Are Grado's Dangerous?
Dec 9, 2005 at 1:45 AM Post #76 of 85
Agreed, I have heard some great music coming from my bowls. However, I think I like the flats' sound better for the majority of my material. Also, my use of a solid-state amp and el cheapo old-skool PCDP may influence my tastes in sound.

I'm glad we have the choice, and it is certainly easy and inexpensive to modify the sound to our taste

How is the RS-1/HP-2 duo working for you? I noticed in your sig that you are getting rid of the toob amp.
Dec 9, 2005 at 1:48 AM Post #77 of 85

Originally Posted by HiWire
I'm happy with my flats on my HP-2's and comfies on my MS-1's at low volumes... the evidence shows clearly on my volume dial.

Nonetheless, it does affect quite a few of us. That's the issue. That means that anyone who buys grados might end up with the problem, and that's well, bad. It only happens with them, even my kscs don't cause pain like that. I'm not trying to deter anyone from buying grados; I've often received the urge to get another one, but the reminder of the ear pain (and lack of funds) holds me back.
So it's hit or miss, although I can probably assume it's the minority who suffer from this.
Dec 9, 2005 at 3:38 AM Post #78 of 85
I think this subject is being blown slightly out of control… The impression of Grado being some sort of torture device is just about as true as Bush winning an election. It all has to do with the individual, their preference, their comfort. Sure i find HD600's more comfortable then my RS-1's, but that dosent mean im going to throw them out. The RS-1's are the RS-1's, they are what they are! Even then their not half as bad as some people here are making them out to be, I love their comfort! Im quite sure John is aware of how he designed his headphones to feel, and im quite sure hes tried the competition. I know they get a little noticeable after a while, and i know the bowls arnt the most fluffy and delicate, but for god sakes stop getting your panties in a tie and go tell someone who can address your problem! Im sick and tired of these "anti-Grado" this, "anti-sennheiser" that, all it does is make one big melting pot where every esteemed monopolistic consumer can gather to b*tch about how the grass is greener on the other side. Call up Mr. Grado, file your lawsuit, put your SR-60's in the blender i dont care, but for god sakes stop whining!!!

I don’t really care about Grado comfort, infact i find them VERY enjoyable. But for all you casualties out there, one after another after another just stop posting these pointless threads, i think i speak for a majority here but we're tired of hearing your constant complaining backed by no action! PLEASE someone develop a plan to discuss with Grado these problems, these endless posts are no cure to your pain, or mine!
Dec 9, 2005 at 4:02 AM Post #79 of 85
If were replying to my post in anyway, I should clarify I was talking about inner-ear/eardrum pain. That's partially what's being discussed here , as well as possible long term damage that may be caused by grado's specific sound signature. (due to frequences or whatever the science peeps call it)
Dec 9, 2005 at 4:08 AM Post #80 of 85
I think the perceived "low volume" damage is happening because people are turning it up to reach what they consider a normal listening volume. That volume may be irritating with a 15 dB peak.
Dec 9, 2005 at 4:09 AM Post #81 of 85
Yeah, Kirosia, i hear ya. I am aware of that problem in this thread, but it seems the line is becomming more and more blurred. Inner ear damage. Outer ear pain? It seems noone can REALLY land it smake dab on the head what exactly is happening. At a quick glance over this thread, its the pads that are providing the comfort issues.

The hardest part for me is that everyone is atributing their problems in relation to Head-Room's frequency graphs. Which they themselves have admitted to not being an accurate description of the perceived frequency response.

Its such a sticky subject. So many variables involved. So many personal revalations and theories... its so hard to look at this thread seriously anymore.
Dec 9, 2005 at 4:12 AM Post #82 of 85
The fact that you don't think they're uncomfortable doesn't mean others don't experience great discomfort.

And the idea of Bush winning an election is hardly farfetched.
Dec 9, 2005 at 4:14 AM Post #83 of 85

Originally Posted by HiWire
I think the perceived "low volume" damage is happening because people are turning it up to reach what they consider a normal listening volume. That volume may be irritating with a 15 dB peak.

At least one other suffer + me listen at very very low volumes, I actually have to turn the dial on my sr-71 (w/ stock gain) up past what I consider normal just so the channels balance out. Plus, anyone who tries my mp3 player says they "can barely hear anything" even though I have to turn it down sometimes. So I don't think that's the case for all of us.

(I may have misinterpreted your post, if so, disregard my reply)


So many personal revalations and theories... its so hard to look at this thread seriously anymore.

All I know is that I've experienced it, as well as others. Not sure about the long term damage thing, so I don't really care bout the graphs. It's the ear pain (temporary or not) that's my qualm. I've had three different grados, a dt880, and a HD650; and only the grados do this to me. It super-irritating because the people who tend suffer from this are grado-lovers. (from my reading) You find a great sound, and it hurts your ears. Hulk smash.
Dec 9, 2005 at 3:43 PM Post #84 of 85
I don;t know about the inner ear pain thing (never experienced that), but I will re-iterate, if you want good sound and great comfort from your Grados, get Larry at Headphile to hook you up with his CPads. I had this done to my HF-1's, and they sounds terrific and are totally comfortable (once I also added a Beyer leather headband cover).
Dec 9, 2005 at 4:07 PM Post #85 of 85
I played a lot of loud guitar through tube amps (tried to be safe) but I get that slight ringing every couple weeks or so but it goes right away.

I am careful now ...I give my eardrums a break from my Grado's for a few minutes every half-hour or so.

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