Are Grado's Dangerous?
Dec 6, 2005 at 8:41 PM Post #16 of 85
My ears also hurt after listening to my HF-1's after a while. I attributed it to them being new and not burned in, but maybe it won't improve? My ears still hurt days after. I think I'll be looking at some Senn's to try. I don't want to risk my hearing due to headphone listening.
Dec 6, 2005 at 9:04 PM Post #18 of 85

Originally Posted by MrEcted1
I found the thread when I was searching for Grado and ear pain. Someone had a graph that showed that some grados produce a high frequency noise up to 32X louder then the actual volume... that is INSANE! I will find it again when i'm back home and i'll post it in here.

The thread you're looking for is here:

The Grado SR-325 do indeed have a +15dB peak at 9000Hz. That works out to 32 times the sound pressure, but because sound pressure levels vary so much, it is better to think in logarithmic terms (decibels).

The 325 are the worst of the bunch, but even the "refined" RS-1 have about a +12dB peak.

Is this potentially dangerous? Well, I'm no audiologist, but I'd say it's quite possible. Even if you're listening to your music at relatively sane levels (around 80dB), music with upper harmonic content that stimulates the Grado's largest peak may be pounding away at 95dB.

That's probably exaggerating things a bit. If you change your nominal reference point to say 500Hz, the SR-325 peak is only about +8dB. Still quite a boost, but not nearly as bad.

Regardless of whether this is dangerous or not, if you are experiencing pain while listening, perhaps it would be a good idea to trust your ears and consider a different headphone.
Dec 6, 2005 at 9:06 PM Post #19 of 85
I hear the PS-1 can be dangerous if thrown at someone's head

I kid I kid! The Grados seem more flat to me vs. the Senn and Beyer that have more dynamics in volume. So when you are listening to something that is say "Mezzo" or medium volume and then there is a part that really ramps up with more instruments or energy and the volume would be more "Fortissimo" or very loud sounding the Senn and Beyers seem more like watching a movie and an explosion or something happens that scares the crap out of you.

You may want to go in to an audiologist and have it checked out
Dec 6, 2005 at 9:12 PM Post #20 of 85

Originally Posted by markot86
Grados are a drug

They most certainly are! I'm addicted

Seriously your ears are more important than any headphone. If it doesn't go away its time to 'hang up the headphones', at least the ones you have now
Dec 6, 2005 at 9:25 PM Post #22 of 85

Originally Posted by DieInAFire
Is this also a known problem with the Joe Grado line of headphones?

No one has ever posted good measurements on the Joe Grados, so it's impossible to say in any objective way.

One of the reasons I sold my SR-200s was because I felt it had a peak in the upper midrange similar to the other Grados I've owned and heard, but subjectively the peak wasn't as severe.

"Known problem" may be a little strong as far as language goes. Grados are voiced this way; it's not necessarily a problem unless the listener doesn't like it.
Dec 6, 2005 at 9:50 PM Post #23 of 85
Wow, thats weird. I, on the other hand have the volume up all the way on my 5G iPod and almost all the way when their plugged into my computer (iBook).
I know that seems loud and it is but, I am almost deaf in one ear. I can still hear from it, but it's extremely low. I'm going to have to go for surgery to fix the problem with my ear. (Theirs a hole in my ear drum). I would defiantly go get new can's if I were you.
Dec 6, 2005 at 10:06 PM Post #24 of 85

Originally Posted by Wodgy
The thread you're looking for is here:

The Grado SR-325 do indeed have a +15dB peak at 9000Hz. That works out to 32 times the sound pressure, but because sound pressure levels vary so much, it is better to think in logarithmic terms (decibels).

The 325 are the worst of the bunch, but even the "refined" RS-1 have about a +12dB peak.

Is this potentially dangerous? Well, I'm no audiologist, but I'd say it's quite possible. Even if you're listening to your music at relatively sane levels (around 80dB), music with upper harmonic content that stimulates the Grado's largest peak may be pounding away at 95dB.

That's probably exaggerating things a bit. If you change your nominal reference point to say 500Hz, the SR-325 peak is only about +8dB. Still quite a boost, but not nearly as bad.

Regardless of whether this is dangerous or not, if you are experiencing pain while listening, perhaps it would be a good idea to trust your ears and consider a different headphone.

wow no wonder the 325i hurt me ears so much. haha idk if this was the prob, but all I know is my ears just hurt!!! on the inside so that i could not listen any more and also just everyday noises could hurt my ears. I don't really have that problem with the HF-1, but I think just the Grado sound sig is generally fatiguing for some people
Dec 6, 2005 at 10:19 PM Post #25 of 85
*Sniff sniff*

Do I smell a class action suit coming our way?

If these headphones can be proven to be capable of reliably causing damage over time to the user's hearing under similar usage compared to other headphones, then I think the above mentioned idea isn't too unrealistic.

I've learned to enjoy Grados, but I'll stop using them even if I don't feel the pain now but if I know that there is (potential or real) damage being done even under normal listening conditions.
Dec 6, 2005 at 10:30 PM Post #27 of 85
Here i sit with a new pair of Grado sr60 in front of me still in the box that i bought this morning.Boy i wish i had read this thread last night.Im hoping the sr60 that i have not seen mentioned here are not prone to this problem.I traded in my koss portapros for the grados and now im scared I did the wrong thing.If all this is true why is the company still in business?Is it possible more the more high end the grado the more this problem exists.I dont know if i even want to try these new phones out now.
Dec 6, 2005 at 10:35 PM Post #29 of 85

Originally Posted by mattg3
Here i sit with a new pair of Grado sr60 in front of me still in the box that i bought this morning.Boy i wish i had read this thread last night.Im hoping the sr60 that i have not seen mentioned here are not prone to this problem.I traded in my koss portapros for the grados and now im scared I did the wrong thing.If all this is true why is the company still in business?Is it possible more the more high end the grado the more this problem exists.I dont know if i even want to try these new phones out now.

I wouldn't worry too much. The SR-60s come stock with comfy pads which cut the highs quite a bit compared to bowls.

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