Anyone here plays Magic The Gathering??
May 5, 2005 at 11:47 AM Post #2 of 31
I used to when I was like 12 or 13. Haven't really played it since, even though my brother, who gets cards in bulk by getting them from used goods stores, wanted me to get back into playing. I'm now 21. and have devoted my time to a better hobby, IMO: Bit Char-G, and I am enjoying it quite a bit.

May 5, 2005 at 2:45 PM Post #3 of 31
MASantos --

I was ranked highly in DCI a couple of years ago...
I only play(ed) Type 1 with a 5-Color Control deck.
I actually just acquired the last of the Power Nine.
That Ancestral Recall was an evasive little bugger!
I am holding on to my deck so it gains interest...
I remember when Black Lotus only cost 300 bucks!

May 5, 2005 at 3:49 PM Post #4 of 31
I've been playing since 5th just came out, but I've never had enough money to really get into it, though I attempted to last year in Type II. Considering how little I played, and that my Affinity deck only had 1 Ravager, I was quite impressed that I hit top 2 in several different smaller (16-ish people) tournaments, despite most of them having, you know, decks that were actually finished. I didn't even have a sideboard. :/

Most people just don't know how to play the game. I'm a good player, but don't have the money to squander... especially for limited and such. Which is too bad, since it's really a lot more fun than Poker, which seems to be the "in" game amongst college students.
May 5, 2005 at 4:24 PM Post #6 of 31

Originally Posted by BANGPOD
That Ancestral Recall was an evasive little bugger!

I used to play a while back and actually the Ancestral Recal was the only power blue card that I had.

I used to play Black with splashes of other colours... had 4 Juzam Djinn's at one point but sold them unfortunately.

I have a whack of old cards that I will try to sort and sell eventually... the only think that really comes to mind are a pair of Khabal Ghouls that I love, but I'm sure there are quite a few more hidden gems in there. When I played regularily, The Dark had just come out, so I dont have many newer cards.
May 5, 2005 at 5:15 PM Post #7 of 31
I played in middle school... like 10 years ago. Back when 3rd edition revised cards were the 'new' ones. I had a pretty good deck playing black/red/green with a few royal assassins, demonic hordes, 12 dual lands, and this big old green monster... I dont remember his name. Anyway, it was a speed deck and unless the competing player was really good I could usually win in ~5 turns.

Yea, those were the days... We always called the prodigal sorcerer (i think?) 'binky'. Binky was fun. I remember one game where a buddy played him in his last turn before being anniahlated by my big green monster... anyway he modified him with giant strenght and firebreathing and flying (i think that was the combo... it's been sooo long.). The result was a GIANT FIREBREATHING, FLYING, 10/7 BINKY! I died and we all laughed.

May 5, 2005 at 6:09 PM Post #8 of 31
I used to play with the pre-selected deck when 5th came out. then, I started to play yu-gi-oh with friends' decks. I found something very common in two of these games: someone who has lots cards usually does not play the game very well. I knew one kid, he has a huge pile of magic cards. because I didnt want to spend money on this game but wanted to enjoy it, we often selected cards from his pile and made up 2 decks. I beated him everytime one game after another. even if we switched decks, he lost anyway.

spending too much money on dual cards seems a lil bit stupid for me. wait, actually, I was into toy racing cars at that time and didnt have much money for something else.
May 5, 2005 at 6:19 PM Post #9 of 31

Originally Posted by jjcapurro
and this big old green monster... I dont remember his name.

Force of Nature?
May 5, 2005 at 6:27 PM Post #10 of 31
MtG is an awesome game. I played it for a year when a coworker and I got started together about seven years ago. If he won, I'd go and buy a few booster packs to find a counter to whatever he was using. If I won, he'd do the same to bulk up his deck. After he left the company, I stopped playing (he was the only one I played it with) and sold all my cards.

There was a PC version which was pretty decent, and I played that for a while. I'd like to get back to playing it on the PC if there's a standalone version available (i.e., not multiplayer network type).
May 5, 2005 at 8:04 PM Post #11 of 31
I used to play during the middle school days, but stopped a while back (around the time Tempest came out, if I remember correctly). Was indeed a fun game, but I had spent much more money on it than I should have, and when a large portion of my cards were lost in a move, I just decided it wasn't worth it anymore.

May 5, 2005 at 8:35 PM Post #12 of 31
i started during mirage and ice age and was playing heavily during saga. i still play on occasion but most of my friends dont play me anymore (black destruction and white control) i was pretty good, ive won alot through tournaments and came in number one regional.

i still have my collection which consists of 300 or so rares all of which are pre onsalaght.

i have a collection of other decks which my friends will play against me with including a goblin deck (everything is under 2 mana except for the apocolipses and obliterates) a blue counterdeck and a red dragon deck.

every year we go camping for a week out in massachusets, no power. so we usually go in on a box and do a series of booster drafts through out the week.
May 5, 2005 at 8:42 PM Post #13 of 31
I played back in grade school, around the time of 4th ed. Haven't played since. Sold and gave away a lot of cards. Still have 700 or so laying around somewhere.
May 6, 2005 at 12:15 AM Post #14 of 31
I was really into Magic for about a year, but then Legions Scourge came out and I stopped playing.

Drafted maybe six times with Mirrodin, which was pretty fun, and have been buying a couple boosters of each new set, but have not liked any of the newer sets.

I still have all my cards. Maybe five hundred rares, and then I would multiply that by fifteen to figure out how many commons and uncommons I have.
May 6, 2005 at 3:46 AM Post #15 of 31
I played somewhat seriously for about a year in a highly competitive environment (Pittsburgh)--I learned the game from Aaron Forsythe and Randy Buehler, former Pro players who are now both R&D bigwigs with WotC and write regularly for I started around Weatherlight and left around "combo winter" when High Tide was dominating the Extended scene. What I discovered was that [a] I was only modestly talented, and I didn't have the time or interest level to be as good as people like Aaron and Randy. But it is a fun game.

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