Are you listening to music while you post?
Apr 24, 2004 at 8:21 AM Post #31 of 51
I'm surprised that only myself and KR... have come forward to say 'no' so far... as mentioned in my previous post, I often find it distracting to listen to music whilst being here... I use music to switch off from the day, to unwind... to chill, so - whilst i'd be a liar if I said that I never listen to music whilst posting, on the most part I'd rather listen undistracted.
Apr 24, 2004 at 8:53 AM Post #32 of 51
I'd say about 1/2 the time I have music playing through my rig. The other half is when I just like to enjoy some peace and quiet while I visit my favorite site
Never overlook the claming power of some simple peace and quiet time. For me, the effects of enjoying some peace and quiet are among the same benefits I receive from meditating
Apr 24, 2004 at 11:42 AM Post #34 of 51
Sadly I listen to audio on the computer mostly from my onboard audio... horrid sound, but at least I'm listening to something, because without music I'd go insane (loose patience, concentration, etc.)... I'm probably going to order an Audiophile USB sooner or later.
Apr 24, 2004 at 11:51 AM Post #35 of 51

Originally Posted by Duncan
I'm surprised that only myself and KR... have come forward to say 'no' so far... as mentioned in my previous post, I often find it distracting to listen to music whilst being here... I use music to switch off from the day, to unwind... to chill, so - whilst i'd be a liar if I said that I never listen to music whilst posting, on the most part I'd rather listen undistracted.

Duncan, with nearly 7000 posts do you ever have any TIME to listen to music?
Apr 24, 2004 at 12:12 PM Post #36 of 51

Granted, this doesn't mean I "need" music. I'm a pretty easygoing person, so unlike some people I just chill with whatever's happening.. as long as something about a situation is enjoyable i'll enjoy it. So I won't, for example, die if I don't listen to music for a few days. In fact that's enjoyable because once I come back to the music it's fresh, if that makes sense.

***Off-topic but I feel like saying it... find a job you love. I'm only making 9.29/hour right now.. and should really start going to college instead of working a dead-end job... but I LOVE my job and will seriously cry when it's time to quit. Truly enjoying one's job is a beautiful thing to experience


When i'm pissed, i'll listen to something like Rage Against The Machine, and scream along. I scream out all my hate! hehe.

I don't relate to songs at ALL (except for Yesterday by The Beatles), so for depression i'll usually just listen to "dark" music or something overly happy. I find that for me, overriding negative emotions with a hearty laugh and warm fuzzies is usually more effective than venting the negative emotions. This isn't to say I leave negative emotions bottled up, though.

I tend to live the Moment to it's fullest, though.. so I most often listen to music encompassing whatever emotion i'm feeling. For example, I just worked a 12-hour day, it's Friday night, and i'm tired. So i'm listening to Groove Armada and Buddha Bar.

Interesting that people mentioned playing shooters on the PC... this never worked at all for me, I think for me it's just too fake, heh. Not to degrade other's opinions of course, just another perspective. I think this is where I say, "IME and IMO, but YMMV."

As far as the comments about TV in this post... if commercials were abolished and cable was free, I might watch more TV than I currently do, which is none.

Peace and potato chips
Apr 24, 2004 at 12:56 PM Post #37 of 51
I literally just moved my laptop next to my headphone rig for the first time. Could me dumb, but I'm having a tough time reading and listening at the same time (and that's with classical music). God forbid I should be listening to vocals.
Apr 24, 2004 at 1:22 PM Post #38 of 51

Originally Posted by GlowWorm
Duncan, with nearly 7000 posts do you ever have any TIME to listen to music?

lol... you do have a point there

For example in the past week, since the meet-up at Jatinders house, the first time that i listened to my setup was this morning, for all of about 20 minutes.

There are sometimes when I listen to CDs virtually non-stop... yet others, when i'm happier just playing online games, or just typing away here.

Guess I need some new CDs to revitalise my interest
Apr 24, 2004 at 1:35 PM Post #39 of 51
For sure wallijohn, it's usually stuff like Pink Floyd and Roger Waters I listen to when I'm posting. At the moment I'm listening to Roger Waters "the pro's and cons of hitch hiking"

I also find posting pretty easy when I'm listening to Yello recordings... great music to post to
Apr 24, 2004 at 2:53 PM Post #40 of 51
If I'm reading and posting here while listening to music, the music becomes noise in the background, until something in the music grabs my attention away from here. Sometimes I will put in a particular CD just for one song, and when that song comes on I ignore the computer and really enjoy the song.

I often times listen to music simply to have something other than that incessant ringing going on in my head.

I have never noticed if the style of music has anything to do with my style of posting. I listen to a wide variety of music while I'm here. I have noticed that I don't do classical well while at the computer. Maybe that style demands more attention from me than the other styles.

Excuse me while I go find some 80's hair band music to play.

edit Now playing at PD's house: Def Leppard - The Vault
Apr 24, 2004 at 4:51 PM Post #41 of 51

Originally Posted by Duncan
There are sometimes when I listen to CDs virtually non-stop... yet others, when i'm happier just playing online games, or just typing away here.

So you post in the pause between tracks?
Apr 24, 2004 at 6:29 PM Post #42 of 51

Originally Posted by KR...
No way!

I really love my music, so it is much too distracting. In addition, I would feel bad if I was not giving it my 100% attention.

I wonder if I'm the only board member who is almost always doing something else while listening to music. I rarely just sit and listen to music, it seems that music helps motivate me to do other things while listening.
Apr 24, 2004 at 7:52 PM Post #43 of 51
If I'm just writing short posts or reading mostly, I can listen to music without a problem; but if I'm going to write a longer post requiring more concentration then the headphones come off
Apr 24, 2004 at 10:41 PM Post #44 of 51

Lately, the rotation's been: Chantal Kreviazuk, Electrelane, Sunscreem, Texas, Avril Lavigne, Air, Lisa Angelle, Eat Static, The Crystal Method, Dust Brothers, Hilary Duff, Massive Attack, Everything But The Girl, and Bebel Gilberto.

I also just tried jacking my twenty year old battery-powered FM radio into my PPA via one of my Headphile mini-to-RCA IC's. FM radio music sounds a lot better than I thought it would through the PPA. Even the sound effects in the FM station ads can sound pretty amazing through the PPA! Talk about Ear Candy!
Apr 24, 2004 at 11:52 PM Post #45 of 51
I am actually shocked as to how many people can listen or I should say try listen to music while doing other things or at least surfing on-line. To me this reduces music to nothing more than background noise. I just love music too much not to give it my full attention.

I remember that on TV one time someone ask Barry White what kind of music he listen to while having sex. His answer was something to the effect that when he makes love, he just makes love, and when he listens to music, he only listens to music.

When I listen to music, the PC is OFF, the TV is OFF and the lights are OFF, it's all about the music and nothing else.

I know other people who have their Ipod on every time you see them, no matter what they are doing.

I can't judge who would be considered the bigger music fan, I think it's the same only different, IMHO.

It also should be noted that at the type of music that I tend to like, tends to always lean toward the complex side which doesn't lead itself to background noise like more simple styles.

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