Any old fart head-fi'ers still around?
Apr 13, 2024 at 12:27 AM Post #826 of 846
Wish I could have remembered my stuff from the early days.. oh well. Even with this account next year I hit 20 years..
Apr 19, 2024 at 8:02 PM Post #827 of 846
Yep, 2006 as Hi-Finthen, same avatar although it was so much cooler when we were allowed Gif's and the smoke coming out of the phones on TUX swirled with the red wires and his red eye pulsed. lol

Still have and use my Meir Corda Opera now 17 years old - Quality piece!

But I agree, the new generation of gear is so much better sounding and at very fair pricing with all the competition and the explosion in population / users / volume in sales.

I used a tube preamp inline before multiple S.S. amps to great effect driving the Beyer DT-990's delivering an incredible head stage listening experience just as the expensive tube head amps began taking my notice and drooling over that Russian guys tube amp folks here were singing praise of, before its demise - never did get that whole story straight ?

I did eventually buy the Canadian retired E.E.'s
(yep, forgot his name now) tube amp '07 and that had an expansive presentation. lol

Patrick , ah yes - His Valhalla wires - come to find out I distinctly remember he posted when cornered, he really didn't like music... 🤣

We had a lively Members lounge back in those days before Jude then sold and rightfully cashed out.

At over 70 now, I just love my listening sessions more than ever!

Great to see the many familiar folks in this thread once again!

Happy listening all~
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Apr 20, 2024 at 1:40 AM Post #828 of 846
Yep, 2006 as Hi-Finthen, same avatar although it was so much cooler when we were allowed Gif's and the smoke coming out of the phones on TUX swirled with the red wires and his red eye pulsed. lol

Still have and use my Meir Corda Opera now 17 years old - Quality piece!

But I agree, the new generation of gear is so much better sounding and at very fair pricing with all the competition and the explosion in population / users / volume in sales.

I used a tube preamp inline before multiple S.S. amps to great effect driving the Beyer DT-990's delivering an incredible head stage listening experience just as the expensive tube head amps began taking my notice and drooling over that Russian guys tube amp folks here were singing praise of, before its demise - never did get that whole story straight ?

I did eventually buy the Canadian retired E.E.'s
(yep, forgot his name now) tube amp '07 and that had an expansive presentation. lol

Patrick , ah yes - His Valhalla wires - come to find out I distinctly remember he posted when cornered, he really didn't like music... 🤣

We had a lively Members lounge back in those days before Jude then sold and rightfully cashed out.

At over 70 now, I just love my listening sessions more than ever!

Great to see the many familiar folks in this thread once again!

Happy listening all~

Haha, a lot of folks I've seen commenting that I oddly don't recognize the name but recognize the avatar picture.
May 23, 2024 at 10:26 AM Post #830 of 846
Great to see members from way back when still checking in from time to time. I was a lurker from probably about 2004 until I joined in 2011 I think it was. Anyway, good to see folks still around.
May 23, 2024 at 3:40 PM Post #831 of 846
My favorite memory of you was at one of the Queens meets. You did a demo of different transports into a pocket sized dac it was mind blowing from memory.
I wonder if it was the day in Bayside.... I just barely remember that @bozebuttons had a couple of transports and was having the conversation about source being more important than other components. I think I brought a couple of DVD players, including my cheap JVC DVD/DVDA player which had a decent DVDA implementation but sucked otherwise. Couldn't use it because I left the remote at home. I may have had other transports as well--maybe another CD player and probably my portables. So there may have been some synergy between bozebuttons' rig and mine that day. That may have been how things developed--his transports and discussion & my lack of sources for the portables which we could walk around with to compare. I remember looking for sources with someone, maybe for a DVDA or SACD or maybe for something you wanted to try, and hooking up my trusty iRiver 120 to bozebuttons' gear. And not just his rig. I don't remember much more. Assuming that's the day you're talking about.
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May 23, 2024 at 4:37 PM Post #833 of 846
I wonder if it was the day in Bayside.... I just barely remember that @bozebuttons had a couple of transports and was having the conversation about source being more important than other components. I think I brought a couple of DVD players, including my cheap JVC DVD/DVDA player which had a decent DVDA implementation but sucked otherwise. Couldn't use it because I left the remote at home. I may have had other transports as well--maybe another CD player and probably my portables. So there may have been some synergy between bozebuttons' rig and mine that day. That may have been how things developed--his transports and discussion & my lack of sources for the portables which we could walk around with to compare. I remember looking for sources with someone, maybe for a DVDA or SACD or maybe for something you wanted to try, and hooking up my trusty iRiver 120 to bozebuttons' gear. And not just his rig. I don't remember much more. Assuming that's the day you're talking about.
You had hooked up to My theta basic transport ,which I actually still have to show how much the transport maters & it was easily heard.Source maters.
May 23, 2024 at 11:18 PM Post #835 of 846
Day oner still kicking at 70 years old.
Not day oner but it does feel like I've spent most of my life here... first as a hobby and then as part of my job going for a decade now.

Someone else who's been here 20+ years and never got no damn badges!
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May 24, 2024 at 2:02 AM Post #836 of 846
20yr+ club… and I’m still married! (to the same woman)… that ought to be badge worthy
May 24, 2024 at 10:54 AM Post #838 of 846
well might not be old enough, but i fart ok
May 24, 2024 at 11:40 AM Post #839 of 846
Still here after over 20 years. I've been into high end headphones since buying my AKG K340 headphone in 1992 that I recently sold after about 32 years of ownership. I listen more to my speakers these days but I still enjoy headphone listening from time to time.
May 24, 2024 at 3:26 PM Post #840 of 846
20yr+ club… and I’m still married! (to the same woman)… that ought to be badge worthy
haha. same here. realized that I made 20 years last November...been with the wife for 22 years come this august

good woman...she put up with all my headphone craziness, especially in the early years when we didn't have as much money. now that I can afford expensive gear, it's mostly airpods pro and an iphone for me...haha

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