Apex Peak/Volcano Review
Jul 20, 2012 at 4:31 PM Post #241 of 415
I was suppose to have the Shug but it went microphone in shipping.  I've emailed Todd but unless they get 1 year, not holding my breath.
Jul 21, 2012 at 10:39 PM Post #243 of 415
And its official... the Peak is awesome!
I finished my comparison of the Burson Soloist and the Peak and its was a complete stomp.  
Some background.  If we go back a few months I ran a comparison of 5 amps.  The GS-1, HeadOne, WA22, B22 and LF.  Long story short I ranked them B22 > WA22 > HeadOne > GS-1 > LF and sold all but the B22.  Along came the Soloist and on first run it bested the B22 in clarity, separation by such a margin that I packed the B22 for sale.  But while I was burning in the Syl BB I started to notice that the clarity was at the cost of a bottom end.  It wasn't simply tight, its was MIA.
So given that running the Soloist v B22 again was pointless if the Peak was better... I ran the Soloist against the Peak and I completed the review for the sake of completion-ism but it was pretty obvious within a few songs that it was academic.  The Peak is simply effortless.  Its dynamic, fast, has great body and incredible clarity with a pitch black background.  Its, for now, simply the best I've heard with the LCD-3.
Colour me impressed.  And to think based on some comments here and in 'professional' reviews I was pretty sure I was bringing it in simply to rule it out :O
Fingers crossed it holds against the B22 tomorrow because frankly its a whee bit more desktop friendly :wink:
Jul 21, 2012 at 10:42 PM Post #244 of 415
Forgot to mention.  Performance aside, the case could do with being beefed up some.  Its pretty easy to get the tube to be microphonic and its the only amp I tested that picks up my BlackBerry traffic like a $5 computer speaker :p
Jul 21, 2012 at 10:48 PM Post #245 of 415
And its official... the Peak is awesome!
I finished my comparison of the Burson Soloist and the Peak and its was a complete stomp.  
Some background.  If we go back a few months I ran a comparison of 5 amps.  The GS-1, HeadOne, WA22, B22 and LF.  Long story short I ranked them B22 > WA22 > HeadOne > GS-1 > LF and sold all but the B22.  Along came the Soloist and on first run it bested the B22 in clarity, separation by such a margin that I packed the B22 for sale.  But while I was burning in the Syl BB I started to notice that the clarity was at the cost of a bottom end.  It wasn't simply tight, its was MIA.
So given that running the Soloist v B22 again was pointless if the Peak was better... I ran the Soloist against the Peak and I completed the review for the sake of completion-ism but it was pretty obvious within a few songs that it was academic.  The Peak is simply effortless.  Its dynamic, fast, has great body and incredible clarity with a pitch black background.  Its, for now, simply the best I've heard with the LCD-3.
Colour me impressed.  And to think based on some comments here and in 'professional' reviews I was pretty sure I was bringing it in simply to rule it out :O
Fingers crossed it holds against the B22 tomorrow because frankly its a whee bit more desktop friendly :wink:

It makes me kind of sad you arent putting all that into the same thread you were using before :frowning2: i heard today that you had been comparing the soloist but it was in the soloist thread....anywho, im happy i caught this here at least. The Peak is one of the amps i would love to hear from everything ive heard about it. Mike at Headfonia also loved it to pieces
Jul 22, 2012 at 12:54 AM Post #246 of 415
The next step is to try different tubes.  

Jul 22, 2012 at 7:35 AM Post #247 of 415
It makes me kind of sad you arent putting all that into the same thread you were using before :frowning2: 

Me too but there seems to be a limit to the title characters :wink:
I'll probably make a B22 v Peak v Soloist v Mjolnir thread later though.  
Jul 22, 2012 at 4:27 PM Post #249 of 415
Finished my B22 v Peak run and everything I thought about the B22 v Soloist hold true which means the Peak thoroughly smashed both.  The joke... now I wonder about the Arete.  Could it be a Peak with no fuss?
Jul 22, 2012 at 5:33 PM Post #250 of 415
From what I've read, the Arete is an excellent option for those not wanting to deal with tubes, and it has a warmer, slightly more colored sound, but the Peak reigns supreme. Only the Pinnacle can knock the Peak off it's high horse, and well it should for 10k. 
Finished my B22 v Peak run and everything I thought about the B22 v Soloist hold true which means the Peak thoroughly smashed both.  The joke... now I wonder about the Arete.  Could it be a Peak with no fuss?

Jul 22, 2012 at 5:34 PM Post #251 of 415
I was thinking the same thing. It's a shame this gem has been overlooked by the majority of audiophiles.
good to see some life in the peak thread again

Jul 22, 2012 at 5:36 PM Post #252 of 415
I have this one but haven't listened to it since getting the P/V, I'll have to give it another try.
I didn't know what I was missing in Mike Oldfield's The Songs of Distant Earth until I got this amplifier.  It was like listening to a new album.  

Jul 22, 2012 at 7:30 PM Post #253 of 415
Remind me was the greenish light on the Peak changed to match the Volcano or vice versa?  Stupid I know but if I order a Arete I want matching LEDs :p  Despite never turning my gear off :wink:
Jul 23, 2012 at 4:45 PM Post #255 of 415
mine too. I keep the volcano at maximum distance from the peak (almost at floor level) and I have it reversed so the back is the front and I can easily reach the power switch.
my peak is older and has blue lights like most of my other gear, the volcano has a green light.


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