Any anime series that you've been enjoying?
Dec 17, 2008 at 5:40 AM Post #2,041 of 6,444
If you like like-hearted gag comedy anime, you could try Keroro Gunso/Sgt. Frog. It may come across as being childish but the gags are really funny and the protagonists are atypical (imho) which makes it interesting. (Maybe I like it just because the Keroro likes to build gundam models, which I also like to do
Dec 17, 2008 at 6:26 PM Post #2,042 of 6,444

Originally Posted by Anarchy965 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Welcome to the NHK is one of my all time favorites. I seem to be in the minority here, but from what I saw (first 3 or 4 eps) Gurren Lagann really didn't seem all that great.

Good to know. I've heared a couple of good things about it which led to me snagging that series.

Wow, it looks like there's several conflicting opinions about Gurren Lagann. I wasn't even looking at it when it came out until I realized it was Gainax and I've been on something of a Gainax marathon over the last couple of years so I knew I was gonna have to at least try it out. I figure I'm probably gonna enjoy it seeing as I do rather enjoy Mecha anime, but, we'll see when we get there...


Originally Posted by Crikey /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If you like like-hearted gag comedy anime, you could try Keroro Gunso/Sgt. Frog.

I actually want to check that out, if only for the sheer number of references made to it in Lucky Star.
Dec 17, 2008 at 11:32 PM Post #2,043 of 6,444
If you're split about it, Gurren Lagann is worth a watch. Don't be deterred by everyone saying it's not the best. There have definitely been way worse animes that I have sat through to the end that were nowhere near as enjoyable as GL. And when it comes down to it, that should really be the final word. Enjoyability and content don't always match up. So what if you sit through something that doesn't land a place in your top 10? If you at least enjoyed it, you get to walk away with at least that experience :]

If you embark on Keroro Gunso and you end up liking it, you're in luck! I think there are 120-125 episodes and like 3 or 4 movies
I watched the first episode and thought it was pretty funny. It's one of those animes that a lot of shows make references to. Sort of reminds me of Guu/deluxe-- that kind of "what the? how'd that happen" kind of anime.

On a last note, I just finished Higurashi no Naku Koro ni and found it to be pretty good. Just started the second season, Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai last night. I really can't say anything about this without including spoilers so I wont divulge too much. It's a mystery/suspense anime done pretty well. As a cautionary warning, it might be too much to stomach for some people. There are some/a lot of literally sadistic scenes including children. It ended sort of awkwardly, but it's probably just a segway into the second season. Check it out if you're into suspense/mystery
Dec 18, 2008 at 12:49 AM Post #2,045 of 6,444
Didn't care for Gurren Lagaan. Too many characters that stole screen time from the main trio. I also couldn't get over the message of humanities' self-importance.

Watch One Outs. I thought I wouldn't like it since it's about baseball. But the ancillary plot is truly interesting and will keep you guessing.
Dec 18, 2008 at 1:44 AM Post #2,047 of 6,444
I agree with Toradora and One Outs wholeheartedly for this season.

Higurashi (haven't finished kai though) and Welcome to the NHK are great.

Currently watching Clannad season 1 and then moving on to Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Higurashi [...] Kai, Clannad After Story and Keroro Gunso/Sgt. Frog it seems.
Dec 18, 2008 at 2:41 AM Post #2,048 of 6,444

Originally Posted by solessthanthree /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If you're split about it, Gurren Lagann is worth a watch. Don't be deterred by everyone saying it's not the best.

Not to worry about that. If I let popular opinion dictate my anime watching, I'd be on Bleach and Naruto like many other people (I don't like either). Gurren Lagann has been in my rotation since around August but I haven't had the chance to turn it on yet.


Originally Posted by Khanate /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Currently watching Clannad season 1 and then moving on to Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Higurashi [...] Kai, Clannad After Story and Keroro Gunso/Sgt. Frog it seems.

Clannad Season 1 was great stuff. I'm still waiting for After Story to end so I can actually start on it.
Dec 18, 2008 at 2:48 AM Post #2,049 of 6,444

Originally Posted by appophylite /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Good to know. I've heared a couple of good things about it which led to me snagging that series.

Wow, it looks like there's several conflicting opinions about Gurren Lagann. I wasn't even looking at it when it came out until I realized it was Gainax and I've been on something of a Gainax marathon over the last couple of years so I knew I was gonna have to at least try it out. I figure I'm probably gonna enjoy it seeing as I do rather enjoy Mecha anime, but, we'll see when we get there...

I actually want to check that out, if only for the sheer number of references made to it in Lucky Star.

Hm, thats funny. Never expect another comedy anime to parody/refer to a comedy anime
. Keroro Gunsou on its own also references to alot of anime, like gundam, Ranma (I think), Eva (maybe) etc.

I'd also say give Gurren Lagann a try. To me it was one of the anime that I thoroughly enjoyed watching. To me it wasn't like your typical shounen mecha anime in some respects (but it's also very much is in others).
Dec 19, 2008 at 3:18 AM Post #2,050 of 6,444

Clannad Season 1 was great stuff. I'm still waiting for After Story to end so I can actually start on it.

well then you will have to wait a lil longer... looks like we got a 2-kuru series here. better and more engaging than the prequel at that, IMO.


I actually want to check that out, if only for the sheer number of references made to it in Lucky Star.

since Kadokawa Shoten has copyright to both series, they have no problem mentioning keroro freely without using beeps and bleeps like they did with gundam parodies
I am on the same boat as you, got overwhelmed early in the show and never dared to go back (too many damn episodes). same goes for Gintama, unfortunately

Just got started on Tentai Senshi Sunred, anyone else seen it? Too early to tell with just one eps, but looks fun, a la gyagu manga biryori.
Dec 20, 2008 at 1:02 AM Post #2,052 of 6,444

Originally Posted by MikoLayer /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Clannad Season 1 was great stuff. I'm still waiting for After Story to end so I can actually start on it.

well then you will have to wait a lil longer... looks like we got a 2-kuru series here. better and more engaging than the prequel at that, IMO.

I was afraid you'd say that, and potentially pull me out of waiting. Sigh...looks like I'm just gonna have to get started on it when I get back...
Dec 20, 2008 at 10:35 AM Post #2,053 of 6,444
Just finished the latest episode of Toradora(12). Kind of a disappointing ep. It felt like not much happened. It's still one of the best series this season though.

Also, does anyone know where I can download the Mezzo Forte. (The OVA of Mezzo) I can't seem to find it online anywhere.
Dec 20, 2008 at 11:00 AM Post #2,054 of 6,444
Gundam 00 going strong..Naruto? (but manga way better)
Dec 20, 2008 at 11:02 AM Post #2,055 of 6,444

Originally Posted by D-EJ915 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I finished Mnemosyne this weekend and it started off like a generic sci-fi drama series then morphed into some sort of whacky semi-religious experience lol. Anyway if seeing a lot of naked people and grotesque violence and sadism doesn't bother you it's quite a good 12-episode series.

Mnemosyne is like every cheesy 80s action/sci-fi flick cliche rolled into one show. It's pretty much awesome.

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