Any anime series that you've been enjoying?
Feb 15, 2007 at 9:25 AM Post #1,262 of 6,444
Wish they would make more Ippo. What an amazing show.

No, I mean, What you're renting Fighting Spirit from Netflix?? What is wrong with you??
Feb 15, 2007 at 10:27 AM Post #1,263 of 6,444

Originally Posted by ooheadsoo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Wish they would make more Ippo. What an amazing show.

No, I mean, What you're renting Fighting Spirit from Netflix?? What is wrong with you??

Feb 20, 2007 at 12:13 PM Post #1,265 of 6,444

Originally Posted by PiccoloNamek /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Feb 20, 2007 at 1:39 PM Post #1,266 of 6,444

Originally Posted by Joshatdot /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Mar 16, 2007 at 6:53 AM Post #1,267 of 6,444
I guess no-one's watching anime anymore?

I saw Blue Gender recently, and was interested to note it's from the same guy who did Gasaraki. He also did Armored Troopers VOTOMS, which I haven't seen.

Like Gasaraki, the visual style of Blue Gender could be described as "harsh". Deliberately unpretty, dark, drab colours. The hero guy looked kind of weird, but I got used to it. The opening music was awful, but in-episode music was pretty good, when I noticed it - dark low-key techno or somber orchestral, which suited the mood.

The action was okay, but felt a bit removed. The alien "core" that you had to shoot to kill the bugs seemed silly after a while. I was amused to see someone complaining that the series cheaped-out by having the mecha run on wheels in their feet - I think it's actually a sensible idea for moving on level surfaces, using less energy and causing less wear-and-tear.

The back-story was interesting, with the hero woken up into a horrific post-apocalyptic world occupied by giant bugs, but I had some problems with the script, which was sometimes cliched or contrived. In a way the story seemed overextended at 26 episode. They kind of spun it out without adding anything much to the story. The end was the usual mystical hoohah.

I admit I'm a bit torn, because I like to see anime that does something a bit different. But while I found the show interesting in parts, I think the not-good bits ultimately outweigh the good bits. If you had to choose one, I'd say Gasaraki would be the more satisfying viewing experience.

I also watched most of Kurogane Communication recently.
The concept is great - a girl in a post-apocalytic world whose only friends are the robots who woke her from cryostasis. Unfortunately, it was bungled by a mediocre director and producer.

The show has a cheap "TV" look, but, more than that, the backgrounds and character designs are really mediocre and unappealing, and the directing is crude and uninteresting. The script is okay-ish, nothing special, the usual cliches, but could have been lifted up if someone like Akitaro Daichi (Fruits Basket, Jubei Chan) had directed.

Lately I'm wondering if I'm getting too old or cynical for anime! I rewatched Rahxephon recently and found it not as good as I remembered. Oh well, there are other shows I still like. :shifty:
Mar 16, 2007 at 8:22 AM Post #1,268 of 6,444
Damn. I still need to finish FMA! I'm on episode about... 36 I think, but as I prefer to watch them on DVD, its kinda hard to get them. I think I need to watch Volume 11, 12 and 13. The only DVD rental store that stocks anime is in Christchurch CBD so I don't end up getting there much... Great store though!

Oh and I HAVE to recommend the colour version of Metropolis. I was a bit worried when I sat down to watch it, as it didn't get very good reviews. But I LOVED it! The music was especially awesome, and at the end when it played "I can't stop loving you" it almost made me cry
. Really really great movie!
Mar 16, 2007 at 3:05 PM Post #1,269 of 6,444

Originally Posted by eyeresist /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Lately I'm wondering if I'm getting too old or cynical for anime! I rewatched Rahxephon recently and found it not as good as I remembered. Oh well, there are other shows I still like. :shifty:

I watched Rahxephon for the first time recently and found it quite interesting. I found the web of external and internal references in the show intriguing, but had a hard time following some because I watched a third of the series on the bus
. I spent a good 5 hours reading up on the various cultures and ideas after the show, which I consider a successful outcome for that type of presentation. That sort of interest doesn't hold up as well to successive viewings though. (a reason why I would never buy Lost on DVD, for example)

I also watched Sentou Yousei Yukikaze, which was not exceptional, but a nice distraction. Sci-fi Top Gun kinda. I felt myself thinking "damn flyboys" a couple times.

Oh, and I finally watched GITS: Innocence, which was ok, but far too drawn out in spots. SAC is certainly a better realization of the universe.
Mar 16, 2007 at 9:08 PM Post #1,270 of 6,444

Originally Posted by eyeresist /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I saw Blue Gender recently, and was interested to note it's from the same guy who did Gasaraki. He also did Armored Troopers VOTOMS, which I haven't seen.

Same guy as Gasaraki? Has my interest then.
Mar 16, 2007 at 10:04 PM Post #1,271 of 6,444
I took a chance on a relatively new series that has been getting high praises from a friend of mine called "Speed Grapher" It follows the story of what I think is a freelance photographer and a schoolgirl. While tailing a subject, he discovers a secret club where any desire you have can be granted, for a price. He stumbles onto a secret ceremony, screws things up, and manages to get a power where everything he takes a picture of is completely annihilated. It looks like it is developing a good story, very graphic violence, and lots of sexually suggestive scenes (but no nudity). Good stuff. If you liked Gantz, you should love this.

I also checked out "This Ugly yet Beautiful World". I figured "hey, it's by Gainax, so it must be good". I don't think I could have been more wrong. Predictable story, generic characters, sub par animation, and pretty much everything else about it makes this a very weak series, especially coming from Gainax.

I also just ordered the FLCL ultimate boxset (only $45 from, before $10 off with Google checkout). One of the best deals out there for a fantastic OVA.

Thanks for Fitz's avatar, I have started watching Lain again. What can I say good about this series that hasn't been said before? That voice at the beginning of every episode still gets to me.

Does anybody know when GITS: Solid State Society is coming out in America. I am really looking forward to that one.
Mar 19, 2007 at 7:04 AM Post #1,272 of 6,444
I finished up watching Kanon 06 the other day and I have to say, I was good up until the last episode. The last episode was the ultimate in cheese, it was almost as if the writers or whoever wanted to see exactly how much cheese they could put into one episode. Well, aside from that I thought it was enjoyable, I liked the original Kanon series and when I rewatched it while waiting for new episodes of the 06 version I realized how horrid the animation was back then but the storyline went much quicker with those and I think I actually like that more.

I'd give it a 7/10 because it's average, not really great or anything but enjoyable if you like the style of anime that it is.


Originally Posted by PiccoloNamek /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Oh ****, Unicron, the ultimate badass. I can't wait for the new movie to come out.


Originally Posted by fraseyboy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Oh and I HAVE to recommend the colour version of Metropolis. I was a bit worried when I sat down to watch it, as it didn't get very good reviews. But I LOVED it! The music was especially awesome, and at the end when it played "I can't stop loving you" it almost made me cry
. Really really great movie!

I too, loved Metropolis. The animation style is that really old style and a lot of people get turned off by that, but if you don't mind the animation it's a very sweet story of the bond that forms between the main character boy and robot girl. It was really awesome in fact...that I have it on VHS.
Mar 19, 2007 at 7:41 AM Post #1,273 of 6,444
I have to say Kanon is pretty cheezy, but what do you expect from a more romantic spin on harem animes...

I've just been watching through The Melancholoy of Haruhi Suzumiya, really enjoyed the series, it's great and highly recommended!

I really wish they do decide to make a second series!
Mar 19, 2007 at 9:05 AM Post #1,275 of 6,444

Originally Posted by D-EJ915 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I finished up watching Kanon 06 the other day and I have to say, I was good up until the last episode. The last episode was the ultimate in cheese, it was almost as if the writers or whoever wanted to see exactly how much cheese they could put into one episode. Well, aside from that I thought it was enjoyable, I liked the original Kanon series and when I rewatched it while waiting for new episodes of the 06 version I realized how horrid the animation was back then but the storyline went much quicker with those and I think I actually like that more.

I've never been too fond of the way KyoAni did their emotional climaxes. Their ending for Air missed the point of the story entirely.

I guess word for the wise is learn Japanese and read the visual novels instead. They won't fail you. That said, I'll still be cueing up to see their take on Clannad, because I'm like that...

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