Sep 22, 2014 at 5:09 PM Post #17 of 30
My hd650's just arrived and I plugged them into the Schiit Vali and this thing is very nice. The soundstage and clarity of everything is great. The bass is very tight and punchy, mids make it sound like the artist is singing to you, and the highs are okay but not as sharp as they could be.
Sep 22, 2014 at 5:12 PM Post #18 of 30
My hd650's just arrived and I plugged them into the Schiit Vali and this thing is very nice. The soundstage and clarity of everything is great. The bass is very tight and punchy, mids make it sound like the artist is singing to you, and the highs are okay but not as sharp as they could be.

How do you like them compared to the X1. Can you write a comparison.
Sep 22, 2014 at 5:36 PM Post #19 of 30
Long time lurker, first time poster.
Subscribing to this, as I`m in the same position.
I have the Schiit Vali, with a Peachtree DAC ITx (also have Modi). Have been happy with the X1`s (with V-Moda cable upgrade) for many months now, but always wondered how this amp/dac set-up would sound with what everyone seems to suggest as the reference HP without breaking the bank, namely HD600/HD650.
Local HiFi store only had the Sennheiser HD700 for demo, so I have both 700 and X1 in front of me now. No matter how much time I give to the HD`s, I keep going back to the X1 for overall enjoyment. It could be the 700`s still need breaking in.
If I was listening to guitar solo`s all day, the HD700 would be a clear winner, but for a variety of different genre, to my ears I still find the X1 more enjoyable.
Sep 22, 2014 at 7:01 PM Post #20 of 30
How do you like them compared to the X1. Can you write a comparison.

Lows- The X1 hit pretty hard and tight for an open headphone but the HD650's combined with the Vali is definately tighter and punchier.

Mids- Once again the X1's mids are very present but not overpowering. The Vali turns the mids up a bit and it really brings the vocals alive.

Highs- I don't think either of them have the best sounding highs but I would have to give it to the HD650's and Vali again just because they hit harder without being harsh.

Soundstage- I thought the X1's had very good soundstage but again the Vali just gives it that little "UMPH" and makes it sound that much better.
Sep 22, 2014 at 8:59 PM Post #23 of 30
  Long time lurker, first time poster.
Subscribing to this, as I`m in the same position.
I have the Schiit Vali, with a Peachtree DAC ITx (also have Modi). Have been happy with the X1`s (with V-Moda cable upgrade) for many months now, but always wondered how this amp/dac set-up would sound with what everyone seems to suggest as the reference HP without breaking the bank, namely HD600/HD650.
Local HiFi store only had the Sennheiser HD700 for demo, so I have both 700 and X1 in front of me now. No matter how much time I give to the HD`s, I keep going back to the X1 for overall enjoyment. It could be the 700`s still need breaking in.
If I was listening to guitar solo`s all day, the HD700 would be a clear winner, but for a variety of different genre, to my ears I still find the X1 more enjoyable.

Ha, that is funny that it will have the HD700 but not either the 600 or 650. That is bad luck.
And I am sure (mental) break in will make a lot of difference, for instance it took me very long time to enjoy DT880. But now that I do, I don't like HD600 so much anymore.
Sep 23, 2014 at 8:26 AM Post #26 of 30

Wonder if the salesman knew exactly what he was doing telling me they only had the HD700 available for home demo.

Agree on the mental break in, but it`s the £300 jump that my brain is struggling with at this point. I would need to order the HD650 blind , which I`m not to happy about.
Sep 23, 2014 at 10:10 AM Post #27 of 30
Okay once again I really like the HD650's but I am kind of upset that I can't use these without an amp and the portable amp is bad compared to the Vali. So I may end up switching. Can someone suggest a pair of closed, low impedence (so I can drive them with my iphone), kind of bassy headphones at or under $500? I was looking at the Shure SRH1540's and they look to be a good headphone. They are 46ohms so my iphone should easily drive them.
Sep 23, 2014 at 6:12 PM Post #28 of 30
I use the bowers and wilkins p7 and love those for portable use. If you want more bass take a look at the v-moda m100 they are easy to drive and plenty of bass.

If you are really liking the hd650 I would look at the p7 as to my ears they have a similar sound.

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Sep 23, 2014 at 9:32 PM Post #29 of 30
The Sure's you mentioned are on the top of this list for closed-cans. The Focal Spirits also look nice. 
Sep 24, 2014 at 12:59 AM Post #30 of 30
Right now I am looking at the beyerdynamic DT 770, 880, and 990 32ohm versions and I am finding mixed responses about whether they have good bass or not. Can anyone give feedback about one or more of these? I might just get one of these headphones and keep my Vali so I can use it when I want some more power and an even warmer sound. Any suggestions on what I should do?

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