Any albums where you love EVERY song
Mar 10, 2015 at 1:01 AM Post #346 of 389
Listening to front to back is a lost way of hearing music these days. Pink Floyd albums comes to mind. Another that stands out front to back is Alt-J's An Awesome Wave

I wouldn't say that, my preferred way of listening to music is album by album, all the way through. There's something strangely satisfying about finishing albums like that.

Anyways, off the top of my head:
Deltron 3030 - deltron 3030
Jungle - jungle
High contrast - the agony & the ecstacy
The doors - waiting for the sun
Supertramp - breakfast in america
Gorillaz - plastic beach
The Beatles - revolver
The police - ghost in the machine
Pink Floyd - wish you were here
Camo & krooked - zeitgeist
Mac demarco - salad days

Lots of variation there, really enjoy them all though.
Mar 12, 2015 at 11:05 PM Post #347 of 389
I almost always listen to single tracks and jump all over the place, but here's some that I can actually sit through and love every track. 
Massive Attack - Blue Lines
Gorillaz - Gorillaz
Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon
Leftfield - Leftism
Burial - Untrue
Kraftwerk - Trans Europa Express
Rage Against the Machine - Rage Against the Machine
John Coltrane - A Love Supreme
Mar 13, 2015 at 7:05 PM Post #348 of 389
I almost always listen to single tracks and jump all over the place, but here's some that I can actually sit through and love every track. 

Massive Attack - Blue Lines
Gorillaz - Gorillaz
Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon
Leftfield - Leftism
Burial - Untrue
Kraftwerk - Trans Europa Express
Rage Against the Machine - Rage Against the Machine
John Coltrane - A Love Supreme

"A Love Supreme"
excellent choice!
Mar 23, 2015 at 12:43 AM Post #349 of 389
I love every track and listen all the way through:
Van Halen - Van Halen
La Futura - ZZ Top
One X - Three Days Grace
Led Zeppelin IV (Who doesn't?)
Hotel California - Eagles
Meteora - Linkin Park
American IV - Johnny Cash
Collective Soul - Collective Soul
Comatose - Skillet
Weathered - Creed (I know, 
Houses of the Holy - Led Zeppelin (Almost forgot this one, quite overshadowed by IV)
That's assuming compilations don't count 
Mar 23, 2015 at 8:35 AM Post #350 of 389
In most albums I find at least 1-2 tracks that I always skip...
One album I can listen to from beginning to end is Flight Facilities - Down to Earth. There are a few tracks I wouldn't listen to on their own, but the album itself is very complete and enjoyable.
The only one that is just perfect for me is Depeche Mode - Violator. Never skip songs on that.
I'll ask it here as well, because I'm really curious: I don't really see DM mentioned on this forum, is there a particular audiophile reason for that? Or just that ppl generally don't like them around here?
Mar 31, 2015 at 3:41 PM Post #352 of 389
  Agree on Zep IV but also Physical Graffiti. I'll throw in there, Abraxas, Rumours, Breakfast In America, Thriller, Morning Phase, Legend (Bob Marley),  Deadwing, HAND CANNOT ERASE, just to name a few off the top.

Gotta agree with all the ones I've listened to on there. Physical Graffiti is incredible, Breakfast in America is just full of genius, and while I haven't listened to Deadwing all the way through, I know many of the songs on it and all are great. I may pop in my Rumours vinyl now.
Mar 31, 2015 at 5:40 PM Post #353 of 389
There are very few

Judas Priest - Sad Wings of Destiny
Rush - 2112
ELP - Brain Salad Surgery
Death - The sound of perseverance

I agree with Rush 2112, can't say the same about the others, because I don't listen to that kind of rock, but I will probably get myself a copy of that ELP album, I'm starting to get into that band, to contribute, yes there are very few, but I'd say Paranoid by Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin II.
Apr 3, 2015 at 11:49 PM Post #354 of 389
stadium arcadium.
i like to think this was john frusciante's last go at doing music that other people can understand.
more of a 'here you go - i should be amazed if this doesn't win awards but it wouldn't surprise me'
as a disclaimer, i know that what i'm going to try and communicate doesn't make sense.
with that said:
there is a difference in being fantastic at your instrument (including being a fantastic singer) and being a fantastic musician.
there are many who are the former but only a few that are also the latter, frusciante falls into the second category.
he knows what is good.
he knows critics will think is good.
he knows what the masses will think is good (catchy).
these are not always consistent.
anyhow 2 examples:
the number of guitars coming in and out at various balances in song stadium arcadium is something most people will never even hear, much less notice and appreciate. and this is the rule with frusciante, he does things most people will never hear, much less appreciate.
(i don't know if 'balances' is the term, i mean the left and right headphone at various 'distances')
the wet sand. the touch. the impact on the strums. the short cuts (the 'mutes'). the wild range of timbres. the effects. the dymanics. and... the solo....
imagine this: an extremely talented person is singing their heart out, they may be *slightly* flat or *slightly* sharp due to the passion.
I say extremely talented because this "missing pitch perfect" sounds so god dern good it's stunning. on a different level from if it was just pitch perfect.
frusciante knows this, and at the climax of the solo, the guitar is slightly flat or sharp, like it's screaming, reaching for that note.
frusciante understands music at a level we cannot.
side note:
i can mention something about his most accessible solo album, the empyrean.
on the song central, about 4 minutes in, he plays with (i.e., experiments with) the frequencies (pitch). because the frequencies are ever so slightly different (you really wouldn't be able to hear the difference), it creates a pulsing effect. the pulsing effect is really a physical effect that you can feel.
(btw, when frequencies are off, a pulsing effect occurs because the wavelengths cross. for example A is usually tuned to 440, if you had a violin playing A440 and another playing A441, a pulsing effect would occur)
oddly enough, from what i recall, the effect was stronger on HD-280s than LCD3s.
either way, it's there.
Apr 4, 2015 at 2:19 AM Post #357 of 389
  stadium arcadium.
i like to think this was john frusciante's last go at doing music that other people can understand.
more of a 'here you go - i should be amazed if this doesn't win awards but it wouldn't surprise me'
as a disclaimer, i know that what i'm going to try and communicate doesn't make sense.
with that said:
there is a difference in being fantastic at your instrument (including being a fantastic singer) and being a fantastic musician.
there are many who are the former but only a few that are also the latter, frusciante falls into the second category.
he knows what is good.
he knows critics will think is good.
he knows what the masses will think is good (catchy).
these are not always consistent.
anyhow 2 examples:
the number of guitars coming in and out at various balances in song stadium arcadium is something most people will never even hear, much less notice and appreciate. and this is the rule with frusciante, he does things most people will never hear, much less appreciate.
(i don't know if 'balances' is the term, i mean the left and right headphone at various 'distances')
the wet sand. the touch. the impact on the strums. the short cuts (the 'mutes'). the wild range of timbres. the effects. the dymanics. and... the solo....
imagine this: an extremely talented person is singing their heart out, they may be *slightly* flat or *slightly* sharp due to the passion.
I say extremely talented because this "missing pitch perfect" sounds so god dern good it's stunning. on a different level from if it was just pitch perfect.
frusciante knows this, and at the climax of the solo, the guitar is slightly flat or sharp, like it's screaming, reaching for that note.
frusciante understands music at a level we cannot.

My only gripe with Stadium Arcadium (which I owned and play the over and over and over in the year of it's release) is it's mastered poorly. I didn't hear this of course when the CD came out because I didn't understand much of quality audio gear but now it's sort of a love/hate listening to that album. I want to feel the fun, the funk, the uniqueness of the album but now I hear all the distortions that's not meant to be there.. ignorance is bliss and I can say that I much enjoyed it back then than now.

Which other solo albums do you recommend? It seems Spotify has all of them to sample and of course to go and support the artist with a purchase.
Apr 6, 2015 at 9:50 AM Post #358 of 389
My only gripe with Stadium Arcadium (which I owned and play the over and over and over in the year of it's release) is it's mastered poorly. I didn't hear this of course when the CD came out because I didn't understand much of quality audio gear but now it's sort of a love/hate listening to that album. I want to feel the fun, the funk, the uniqueness of the album but now I hear all the distortions that's not meant to be there.. ignorance is bliss and I can say that I much enjoyed it back then than now.

Which other solo albums do you recommend? It seems Spotify has all of them to sample and of course to go and support the artist with a purchase.

Hi BaconSound,
I'll start by saying that I think my first post created an unintentional impression.
(leave it up to me to do that in my 3rd post here ...)
I did want to clear up that when i say 'the masses' i do not mean the people on head-fi, i'd actually consider the people here to be very different from the masses and (at least with music) much better.
I was listening to stadium arcadium while writing that post and I haven't listened to it in a while, i'm very passionate about music as it is, but when i listen to that album, its an emotional experience.
Why don't i listen to an album i regard so highly??? because the mastering is poor!
Lana del rey (the original, the remaster of the original, and her new ultraviolent all suffer from this...)
Perhaps someone can help me understand why this happened. I mean there are so many albums that, in the least, don't distort, so how did this happen?
I don't understand a lot of audio stuffs, my background is more someone who tried to become a musician.
I've lurked these forums for long minute before joining.
I will edit this later... work.
so anyways, nothing but the highest respect for the head-fi community, i hope i can become a productive member.
to answer the question about frusciante's solo albums, my first response is that there are a lot (and they are on youtube, some are official uploads)
i have not listened to any of them a lot except empyrean, but i just got enclosure.
i'd group albums like Niandra Lades / Smile from the Streets as 'notebooks', you can hear a lot of good ideas in these albums but they don't seem like finished statements.
Water for Ten Days / Inside of Emptiness is john trying to sing.
Empyrean is good, his singing is better (instead of trying to sing, it's actually singing).
PBX/Encolsure is exploring/experimenting with sound through a less bounded instrument (electronica).
I personally like PBX/Enclosure, I mean it's at a point where it's exploratory.
That's kinda what I meant by 'stopped doing music the masses can understand' (yes, I didn't state this exactly this way in the first post).
Kinda like how you can hear the progression in classical music or jazz, it just gets harder and harder to understand without the background info.
e.g., from classical to romantic to 20th century to modern
e.g., from blues to big band to trad to bebop to free
[last edit (sorry)]
listening to enclosure now, the mastering is fantastic (i think... there are some minimal pops, i cannot tell if intentional).
frusciante on his 2015 album trickfinger (i don't have this yet)
from wiki:
Frusciante on the album: "I started being serious about following my dream to make electronic music, and to be my own engineer, five years ago"
i mean, artistry is being an experimenter, an explorer, getting bored with the same thing.
i think frusciante is a real artist, a real bohemian.
[really last edit]
sounds very good but distortion does seem unintentional :frowning2:
Apr 6, 2015 at 11:38 AM Post #359 of 389
My choices in random order :-
Nick Drake - Pink Moon 
Pearl Jam - Ten (Redux) 
Alter Bridge - ABIII
Archive - Londinium
Fink - Hard Believer
Indukti - Idmen
Indukti - S.U.S.A.R.
Messenger - Illusory Blues
Kings Of Leon - Youth & Young Manhood
Pg. Lost - Key
Screaming Trees - Dust
Soen - Tellurian
Trivium - Shogun
Wolfmother - Wolfmother
Riverside - Anno Domini
Your Army - Sicker Than Us
Silverchair - Frogstomp
Ghost Brigade - Until Fear No Longer Defines US
Marmozets - The Weird & Wonderful
The Dandy Warhols - Thirteen Tales From Urban Suburbia

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