Arrgh, what happened... DT880
Oct 28, 2005 at 3:24 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 105


Headphoneus Supremus
Jul 23, 2003
Arrrr... dunno what happened to me tonight. I was casually browsing through the forum and came upon a mention of Beyerdynamic DT880. I've never looked too closely at these headphones before, so I browsed on over to Headroom & was looked at pics, frequency graphs, checked out other reviews here, etc. All of a sudden I am LUSTING for these headphones. LUSTING, man. I must have them, if necessary I will sell my... err, never mind this is a "G" rated forum.
Anyway... anyone ever had this kind of thing happen before?
Oct 28, 2005 at 3:27 AM Post #2 of 105
Sadly yes. Some phones just got that deliciously edible factor. (can't believe I just said that) It'll pass in time. Hopefully.
Oct 28, 2005 at 3:35 AM Post #3 of 105
Awhile ago after JUST "reacquiring" my DT880s, I went out and decided to buy some 650s which I had been lusting for over the past couple days. Luckily, I managed to work my way out of them, and I do think I've ever felt more content with my decision. Getting the money ready and then declining made me feel incredibly good for some reason, and now -- although I still want a pair one day... -- I'm not ready to pounce on them again right away.

My DT880s just got to me today after waiting three weeks for an airmail shipment. Those were some hard weeks, but it was unquestionably worth every minute of waiting. I can't speak highly enough of these phones. Lucky for me, Sony and Sennheiser have already scared me away with the SA3000s and HD280s. I know those don't speak at all for the quality of the higher end phones from them, but it's a good reason for me to stay away from buying more. And as far as I was concerned, the SA3000s sounded prettu bad even with the Black Dragon cable upgrade, so I'll be staying away from those too unless it's for functional value.

So my suggestion to you: Buy them tonight and cancel the order in the morning if you feel really guilty. Otherwise, they're an awesome set of phones to have. I'll be more happy with them for quite some time to come.
Oct 28, 2005 at 3:38 AM Post #4 of 105
I really think they're the "male" sounding headphones to complement my Senn HD580's "female" character. They will complete the circle. I MUST HAVE THESE...

P.S. @ violante -- unfortunately I don't have the free funds ATM to just run out & buy a pair, but gonna make arrangements to get 'em soon (unless I come to my senses first
Oct 28, 2005 at 3:41 AM Post #5 of 105
Think of all the things you could buy for $225.

Now think of these and what you'll get out of them.

IMO, the "old" DT880s look much better than the new ones, and I would think that they'd hold their value pretty well. As it is they've been going for $210 shipped in mint condition, so there really isn't much to lose in buying now...

Edit: Even better. Things are so much more worthwhile when you've had to work hard and save for them. I did it with these by saving the first couple paycheques from my summer job. After selling them, I had the worst buyer's remorse imaginable. And now they're mine again. Working hard and saving money makes you feel great when you do buy something significant, especially if it was a goal of sorts when you began saving. So let some time pass and then pull the trigger on these
Oct 28, 2005 at 3:43 AM Post #6 of 105

Originally Posted by violante
As it is they've been going for $210 shipped in mint condition, so there really isn't much to lose in buying now...

Where can you get them for that price? Lowest I saw was at B&H Photo/Video, $225 before shipping.
Oct 28, 2005 at 3:50 AM Post #7 of 105

Originally Posted by fewtch
Where can you get them for that price? Lowest I saw was at B&H Photo/Video, $225 before shipping

I'm talking FS/FT forums, you're right with the $225 new pairs. It's highly unlikely you'll find anything for sale in the forums now as there's been so much interest in these. For buying new, I'd suggest getting Headroom to price match B&H at $225. You get free shipping, and I (as well as many others from what I've read) have seen QC issues with B&H. One side of the headband didn't adjust well, the box was dirty and had a couple nicks on it, and they just didn't have that "new" feel to them.
Oct 28, 2005 at 3:55 AM Post #8 of 105

Originally Posted by violante
I'm talking FS/FT forums, you're right with the $225 new pairs. It's highly unlikely you'll find anything for sale in the forums now as there's been so much interest in these. For buying new, I'd suggest getting Headroom to price match B&H at $225. You get free shipping, and I (as well as many others from what I've read) have seen QC issues with B&H. One side of the headband didn't adjust well, the box was dirty and had a couple nicks on it, and they just didn't have that "new" feel to them.

Thanks, I'll probably do that. Trying to work out a small loan with somebody at the moment, which is good as it gives me more time to consider. If the desire remains awhile, I'll pick up a pair
. Unfortunately I blew all my savings this past summer in some very unwise spending, so I won't be making any impulse purchases anytime soon (except very small stuff).
Oct 28, 2005 at 3:55 AM Post #9 of 105
do they have the "death grip" like 770's? why are all the great fons circumaural? lol. and why do they all have to clamp so tight? i'm just kidding i know the answers. but still if there were some more comfy ones that'd be nice.

Oct 28, 2005 at 4:02 AM Post #10 of 105

do they have the "death grip" like 770's? why are all the great fons circumaural? lol. and why do they all have to clamp so tight? i'm just kidding i know the answers. but still if there were some more comfy ones that'd be nice.

That's what's great about them. Semi-open, not tight fitting (but don't slide all over the shop...very solid), and those wonderful velour pads. I can't keep a pair of Grados on my head for 30 minutes with bowls, flats, or 414s. I really didn't like the feel of the 280s I had because of that death grip feel. My SA3000s didn't feel overly stable on my head, which I thought they would as a result of that massive headband. I'm using these now and couldn't be happier. And the coiled cable isn't nearly as bad as many people have lead me to believe. Not heavy at all like the 280 cable. All in all, NO complaints in the comfort department.
Oct 28, 2005 at 4:17 AM Post #11 of 105
Well, let me tell you that the 880's were the best bang for buck purchase I have made. Got them from B&H for $225. Comfort is A++, and they sound like they should cost more then what they are worth! Of all my assortment of cans, I believe the 880's are the farthest from being sold. Get these babies while supplies last!
Oct 28, 2005 at 4:24 AM Post #12 of 105
Aww man, this thread is making me lust for some DT880s. But I love my DT770s so much. I'm afraid they'd get jealous if I brought in another headphone...especially one from the same family.
Oct 28, 2005 at 4:40 AM Post #13 of 105

Originally Posted by fewtch
unfortunately I don't have the free funds ATM to just run out & buy a pair, but gonna make arrangements to get 'em soon (unless I come to my senses first

Oh man. Let me tell you: When I first got my Free Funds Automatic Teller Machine, it was like a party 24/7! After a couple months my euphoria sort of faded, but there are still moments when I'm just like, "This is tha shiznit."

Get one ASAP!
Oct 28, 2005 at 4:49 AM Post #14 of 105

Originally Posted by The Actual
Oh man. Let me tell you: When I first got my Free Funds Automatic Teller Machine, it was like a party 24/7! After a couple months my euphoria sort of faded, but there are still moments when I'm just like, "This is tha shiznit."

Get one ASAP!


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