Annoying internet connection
Apr 19, 2010 at 9:02 PM Post #16 of 20

Originally Posted by ForgottenxxRebel /img/forum/go_quote.gif
fixed it.

but really, vista is turd. i'm not even trying 7 or whatever microsoft comes out with next. i'm going mac next time around, hopefully soon.

You say that, and I used to too... But Win7 is freaking amazing. I know the Mac OS and interface were way ahead of Windows, but 7 narrowed that gap (for me, anyway) to millimeters. I whole-heartedly recommend Win7 to anyone who wants to use a PC instead of Mac.
Apr 19, 2010 at 9:55 PM Post #18 of 20
I wouldn't call 7 amazing, I'd call it less annoying than vista. I'm not sure it's better than XP.

But I'm a linux guy, really.
Apr 20, 2010 at 12:12 AM Post #19 of 20

Originally Posted by krmathis /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Perhaps because it is computer and not audio(phile) related.

I see what you did there
Apr 20, 2010 at 12:38 AM Post #20 of 20

Originally Posted by beamthegreat /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Get a Mac

I'm sitting here reading the FAQ, shaking my head. But I suppose I'm biased since I play games.

I love Windows 7. It's actually a joy to use, which is something I've never said about an OS since my brief affair with Ubuntu. The new taskbar can get annoying at times (I need to find a way to reduce the thumbnail delays). The transparency effects are great and very useful, the ability to pin windows to half of the desktop side by side is great for file copying or when you're using an online guide to **** with the system. So far everything has been rock-solid. I don't freeze unless it's the application causing problems, and my only system crashes are due to problems in heavily modified games. The interface is very snappy.

But, don't blame it on the OS immediately just because it's Vista. I didn't have any major problems with Vista until my laptop's hard drive crashed, which probably has nothing to do with it. Though it didn't do anything better than XP and I didn't go back.

What's the problem exactly? I just plug my ethernet in and off I go. Did you install all of your motherboard's drivers properly?

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