.....and, I'm up for air!
Dec 10, 2018 at 11:14 PM Post #91 of 301
After seeing your retirement & Putt unveiling videos it's great to see things are going well, & you are having fun.

With the YouTube channel you mentioned, if you will be monetizing it (& even possibly if you aren't) & using your drone footage, you will need to get FAA Part 107 certified for commercial drone pilot. If you do not, it leaves you open to some potentially large fines. For the bit of study time, & the $150 or so it takes to write the test, I think it is one of those situations where it is better to be safe than sorry.

Also, learning how to read flight charts so you know where you can & can't fly could potentially save your wallet as well.

Something to think about as you are working things out. I look forward to more updates on your further wanderings.
Dec 11, 2018 at 8:53 AM Post #93 of 301
Well, I'm probably not having quite as much fun as @Tyll Hertsens, but I'm still finding a way to enjoy my morning before work. LOL
A Little Howard Shore, Lord of the Rings soundtrack time.

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Dec 11, 2018 at 12:26 PM Post #94 of 301
Hey Tyll, i was thinking of buying a Cargo Van (i think mercedes? its used so its very cheap) and converting it to a camp van for camping (not prolonged living, something like max 1 week camping).
I've seen your other youtube videos on how you built putt and found it very informative.
now that you've had lots of experience with putt, whats something you still wish you added when you were building putt.

PS: i was thinking of making the entire roof solar panel, like corner to corner 100% coverage. do you think that would give enough power to power lots of devices eg: mini fridge, laptops, electric fire(some places dont allow real fires) and other electronic devices?
Dec 11, 2018 at 5:17 PM Post #95 of 301

Saw Jude and Warren at RMAF, and they tell me people often ask, "How's Tyll doing?" Hell, they don't know either. I've gone black in the world of headphones. Well...one or two guys know a bit about what I been doing.

When I dropped off the radar May 11th, I was living in Putt (my step van) in my driveway, remodeling my house for sale. It took 'til Oct. 3rd to get the money in my pocket; change my tires and brakes ($4200!); and roll out of town to make it to RMAF. O.M.G. I went from full court pressure to I'M ****ING FREE in one ecstatic swoop.



Well...all sorts of stuff has happened in the last 7 weeks after RMAF.

Imma work on that for the next few hours. Feel free to stick around and comment as I work on the posts.

(This should be entertaining.)

Tyll, So-o-o-o-o-o good to see you surface again!!! You've left a huge void in the the world of headphones. If an NDA does not prevent you from doing so, please rejoin the fray!



* One of your early acolytes, carrying around a Supreme, DCP-150, HD580s, two D-Cell battery packs and 10 CDs when people looked at you and thought, "What is that?!"
Dec 12, 2018 at 8:01 AM Post #96 of 301
Turns out I think I'll be producing a YouTube channel; prolly start it in August of next year. So, I bought a bunch of cameras and recording gear and started practicing. I got in touch with my Inner Drone at Ricks.

That's great, Tyll! Looking forward to learning of your exploits.
Dec 12, 2018 at 11:59 AM Post #97 of 301
You drop that new engine in yet? Very curious to see and hear about that.

Just dropped by to see Larry yesterday. He's got an engine on the way and will be rebuilding it in January. I'll be showing up sometime in February for the engine swap. Will be swapping my VT365 and Alison 1000 automatic transmission for a Cummins 5.9 12Valve and ALison 542 mechanical automatic transmission---both fully mechanical and computer-less.

Tyll, nothing says you can't travel the US and review headphones.

I says.

I learned to always cover HD600 driver with plastic disc and tape when repairing the spring connector

Good idea. *Sproing!* "Damit."

Thanks for keeping us caught up on your new adventures Tyll. If you get to Michigan, be sure to let the locals know. :)

Mostly going to stick to the mountain and desert West, but ya never know. Nice to hear from you, Tom.

Welcome back Tyll:)
Now do tell us what portable music player and headphones you are using on when the road.

I've got my AK240 and Focal Clear. It's definitely cool to treat people to some good demo tracks; it regularly "wows" people. It's still sadly true that most people have never heard anything close to really good audio reproduction.

Where are those hot springs at ? I would love to be there!

Also, I didn’t think anyone could quit listening :D

Here. Now that I'm not having to listen for work, I'm listening for pleasure much more often. Thank goodness.

Tyll, why is your windshield cracked on the right hand side?

Because I haven't fixed it yet.

Nice pics, lovely scenery. Looks much more fun than reviewing headphones.


This is great. I'm in complete envy (not planned, I swear) of the freedom you have. Parts of me longs for a life like this, another part is such a damn introverted homebody that can't be untethered, though I don't really have an anchor.

It's not for everyone. I dig it though.

Come on Tyll what do you think of the Meze audio Empyrean headphones? I need your blessing

No, you don't.

I love road trips and am really enjoying this thread... nice to see someone enjoying the outdoors. Sorry to hear about your engine issues (on pg. 2). I work for Navistar and want to apologize.

I think they got their fair share of grief for the VT365/Powerstroke6 from the ambulance makers. No apologies needed; I planned to replace the engine for quite a while now.

With the YouTube channel you mentioned, if you will be monetizing it (& even possibly if you aren't) & using your drone footage, you will need to get FAA Part 107 certified for commercial drone pilot.

Thanks for the info, I'm semi-aware of the issue. I'll look into it more; it would probably be fun to test through it.

now that you've had lots of experience with putt, whats something you still wish you added when you were building putt.

PS: i was thinking of making the entire roof solar panel, like corner to corner 100% coverage. do you think that would give enough power to power lots of devices eg: mini fridge, laptops, electric fire(some places dont allow real fires) and other electronic devices?

I'm pretty satisfied with it so far; I will be adding quite a few things over the next year or two. Just finished the electrical and water filtration system---which I'll go into detail with next---but eventually I want to install some sort of shower, probably outside. Going 4-7 days between showers is probably the biggest discomfort at the moment. Installing a water pump so I don't have to hand pump my faucet might be nice, but it's not really bothered me so far.

Yeah, it's a good idea to fill the roof with solar panels, for a couple of reasons. If you make a rack that puts the panels about 8" above the roof, then you can put your vents under the panels. They won't open all the way, but you really don't need that---a Fantastic Fan will move a LOT of air open half way. It will also shade the roof so that you don't get as much solar heat gain in your vehicle. It's sort of like having your own shade structure.
Dec 12, 2018 at 1:19 PM Post #100 of 301
Dec 12, 2018 at 1:46 PM Post #102 of 301
Dec 12, 2018 at 1:56 PM Post #103 of 301
I think Tyll's life and decision is a great example. You can enjoy things like headphones and great audio in life, but when you get older you reevaluate things. Who knows how much is left when you grow a big white beard? Less than you had so far, that's for sure. Leaving these temporary physical enjoyments behind is going to happen to all of us. Enjoy as much as you can. But never forget, these all go one day. Therefore it is very good to explore what is left in this existence beyond enjoyments. What's there when nothing is left? I think Tyll is on the right track. Great man, great contribution to our audio world. And a great reminder that audio quality is not the most important thing that can appear in our mind, even though sometimes it is hard to believe it isn't. :)

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