Any old fart head-fi'ers still around?
Jul 26, 2018 at 1:53 PM Post #511 of 846
i feel lucky to be able to audition/own most of the reputable headphones when they were readily available, even though some were out of production.

back then, obsolete and classic went hand in hand but nowadays, everything old seems just obsolete.
Jul 28, 2018 at 11:50 AM Post #512 of 846
It's been a long time since I've regularly visited this board (and I miss the old layout!) but I'm glad to see some of the old classic headphones and amplifiers are still somewhat appreciated. I recently re-purchased some of my old favorite headphones as I've started spending more time working from home, and I'm very glad I at least kept my Woo Audio WA2 and large stash of tubes.
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Jul 28, 2018 at 2:56 PM Post #513 of 846
It's been a long time since I've regularly visited this board (and I miss the old layout!) but I'm glad to see some of the old classic headphones and amplifiers are still somewhat appreciated. I recently re-purchased some of my old favorite headphones as I've started spending more time working from home, and I'm very glad I at least kept my Woo Audio WA2 and large stash of tubes.
I'm with you on missing the old layout. For some reason I cannot engage with the site as I used to. HD 600's here BTW. Can't beat the classics!
Aug 25, 2018 at 7:39 PM Post #514 of 846
Thought I would post again so Jude doesn't revoke my membership. Can you believe that it's been 17+ years since this community was started, and look what it's grown into. I remember when HeadRoom was about the only place that one could get a variety of different headphone amps and now they are everywhere. This forum has been so instrumental in the growth of the hobby, I am humbled that I was a small part of it.
Aug 25, 2018 at 11:16 PM Post #516 of 846
I miss u @JMT ! Are you still building amps? I remember owning the PPA made by you.
Aug 26, 2018 at 1:03 AM Post #517 of 846
Thought I would post again so Jude doesn't revoke my membership. Can you believe that it's been 17+ years since this community was started, and look what it's grown into. I remember when HeadRoom was about the only place that one could get a variety of different headphone amps and now they are everywhere. This forum has been so instrumental in the growth of the hobby, I am humbled that I was a small part of it.
I joined back in 2003 JMT built one of my 1st amps..actually my first two amps...How are you sir??
Aug 26, 2018 at 1:24 AM Post #519 of 846
Sep 20, 2018 at 9:30 AM Post #521 of 846
Hey Skylab,

Your series of portable amp reviews was the driving force behind my getting carried away with headphones, when I joined in 2007. I really appreciate all the hard work you put into those reviews, especially since I always found them to be trustworthy, including your review of the Oppo HA-1 that you did for InnerFidelity, if I remember correctly.

Speaking of "old farts" who made great contributions, I was sad to hear that Tyll Hertsens has retired. His good-bye post is an interesting read:

Like you, I've been into speakers mostly, a near-field monitor setup, where the room treatments aren't necessary. The imaging is wonderful compared to headphones of course. I've still got three complete desktop rigs (den, office, living room) that I use from time to time and portable gear, used infrequently.

Here's the most recent thread I started:

Sep 21, 2018 at 8:39 AM Post #522 of 846
Wow. What a perfectly lovely waste of an hour. Nice to see all you old timers...even though you're still a bunch of n00bs to me. Been at this so long I've completely forgotten what we're talking about. Retired because I thought I was loosing some hearing in my right ear. Went to the Doc and they found an Ety tip in there from 1998.

(Hardly nobody will get the joke, but the original Etys had a problem with the tips being too loose. Ah well. Hey look, a chicken.......)
Sep 21, 2018 at 8:52 AM Post #523 of 846
Wow. What a perfectly lovely waste of an hour. Nice to see all you old timers...even though you're still a bunch of n00bs to me. Been at this so long I've completely forgotten what we're talking about. Retired because I thought I was loosing some hearing in my right ear. Went to the Doc and they found an Ety tip in there from 1998.

(Hardly nobody will get the joke, but the original Etys had a problem with the tips being too loose. Ah well. Hey look, a chicken.......)
Great to see your avatar showing up on Head-Fi again. Your wall of fame steered a number of my purchases, so I'm not sure whether to thank you or chastise you! Hope life on the road is treating you well!
Sep 21, 2018 at 9:57 AM Post #525 of 846

How have your travel been? Must be some nice adventure to share.

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