone work with it. With the Cayin both high or low impedance headphones, planar even IEM sound great. Now the new HA-1A MK2 is $1k if you can find it in a 110 volt setup and the BHC $400. The Cayin is more transparent with a better soundstage,BHC has a smoother,warmer sound.
That is 2 to look into.

Edit; is it me or this new site is a pain in the ass?
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