Astell&Kern new flagship A&Ultima SP2000
May 13, 2019 at 1:26 PM Post #123 of 5,856
I will not consider a 6000 $ cad dap.
May 13, 2019 at 2:41 PM Post #124 of 5,856
Stellia isolates really well, for me. I don't listen to music with high volumes. I used it also in open office environments and others were not able to hear anything, they told me. For my type of music and listening volumes, is the best isolation I have seen. I haven't used it with SP1000 but with N8 and sounded very very good. I rotate my HPs and DAP/DACs quite regularly, Stellia is one of the few I decided to keep. It also passed the "wife" test, as my musician wife is very picky about HPs and IEMs, and she several times mentioned how good Stellia is.

NOTE: I don't think ND820 is really a closed HP. The amount it leaks in and out is nearly as much as any other open HP.

thank you very much for this detailed answer. BTW, since you rotate regularly HPs, have you also heard the ABYSS Diana Phi ?
May 13, 2019 at 2:46 PM Post #126 of 5,856
thank you very much for this detailed answer. BTW, since you rotate regularly HPs, have you also heard the ABYSS Diana Phi ?

I just bought the Stellia a few weeks ago. This thing is a screamer on my SP1000: it isolates well (less than my Layla but still ok), its sound stage is remarkable for a closed back, it‘s never getting on your nerves. The bass is present, but tight. A little too much for my taste but as it hard and precise, it‘s more than acceptable. I just ordered the Utopia which is more detailed in the bass and, due to its openness, more airy. Will keep you updated.
May 13, 2019 at 2:50 PM Post #128 of 5,856
I just bought the Stellia a few weeks ago. This thing is a screamer on my SP1000: it isolates well (less than my Layla but still ok), its sound stage is remarkable for a closed back, it‘s never getting on your nerves. The bass is present, but tight. A little too much for my taste but as it hard and precise, it‘s more than acceptable. I just ordered the Utopia which is more detailed in the bass and, due to its openness, more airy. Will keep you updated.

I tried Utopia and the mids/high mids were too aggressive for me and couldn't bear it for a long time. From Focal family I liked Clear and Stellia.
May 13, 2019 at 4:20 PM Post #130 of 5,856
I believe you can only adjust it +- 0.6db or something useless like that (less than 1db anyway). I adjust upto +-8db on some frequencies on any dap. Totally useless for me. Even more so if I can't use another music app.
Thank you so much for revealing this flaw, bro.. I had always looked up to this parametric EQ that AK DAPs have & wished Sony had it too..
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May 13, 2019 at 4:26 PM Post #131 of 5,856
Thank you so much for revealing this flaw, bro.. I had always looked up to this parametric EQ that AK DAPs have & wished Sony had it too..

No worries pal, I hope they surprise us one day with a worthwhile EQ/PEQ but until then I'll avoid A&K, which is a shame as they are pretty cool otherwise.
May 13, 2019 at 4:32 PM Post #132 of 5,856
Someone knows july when ?
May 13, 2019 at 4:52 PM Post #133 of 5,856
This confuses me that AK would make an amp without modular compatibility like ibasso. I regretted buying SP1000 late in the game, but now I'm thinking it isn't that bad. SP1000 has an AMP available and longer battery life. I wonder how much better the new dac is.

SP2000 sounds superior, but not by a wide margin. SP1000 sounds great too and is a really good bang for the buck now. Imo, there are no setups AT ALL (transport + DAC + headamp) sounding better than SP1000 for its used price.
May 13, 2019 at 5:05 PM Post #134 of 5,856
SP2000 sounds superior, but not by a wide margin. SP1000 sounds great too and is a really good bang for the buck now. Imo, there are no setups AT ALL (transport + DAC + headamp) sounding better than SP1000 for its used price.

You’re so right. Still wondering if I need the SP 1000 Amp for my Utopia or not...
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